Lazy Daizy Restoration Project Update Courtesy Toby Pett

So I was busy grading lobsters with Frank on Saturday afternoon and I get a call from good buddy Toby (a regular contributor to GMG).  He tells me there is activity on The Lazy Daizy and I better get my ass over to the moonies for a GMG update.  There’s just no way for me to get away at that point so I ask him to swing by and take some pics for the blog.   Here is his work-

Yep, you guessed it folks she’s still the Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan of all wooden boat restoration projects.  Hopeless!
Toby tells me that this is the fifth time the boat has been moved in the parking lot.  I wonder if the rent is getting paid.  I also wonder if it has been paid, how much dough has been flushed down this rat hole.

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