Live Blogging: Scaling Up conservation conference at Peabody Essex Museum

Annie Harris Essex National Heritage opens Scaling Up conference



Artists Leslie Bartlett and Susan Quateman on the program–their exhibit at the NPS Salem visitor center through the end of November). Local attendees include Essex Shipbuilding Museum, Patti Amaral Clean  City and Gloucester Cape Ann Trail Stewards.

More to come!



About the conference

Hidden Fiesta: Greasy Pole selfie

Not walking the greasy pole? No problem. Free self guided walking tour on the HarborWalk from your phone includes interactive photo ops. Pose at various prompts and pictures are sent to your phone.



Group pose like this one where you and your friends can help carry the statue of St. Peter.

You can share your photos with


New Harborwalk in Beverly. Salem’s new Remond park honors abolitionists

Read more of Ariana McNeil’s report on Beverly‘s new harborwalk (may include public art), and Dustin Luca writes about Salem’s new Remond Park  (twenty years in the making). Both stories in the Salem News



6th grade Gloucester Day at O’Maley and community service

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I had a great time at O’Maley this week, presenting to 6th graders for “Gloucester Day”. For the past couple of years, I’ve spoken with classes about the HarborWalk because they study it at some point during the academic year. 6th graders are great and all (they were fantastic), but these O’Maley teachers make it seem effortless. Me? I bought cookies from Cafe Sicilia and Virgilios to hand out!  This year I ran into Tom Balf for Maritime Gloucester on the way in,  heard the teachers delight in seeing their former student, David Brooks for the Hive, back as a mentor, coach and leader. I caught some of Rick Doucette’s presentation because I heard the exclamations over YMCA summer camp and the 24 sleepless hours in a rocking chair fundraiser. Allison Cousins was heading into a class with Little Charlie Goes To Gloucester, a children’s picture book about poet Charles Olson by filmmaker Henri Ferrini and illustrated by Stefan Mallette. (It was also mentioned as it’s one of the links on the Olson marker for the HarborWalk and you can see it with other Cape Ann Reads published books.) This year, Gloucester day fell on National Teacher Appreciation Day. Every day could be National Teacher Appreciation Day.  Here’s the report from 6th grade social studies teacher, Jessica Haskell and her O’Maley colleagues:

On Tuesday, May 3rd, 6th grade students at O’Maley Innovation Middle School participated in “Gloucester Day” as part of an introduction to their end-of-the-year service projects.  Citizens who are active members of the Gloucester community volunteered their time and expertise to come in and teach students about organizations that work to make our community a better place.  Students were also introduced to ways in which they can personally get involved in these efforts through exploring and discovering their hometown, volunteering, participating in summer camps, and coming up with their own ideas.  Community mentors who attended were Catherine Ryan (HarborWalk), Rick Doucette (YMCA, Awesome Gloucester), Meghan Stratton (Backyard Growers), David Brooks (The HIVE), Tom Balf (Maritime Gloucester), Beth Klinefelter (The Open Door), and Allison Cousins (O’Maley Guidance).

Thanks for sending these photos and looking forward to hearing about the students’ projects!

Get better soon, Mr. Davis.



BREAKING NEWS: HarborWalk Summer Cinema 2016 and the titles are…



July 13 ::: Grease
July 20 ::: Finding Nemo
July 27 ::: Minions
August 3 ::: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
August 10 ::: Inside Out

“And up to 2 more screenings if we raise the dough!” – Rob Newton (love your new logo by the way!) Email Rob  with any sponsor questions.

Love that Gloucester’s out the gate and announcing their free summer movies. Mark your calendars! And no balloons noted–will pass that feedback along.

ghw summer cinema blank


HarborWalk Summer Cinema 2016: Free movie nights on the jumbo screen start July 13

ghw summer cinema blankSave the dates! Five free movie nights to begin on Wednesday July 13th. Movie titles coming soon.

