You Gotta Read This From A Former Crewmember Of The Bounty Written Just Days After The HMS Bounty Went Down

Falling Overboard

November 2, 2012 | by Robin Beth Schaer

Illustration by Madzia Bryll, a fellow member of the crew.

At first, I couldn’t sleep on the ship. At night, bunked beneath the waterline, I put my hand against the wooden hull and imagined dark water on the other side pressing back. I lay awake holding my breath, picturing the route I would swim through a maze of cabins and hatches if the ship went down. In port, Bounty had looked tremendous: one hundred and eighty feet long, three masts stretching a hundred feet into the sky, and a thousand square yards of canvas sails. But underway, with ocean spreading toward horizon in every direction, she was small, and inside her I was even smaller.

I had lost my job and my marriage when I saw Bounty for the first time. I wanted to stowaway, cast off, and leave the ruins of my life behind—and Bounty let me. Yet I left far more than grief on land; what mattered at home—education, achievements, appearance—was irrelevant at sea. It was unsettling to abandon all that I thought defined me. I sat in the galley with the other deckhands and wondered what they understood from my face. I was uncertain of what remained.

To leave the shore required surrender; I had to give myself over to the ship and the journey, wherever it led and whatever it revealed. I fell into the rhythms of standing watch and eating meals. Soon even the ship’s deep rolls and strange music of creaking timbers became familiar. I learned lines and sails, practiced emergency drills, and studied the compass and charts; I tarred, painted, spliced, caulked, and I finally slept. I slept deeply, trusting when I closed my eyes others were awake, on watch, keeping me safe, just as I had done for them. We were profoundly dependent on each other.

Read the whole entry here

Way Up High- Setting The Hub And More Gloucester MA Varian’s Turbine Erection From Steve Spencer! Exclusive To GMG

Steve Spencer Has Been Sending These Photos Of Every Phase of The Construction Of Varian’s Turbine


Open turbine view of Gloucester-


Face of the hub to the ground-


Gloucester Sports 11/3/12

If you have photos from a Gloucester Sporting Event Submit them with the name to credit and we will post them in our Gloucester Sports Daily Post

Maryanne writes-

Hi Joey,
here’s a photo of some of our young skaters enjoying a Halloween Party on the ice!
Thanks for sharing
For more information regarding Cape Ann Skating please visit:


Halloween Party 2012

Please remember to vote on Tuesday, November 6, 2012

If you do not vote, the commercials will continue in your nightmares..  Here are the polling places for Gloucester:


1-1 East Gloucester Elementary School 8 Davis St Ext.

1-2 Veterans’ Memorial School 11 Webster St

2-1 Our Lady of Good Voyage Youth Center 140 Prospect St

2-2 McPherson Park Building 31 Prospect St

3-1 Veterans’ Center 12 Emerson Ave

3-2 First Baptist Church 38 Gloucester

4-1 Beeman Memorial School 138 Cherry St

4-2 Lanesville Community Center 8 Vulcan St

5-1 Magnolia Library Center 1 Lexington Ave

5-2 West Parish Elementary School 10 Concord St

Toby Keith and Dylan Estes at the BMI Country Music Awards in Nashville

They talked about music, songwriting, touring — and who knows what else.  What deal do you think they sealed with that handshake?  Maybe we’ll see Toby Keith on an upcoming Local Music Seen with Allen Estes show on Cape Ann TV next time he’s in New England.  Stay tuned  . . .


Nutshell ~ An Alice In Chains Tribute Band ~ Tonight’s show canceled @ MinglewoodAtLat

MinglewoodTavern AtLat

Latitude 43 and Minglewood tavern will be closed Saturday November 3rd at 5:00pm for a private function that requires the entire restaurant (huge function!) and re-opening Sunday afternoon at 11:30. Sorry for the inconvenience, ya’ll.

Saturday, the 3rd, 9:00 pm NUTSHELL ~ Canceled 


High School Talent Open Mic Fundraiser

High School Talent Open Mic Fundraiser

Have a special talent and want to share it for a good cause? The Opportunity Center at Pond View Village in Gloucester is looking for local high school acts of music, dance or comedy for its fundraiser on December 1st from 6 to 9 p.m.  Best act prize will be chosen by audience vote. If you’re interested in performing, contact Service Coordinator Stacy Randell at or student organizer Hannah Sumner at .  For more information, please call Stacy at 978-281-8181, ext. 141.  The Opportunity Center provides free enrichment and educational programs for children and adults.

Don’t miss Shakespeare in Gloucester!

