525 and Maritime Gloucester

On May 1st if you order out or eat in at the Magnolia 525 Tavern
from 5 to 9pm, 10% of the proceeds will go to the Maritime Gloucester Ocean Explorers program!
What is the Ocean Explorers Program?
Ocean Explorers brings each 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade class in the Gloucester Public Schools system to Maritime Gloucester on fall and spring field trips to participate in hands-on marine and physical science activities.
During their spring visit to Maritime Gloucester, all students participate in one learning unit aboard the Schooner Ardelle.
In the winter, Maritime Gloucester staff present in-class lessons for our classroom partners, these place-based, hands-on, inquiry-based learning modules are what really bring the experiences to life. And all of this is provided at NO COST to the school system.

Maritime Gloucester on Chronicle: Anthony Everett visits museum that celebrates the historic art of sailing and more WCVB TV Channel 5

Congratulations Maritime Gloucester! In case you missed it, Maritime Gloucester on Anthony Everett’s bests of 2023 list and a jewell right here in town.

Anthony’s Favorites: New technology on the water is making waves

Flux Marine takes an electric approach, while a Gloucester, Mass., museum celebrates the historic legacy of fishing schooners.

Anthony Everett in Gloucester, Mass. Chronicle news magazine features his 2023 favorites. aired Dec. 26, 2023

Read all about it here: https://www.wcvb.com/article/electric-boat-sailing-gloucester-maritime-marine-new-england-sail-1701733862/46032856


Maritime Gloucester is located downtown on harbor loop: check out the website here

Maritime Gloucester Rendezvous 2023

On Friday took a walk around the I4C2 float and visited The Pride of Baltimore.  On Saturday afternoon Rick and I are taking a sail on The Thomas Lannon.  Love these beautiful Schooners.  You can follow the link below for more information.