Rob Newton, Cape Ann Community Cinema and Stage, is securing great movies for the 2016 line up. What do you think will be on his list? Here’s a look back at the first two series.



gHW summer cinema 2015



gHW summer cinema 2014


HarborWalk update few new signs replaced and repaired

Cat Ryan submits-

Hi Joey

News from the Gloucester HarborWalk. Over the last couple of days, you may have noticed that some of the permanent granite markers for the HarborWalk trail were shrouded. Replacement signs were required for some of the plaques. As with the original installation back in July 2012, new signs need a day or so to cure before they’re securely installed, hence the black plastic wrap. Sometime this morning they’ll all be unwrapped.

For the longest time there was really just one damaged sign, the map atop the Birdseye marker. It’s likely that one was yanked off, vandalized. The only one! I think that’s remarkable. Also, none of the signs were damaged by weather or general wear and tear. A couple had dramatic demises- backed into by a semi-truck, things like that. The rest suffered accidents similar to fences and curbs this past winter: snow removal required getting to places off the beaten track. A couple of signs we updated at the same time as the damaged ones. For instance the whale marker by Washington and Main had an illustration that was printed in reverse. We note changes over time. The raised symbols that people can trace and collect were installed two ways, both accepted practice and tested before. The one that seemed on paper to be the best process turned out not to be.

We’re pleased the signs are ready for Trails and Sails this weekend, Cyclocross and student field trips this fall. And for all the walkers. Currently there is one sign with some damage, the marker for Fitz Hugh Lane. If you notice other problems along the HarborWalk anytime, please email friends of the HarborWalk

PUBLIC ART and more: mark your calendars! ESSEX HERITAGE TRAILS AND SAILS 2015 this weekend!

Cat Ryan submits-

PUBLIC ART and more: mark your calendars! ESSEX HERITAGE TRAILS AND SAILS 2015 this weekend!


It’s coming! Here’s your annual chance to check out two weekends of 150+ FREE events throughout Essex County, September 18-20 and 25-27.

The schedule can change with new and wonderful additions, but as of today here are some public art and other highlights in Gloucester.


Climb up City Hall Tower hosted by City Hall Restoration

Gloucester HarborWalk: three self-guided walking tours including some new selfie postcard fun for the mini trail mobile tour. Also new for 2015, the HarborWalk historic exhibit along Fisherman’s Wharf by Latitude 43.

City Hall murals Talking Walls guided talk and tour 1:15  on 9/19  and open 1-3 on Sunday 9/20 hosted by the Committee for the Arts

FISH NET and peek at Art Haven/Hive mural in progress on Parsons Street’s private building

Hopper’s Houses Walking Tour, Cape Ann Museum      

Historic Art Trail Walk, Rocky Neck

Historic Ice House Tours, Cape Pond Ice

Maritime Gloucester and Schooner Adventure Family Games and Fun

Magnolia Library & Community Center’s

“It’s not a weed: food, medicine and magic of wild plants”

Tour of Babson Boulders in Dogtown

REI Intro to Outdoor Rock Climbing

At first sight #proud of my Dad: HarborWalk Fisherman’s Wharf public art exhibition



















Catherine Ryan submits-

At first sight, Leo Vitale finds the panel where his Dad’s boat is featured in a gorgeous Paul Frontiero photograph. His cousin and sisters join in.

Joey Ciaramitaro, Vito Giacalone, Mark McDonough, and Peter Prybot were the original authors of this outdoor display, before it was expanded and updated.  The exhibit was restored because the original faded.  Artists generously granted reproduction permission of their work. Go see their art! Look for Joey Ciaramitaro, Paul Frontiero, Martin Luster and Brenda Guiled. Individuals and organizations were generous too. More on this later…


Missing Fred Bodin. This photo was taken in downtown Gloucester. Where?

Cat Ryan Submits-


On the wall is an Alice Curtis Fred Bodin print of Dogtown Babson boulders. This one is hanging in a salon. There are others around town. He was on my mind and I’ve seen it there before. This time it was just after what would have been his 9AM GMG posting.