The Cape Ann Shakespeare Troupe is presenting two adaptations of Shakespeare works at the Gorton Theater. I went to opening night on Thursday, and it was great!  One might think that Shakespeare would be intimidating, but the actors do a great job of making it accessible.  You also get to hear some lively Shakespearean insults when the characters take each other on (“Get lost, you dwarf, you tiny little weed, you scrap, you acorn!”)  Here are a few photos. (For more photos, click here.)  First in the show is ad adaptation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream:



Second is a version of King Lear:


More photos of the performances (and rehearsals) here.

Fr. Matthew Green


Community Photos 11/3/12

Al Bolcome Writes-

I took a picture of the waves during the storm and the man of the mountain was in it.
Al Bolcome



Jan Bell writes-

O’Mally 8th graders on Middle St Fri. Am
Happened upon these kids in front of the u u church on middle st. Hard at work doing public service with their teacher Mr. Smith. Thank you OMaley school.
Jan Bell


Pam Stratton submits-

Barred owl landed on line just as I was handing out candy to the kids in Rockport.


Community Stuff 11/3/12

Bowling For Chris Whipple

photo (1)

Free Diabetes Screening Addison Gilbert Hospital

298 Washington Street, Gloucester

Monday, November 5 1-3 p.m.

Women’s Health Conference Room

Appointments are not necessary Fasting is not required.

All are welcome

(Please use Washington Street entrance)

Free Flu Vaccinations offered by  the Cape Ann Emergency Planning Team and the

Cape Ann Boards of Health

The Cape Ann Emergency Planning Team and the Cape Ann Boards of Health would like to remind residents about the upcoming free flu  vaccination clinics.   It is not necessary to reside in the town/city to participate, all are welcome.  

The flu clinic is available to those six months of age and older. 

Those attending are asked to wear short sleeves and bring their health insurance card(s), but will not be refused a flu vaccine if they do not have their cards with them.

Dates & Locations:

November 4

6 p.m. – 8 p.m.

St. Ann’s Church, 70 Pleasant Street, Gloucester

November 6

7 a.m. – 8 p.m.

Magnolia Library, One Lexington Avenue, Magnolia

November 6

7 a.m. – 8 p.m.

Essex Senior Center, 17 Pickering Street, Essex

November 13

9 a.m. – 11 a.m.

Addison Gilbert Hospital, 298 Washington Street, Gloucester (Fisher Lobby)

December 8

10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Kyrous Auditorium, City Hall, Nine Dale Avenue, Gloucester

Aldro T. Hibbard, N.A. (1886 – 1972) Retrospective at Rockport Art Association

October 6 – November 11, 2012

Largest Hibbard exhibition ever, featuring 119 original works of the Rockport Art Association founder. Show will be accompanied by Month-Long Roster of Events and Educational Programs.

Rockport Art Association (RAA) announces that it will be holding a retrospective exhibition featuring over 100 works of its founder, Aldro T. Hibbard, N.A., one of Rockport’s most acclaimed plein air landscape painters and a pillar of “The Rockport School” of artists. The Hibbard retrospective contains 114 works, many of which have not previously been exhibited. The exhibition, which opens with a Preview Party on Friday evening, October 5th, 6:00-8:00 pm., will run through Sunday, November 11, 2012. In celebration of the retrospective, the RAA has also published a book on Hibbard’s life and work entitled, “A. T. Hibbard, N. A.: American Master” by Judith A. Curtis, a well-known Cape Ann art historian. Additionally, many lectures and gallery walks will be held throughout the exhibition’s duration.

Hibbard is considered by many to be the top American landscape painter. Recalling his old colleague, Rockport artist Tom Nicholas, N. A., explained, “He painted anatomically, structurally, you could sense the anatomy of the landscape. … He was a master of aerial perspective.”

Aldro T. Hibbard was born August 25, 1886 in Falmouth, MA, and died in Rockport, MA, in 1972, where he had resided since 1920. He was a founding member of Rockport Art Association (MA) as well as director of the Rockport Summer School of Drawing and Painting (1921-1928), later renamed The Hibbard School of Painting. He studied with Ernest L. Major and Joseph R. DeCamp at the Massachusetts Normal Art School (1906-1909), and with Edmund C. Tarbell, Frank W. Benson, and Philip L. Hale at Boston’s Museum School (1909-1913). In recognition of his talent, the School awarded Hibbard a Paige Traveling Scholarship (1913-1915) to study abroad. Upon his return, he taught charcoal drawing at Boston University and later settled in Rockport, where he was drawn to the art community and landscape. Hibbard was a member of many American art organizations, including the Rockport Art Association, the North Shore Arts Association, The Guild of Boston Artists, and the National Academy of Design, of which he was elected a full member in 1934. Hibbard influenced many Rockport artists including Emile GruppĂ©, Tom Nicholas, Paul Strisik and Roger Curtis.