Let the bidding begin!

Blinged out GMG buoy
The blinged out GMG buoy by Sista Felicia!

Not sure if you’re going to be able to make it to Art Haven’s buoy auction on the 27th? Or just so excited that you want to start bidding now? Here’s your chance!

Hopefully you saw this beautiful buoy hanging on the Lobster Trap Tree this holiday season and we’re giving you a chance now to bid on this and 7 other buoys painted by local artists, which you’ll see posted over the next 7 days.

If you didn’t know, all the buoys that adorned this year’s beautiful tree (featured in the NYTimes, in case you missed it…) will be auctioned off next Friday, the 27th at Cruiseport Gloucester as a fundraiser for Art Haven, including the ones featured here. But you can put your bids in now to get your name in the hat. So here’s the deets:

-If you like a buoy you see, bidding starts at $20, and you can just bid in the comments section below the post, HOWEVER

-Your bid doesn’t become official until you send Art Haven an email (arthaveninfo@gmail.com) saying you’re serious and letting us know how to get in contact with you.

-Finally, if you’re the highest bidder on the blog, that makes your bid the starting bid at the auction. We’ll be in touch about your max bid if you can’t make it to the auction.

If you’ve got any questions, leave ’em in the comments section. And in the meantime, check out all the artist buoys on Art Haven’s Facebook page and tell us if there are particular buoys you’d like to see go up here. And remember, your money is helping more kids on Cape Ann have access to crazy fun art activities 🙂  Happy bidding!

8 thoughts on “Let the bidding begin!

  1. Oops..went back to read the directions and realized I need to bid right here – so confirming opening bid of $20!



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