Fred Bodin had time to be companionable, none of this I’m so busy and rush about manner. If you didn’t meet Fred or have the chance to visit his gallery, you could sense it in his GMG posts and Facebook page where he’d take time to research any newcomer to best introduce and welcome them into the fold. A dash of humor didn’t hurt nor asking questions. He wrote generous and respectful introductions on GMG, too.

Fred was thrilled to join the Good Morning Gloucester ranks as official GMG contributor in September 2013 and grateful that Joey pushed him into social media.

“Who knew what influence GMG would have on us all? I had no idea. Love you all, eager to post interesting and sometimes provocative content.” – Fred Bodin

“From the little that I know, Joey does his WP Good Morning Gloucester work around lobster boat deliveries and bait pickup slack times. I’ve never had a job as physically demanding as Joey’s. He works his ass off.” – Fred Bodin

Post production (pun intended) was an art for him. He liked his GMG and Facebook posts short and crafted them deliberately. He was proud of meeting his morning deadline. He experimented with ideas and topics.It’s tempting to describe his process akin to dark room developing. Magic in the end. 

Fred Bodin belonged ‘here’–Gloucester, Rockport, Cape Ann, Main Street, harbor, GMG, on line- and it was contagious. He knew the festival, restaurant, artist, merchant, and neighbor. He blended art, business, history, sense of place. And he helped.

“My criteria for selection is this: You have only to ask me.” – Fred Bodin

He helped local merchants

He was an essential and proud contributor for the HarborWalk\

“Thanks Jenn. The marker was cured and done when I got to work this morning. The signage looks great, and will even be helpful to those without smartphones (like me), and much more so to those who can scan the QR. I believe the new technology makes the old much more available to us.” – Fred Bodin

and the block parties.

He was the early and key partner for the downtown cultural district.

He knew how to say thanks.

Every inch of his gallery was filled with works of variety and originality like his approach to life.

Gloucester HarborWalk Summer Cinema 2015 announced. Free movie nights on the giant outdoor screen

Mark Your Calendars! Gloucester’s HarborWalk Summer Cinema series is back and it’s another great line up by Rob Newton

ghw sc2015









Free outdoor movies, every Wednesday night at dusk. Rain date the following Monday. Address: 65 Rogers Street/I4 C2. Bring blankets and chairs. Food vendors on site and games. Shop downtown, order take out, bring a picnic. Trash is carry in, carry home.

Chickity check it coming soon! The HarborWalk website is shifting to WordPress. The new look and design (and content transfer) is in progress.

Look and look again: The HarborWalk Fishermen’s Wharf exhibit is deeply channeled, joining discussion with fine art, business and community, wharf and sea.

Cat Ryan submits-

Keep in mind that the installation is a work-in-progress. Look for updates and notices of an official unveiling!

Look and look again: The spiffed up HarborWalk Fishermen’s Wharf exhibit is deeply channeled–joining fine art and discussion, business and community, wharf and sea. Keep in mind that the installation is a work-in-progress. Look for updates and notices of an official unveiling!


Back in 2010, detailed information panels along Fishermen’s Wharf were created by Mark McDonough, Vito Giacalone, Peter Prybot and Joey Ciaramitaro. The panels were installed along the Giacalone’s wall, between businesses and at the water’s edge. The content, collaborative spirit and contemporary reporting impacted the HarborWalk design. Cambridge Seven Associates, architects for the HarborWalk, were fans. Connections were encouraged. Two HarborWalk story posts (formerly described as Story Moments) were sited at each end: Fishing Today HarborWalk Story Post #5 and Lobstering HarborWalk Story Post #4. Pretty much everybody hoped the signs would be cared for and this outdoor channel would remain.


Thanks to bright sunshine, the panels along Fishermen’s Wharf deteriorated. Some of the fabulous content disappeared. Guess what? Signs are temporary and can be re-visited.


New signs were designed, content edited and updated, and the display taken to a new level with support of the City. Matt Coogan, Senior Planner Community Development, directed the project, working with the original authors and team. Cambridge Seven Associates designed the panels. The addition of fine art photography, drawings and design spiffed up the already museum quality display. Fine art by Joey Ciaramitaro, Marty Luster, Paul Frontiero and others are something else to celebrate this week!

Saunter by. More stories to come. Worth repeating: the exhibit is still a work in progress. It’s not 100% live…yet!

contact Friends of the HarborWalk (most active related to the beautiful public gardens) and/or


Magnolia soulangeana ©Kim Smith 2015Yesterday while in Boston to meet with clients at their home on Comm. Ave, I couldn’t help but take a snapshot of the glorious saucer magnolias blooming along the avenue. I wished I’d had more time because just as I was leaving, the sun began to poke out. The stunning display that you see lining the south-facing side is the genius of one woman and when I have time, will write more about her brilliant accomplishment to which we are all the beneficiaries, more than fifty years after planting!

Commonwealth Avenue Boston Magnolia soulangeana ©˚im Smith 2015

Magnolia soulangeana Commonwealth Avenue Boston

At the Gloucester HarborWalk Gardens, we planted two species of magnolia adjacent to each other. Many arboretums, such as Harvard’s Arnold Arboretum, plant several species within the same plant family in close proximity to provide an opportunity to learn by comparing the differences and similarities. I wanted our community to enjoy a mini-arboretum experience by planting two of the most beautiful magnolias that grow well in our region, the saucer magnolia (Magnolia x soulangeana) and sweetbay magnolia (M. virginiana). Stop by in the coming weeks to visit our gorgeous magnolias in bloom. M. soulangeana will bloom first, followed by M. virginiana.

The Friends of the HarborWalk will be back at the HarborWalk this Sunday (tomorrow morning), beginning at 9am. We’ll meet in front of the Gloucester House. Come lend a hand–its work, but fun with this growing great group of community-spirited friends. Everyone is welcome!

Please leave a comment in the comment section or feel free to contact me if you have any questions at




My hearfelt thanks to Lise Breen, Amy Kerr, and Leslie Heffron for all their fabulous hard work trimming, raking, sweeping, and removing tons of trash from the Gloucester HarborWalk Gardens. We finished more than half on Sunday!

The Friends of the HarborWalk will be back this coming Sunday, beginning at 9am. We’ll meet in front of the Gloucester House. Come lend a hand–its work, but fun with this growing great group of community-spirited friends. Everyone is welcome!

Please leave a comment in the comment section or feel free to contact me if you have any questions at

Amy, Lise, and Leslie

HarborWalk CleanUpTwenty one bags and counting!

GloucesterCast 132 With Guests Alicia Cox, Kim Smith, Paul Morrison, James Eves, Toby Pett and Host Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 4/25/15


GloucesterCast 132 With Guests Alicia Cox, Kim Smith, Paul Morrison, James Eves, Toby Pett and Host Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 4/25/15

Topics Include:
The biggest hugest development in the history of GMG the world- the Cape Ann Arts Calendar, Harborwalk Cleanup 4/26/15 at 10AM,  Mayor Sefathia recognized as Gloucester’s First Sicilian American Mayor, Cape Ann Museum, Causeway Restaurant, Funga Face, Folly Cove Designers Exhibit, Block Party Poll, How to insure that restaurants and retailers keep streets clear on Block Parties, Peter and Vickie’s Music Calendar, Why organizations that try to be exclusive rather than inclusive will fail in the media distribution game, The Studio and The Rudder half off excluding sushi through April, Who consistently has fried chicken on their menu in Gloucester?, Can Chucky Fry Chicken, Pan fried vs Deep fried Chicken, Kim Smith Covers Arrival of USCG Cutter Key Largo, Proper way to handle news outlets want to use our stuff in relation to Nichole’s post about burned up bus, begging contributors to place proper attribution to their posts, Brian O’Connor’s Solar install happened on Earth Day, Alicia getting her hair done at Fatima’s by John, Where does everyone stand on the resort pool chair saving technique outlined here, Trolling Joey to drive him nuts or sheer stupidity?, Liv’s Wedding Invitation, Tom’s Ghost Writing Gig, Girl Scout Cookie Poll, Frying in Vegetable Oil vs Lard, Clam on your french fry, Passports Community Dinner Benefiting Cape Ann Special Olympics, new features on GMG- and The Cape Ann Arts Calendar, Being Google friendly vs Google Useless, New Banners For GMG Topics Coming Courtesy James Eves

Last Week’s Podcast Subscriber Contest Winner Won Two Free Tickets At The Shalin Liu For The Miranda Russell Band’s May 7th Concert and The Winner Is- Tim Parker

Tim Please Contact Me So I can Let Miranda Know To Leave Your Tickets For You!

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subscribebuttonGMG PODCAST Toby Pett, Alicia Cox, James Eaves, Joey Ciaramitaro ©Kim Smith 2015


GloucesterCast 103 Featuring Couples In Love Who Have Moved To Gloucester Taped 11/9/14


GloucesterCast 103 Featuring Couples In Love Who Have Moved To Gloucester Taped 11/9/14

Topics Include:The Rullis, The Scheetz, Jess and Dennis Brand, Lucinda Seigel, Kim Smith and Rich Bean with random appearance by Niece Amanda, What brought you to Gloucester?, Few Young Professionals On Commuter Rail, The progression Of The Scheetz on GMG from getting engaged to married to buying a house in Gloucester, Erin Rulli misses the saltiness of the old GMG, the storied history of Gloucester, The Beans moved to Gloucester after living in Medford forever, Gloucester Pride Today vs Gloucester Pride 20 years ago, Trying to remind people about the cool Gloucester landscape and seascapes, White Ninja, the inevitable backlash, Getting the Rullis back to Playa Del Carmen, Kimberley Scheetz looking forward to volunteering to clean the HarborWalk, Dinner Dealer 2015, North Shore Food and Gift Emporium, Amanda Pops In Wearing a Duck Outfit, Why Dinner Dealer Decks Are No-Brainers, Peter Todd Fundraiser, Shock Over Bottle Bill Election Results, Joey’s Mini Rant – The Rational Behind To-Go Containers Made Out Of Non-Microwavable Tins, Is there anything that is done at Willow Rest not exactly spot-on?, Willow Rest please open up a location in East Gloucester too!, Music Listings On GMG, Eliminating Penny Conversation, Emerson Brand Named After Emerson College, Kimberley Scheetz Responsible For Hundreds If No Thousands Of Train Derailments, Rechargeable Battery Discussion, Goddamn Bacon Donuts Are Driving Me Nuts,What is the rationale behind not retweeting or Facebook liking a complimentary post on someone’s business social media account?

podcasticon1GMG Couples podcast ©Kim Smith

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September 20 BLOCK PARTY HarborWalk – Trails and Sails – Harbortown – Committee for the Arts

Cat Ryan submits-

Thanks to Ringo, MBT Electricians, Parsons Street was ready and lit as darkness fell.

Downtown Block Party overlapped with the first weekend of Essex National Heritage annual Trails and Sails (Sept 19-21 and 26-28). James Owen Calderwood, the artist who created FISH NET, was here to experience both events, help set up and answer questions.

There were hours of great LIVE and local music by the stage in front of Bank Gloucester. I’ll add the entertainer names and sponsors for that stage into the comments below. Parents dining al fresco at Ohana watched their kids engage at the YMCA kid town area. 4Square dominates, effectively trapping all kids. The YMCA staff is excellent!

We enjoyed working with Don and Francis of FABOLA and the guys from Surfside Subs. Throughout the Block Party, happy customers lined up for Surfside Subs pizza (the biggest slices ever!) and it was non-stop at Markouk’s booth with City Hall rising beyond. (The next morning, Markouk would be up and at it again for Appleton Farms.) 

FABOLA enlivened the sidewalk and parking space with mid-century modern “parklet” seating areas. A cozy chair and ottoman upholstered with a touch of Provence did not sell, but a trio of friends paused on FISH NET with their new modern lamp purchase.

I didn’t get to Smokin Jim’s Barbecue in the back garden by Dog Bar, nor Cape Ann Community Cinema to see Charade with Cary Grant, or the cheese tasting, or…well, there’s no way to get it all in. I did see the King, Fred Bodin! Congratulations to Judith Brackley, Valerie Markley, Lucinda, and others for their professionalism and attention to detail for these top notch street festivals.

Walking tours on the HarborWalk

Year round, select one of three Gloucester MA HarborWalk walking tours

1) Self-guided, year round, free, public-access and award winning walkway. 42 story moment granite posts installed as a permanent outdoor exhibit. The reclaimed granite posts feature plaques highlighting the city’s past and contemporary cultural treasures. Gloucester’s maritime heritage, innovators in business, politics and the arts are all featured. The signs also provide suggestions for exploration elsewhere in Gloucester and there are QR codes which scan to additional content. It’s family friendly for all ages and accessible for all. Visit just one story moment marker or “hop-on, hop off” like a transit line. Follow a specific inner loop 1.2 miles or extend it for a nice, long walk (3 miles RT). It is designed to be flexible for any length or duration, and for educational and programming opportunities for community and visitors. It was designed by Cambridge Seven Associates. Contact: friends of the HarborWalk

2) Guided: a mini mobile tour that leads you to 14 story moments and is narrated by the coolest host ever, Gloucester singer, Ann Marie. You may know her work with Bandit Kings and elsewhere. The HarborWalk mobile guided tour –an American Alliance of Museums gold MUSE winner- can be downloaded ahead of time and brought along wherever you go. Loads of talented Gloucester creatives helped and/or featured.   You’ll be guided along a shorter trail (14 stops) by following Ann Marie to the Story Moment markers that include an extra sign, postcards lettered “A” through “N”. There are surprises within stores, public spaces, and businesses as you explore our community via the app’s activities. Along with the video introduction, the two short films, “HarborWalk Cinema”, can be viewed anytime, but reward a visit downtown with not to be missed interactive elements! Contact: friends of the HarborWalk



3) Self–guided kids and family activity: Become a “Gloucester Explorer”

Any kid who hunts and finds each trail marker icon can receive a certificate signed by the Mayor for becoming an official “HarborWalk Explorer”. People can print out this 2-page tracing master sheet (see attached PDF) ahead of time from their own printer OR check at the Chamber or Stage Fort Welcoming Center for copies. Contact: friends of the HarborWalk at



Public art: Justin Desilva bookmark and seagull question

Hi Joey,

Artist Justin Desilva has completed several more crosswalks: Our Lady of Good Voyage, Lobsters, Howard Blackburn, and St. Peter’s Square.    He’s had several requests for a postcard or some take away about his temporary project. If you see him, ask for a bookmark. Some of the murals are at different stages in their installation process; you will see him going back and forth to different sites. As this project is temporary, Justin will remove his work at the conclusion of his exhibit.

There is a Google map with updated locations and photographs.

Gloucester Counts Down to Kindergarten streamed across the Sawyer crosswalk. Congratulations GPS, Sawyer Free, CAM, Art Haven and YMCA in partnership with the Boston Children’s Museum for planning what looked like a stellar, joyous event.

Question: Does anyone know how to persuade the seagulls to forego their perch atop the light above the crosswalk by City Hall and Sawyer?!

Info Card 03 PRINT

GloucesterCast With Guest Kim Smith and Host Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 8/24/14


GloucesterCast With Guest Kim Smith and Host Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 8/24/14


Topics Include:
Guest Kim Smith, Sea Shanty Clarification,How Great A Guy Pete Souza, The Monarch Migration Prediction and JourneyNorth Monarch App, Chargers Football Having Trouble Fielding A Team, Criticizm of The HarborWalk, Our Weather Guy Pete Lovasco Is ready For The Big Leagues, Seagull Poop, Saint Patrick’s Day Songs, The Ukeladies, Schooner Festival, Kim’s Daughter Has a New Beau,The Dip Test

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