We sent Lise home with the donuts after Sunday’s HarborWalk garden cleanup. Here’s what she had to say about Brother’s Brew!

“I have to say those cinnamon donuts were the best ever. I briefly considered taking them to the neighbor’s house—but then had to try just a tiny piece of the puffy jellies, but didn’t get to reach the jelly (was I thinking this was some sort of exotic preserve that I would never get a chance to sample again?)  so had to cut an entire half of the jelly donut to try it for the total essence of jelly donut.  You would think I would have stopped, but then had to just try the chocolate. As I sliced off an inch, it occurred to me that you can’t present a donut to someone who isn’t your blood with a piece snuck out of it like you can a sliver of cake.  Well, the damage was done, so might as well take another slice. You know how that goes. The sugar and fat ratio imbued was saying MORE. And then I remember you saying the cinnamon were to die for and… Well it turns out I thought so too.  So now the donuts were entirely, absolutely gone. We scarfed those—how many? six? eight?— down in two hours tops. You know when I said I could just eat one at a sitting? I proved myself very, very wrong.  I guess it helped that the backs of my thighs were screaming “feed me!”  Something about lactic acid buildup needed to be counteracted with butter, white flour and sugar. Talk about weekend warrior aches! It looks like my 45 min on the elliptical machine with the ten minutes of pedaling backwards is not doing it.

Bill said I could never bring them into the house again.  Ok. But now I know where I can get them outside of the house.
You be sure now to send the photos of our 25-odd bags to our Mayor’s office/comptroller’s office and get reimbursed…

Anyway, I hope to see you Sunday for a repeat/repast.  No! Leave the doh at the Bros!”

When I asked Lise if we could post her funny note, she added:

“To make it worse, there were BOYS in full skateboard regalia visiting the neighbors and you just know they would loved the treat. Clearly there is not much in the way of impulse control over here, but might possibly justify the crime by the fact we had skipped lunch and it was mid afternoon.”

Thanks Lise for sharing!!!

Brother's Brew Rockport Donuts! ©Kim Smith 2015Brother’s Brew Latest Creation ~ Strawberry Shortcake Donuts


My hearfelt thanks to Lise Breen, Amy Kerr, and Leslie Heffron for all their fabulous hard work trimming, raking, sweeping, and removing tons of trash from the Gloucester HarborWalk Gardens. We finished more than half on Sunday!

The Friends of the HarborWalk will be back this coming Sunday, beginning at 9am. We’ll meet in front of the Gloucester House. Come lend a hand–its work, but fun with this growing great group of community-spirited friends. Everyone is welcome!

Please leave a comment in the comment section or feel free to contact me if you have any questions at

Amy, Lise, and Leslie

HarborWalk CleanUpTwenty one bags and counting!

Lise Breen to Lecture on Cape Ann’s Participation in the Slave Trade

unnamed-1Lise Breen will be lecturing on Cape Ann’s Participation in the Slave Trade, Sunday November 9th at 7 pm at the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church. This lecture, “Black O Heavens: Links to Some Cape Ann Slave Owners, Slave Ship Owners and Captains, and Universalists,” is open to the public and there is only a free-will offering to benefit the Meetinghouse Preservation Fund.unnamed

Throughout this year, Lise Breen has been presenting various aspects of her research on Cape Ann’s complicity with slavery. You may have heard her speak at the Church last February on the Daltons of Gloucester. She has given talks on related topics for NOAA, The Gloucester Writers Center Diggers Series, the Rockport Unitarian Church, and at the Sandy Bay Historical Society. Ms. Breen has received a Phillips Library Fellowship from the Peabody Essex Museum and a Paul Cuffe Memorial Fellowship from the Munson Institute, Mystic Seaport Museum, to help support her research.

Garden of Optimism

My rehabilitation garden, herbs of hope and happiness, as I joyously see it every morning. Parsley, Rosemary, Thyme, with a Flowering Beauty. "Gardening is medicine that does not need  a prescription ... And with no limit on dosage." - Author unknown Garden of Optimism grown from seed in in Gloucester, and generously given as a healing gift by Lise Breen.
My rehabilitation garden, herbs of hope and happiness, as I joyously see it every morning. Parsley, Rosemary, Thyme, with a Flowering Beauty.
“Gardening is medicine that does not need
a prescription … And with no limit on dosage.”
– Author unknown
Garden of Optimism grown from seed in in Gloucester,
and generously given as a healing gift by Lise Breen.


Due to Inclement Weather Predicted: Friends of the HarborWalk Garden Cleanup is Postponed Until Sunday Morning at 9am

What a challenge to try to schedule HarborWalk cleanups during the month of April! There’s just one more border along I4-C2, thanks to all our super awesome volunteers, and most gratefully to Lise Breen, who very kindly and all by herself last weekend cleaned up the other half of I4-C2. I will be there Sunday morning at 9am, unless it is raining buckets! Everyone is invited, you don’t have to be a gardener to lend a hand, and we will have extra hand tools and lawn and leaf bags. We hope to see you there!

i4-c2-gloucester-harborwalk-garden-c2a9-kim-smith-c2a9-kim-smith-photo-2012-copy Gloucester HarborWalk ~ Before Photo of I4-C2

joe-pye-hellenium-gloucester-harborwalk-kim-smith-2012Gloucester HarborWalk ~ After Photo of I4-C2 Summer 2012

Reminder from Lise Breen About the Upcoming Sargent House Event

Hello Friends,

I am sending a reminder that The Sargent by the Sea event is this Friday at TS Eliot’s boyhood summer home. Don’t miss the chance to take in Tom’s view with cocktail in hand. Our community has rallied to offer great art and wonderful events in order to support Judith Sargent Murray’s mission. We are so thrilled!

Please enjoy a spectacular summer evening with us and click the Sargent House website to purchase tickets.

I very much hope to see you there. Let’s spy porpoises snoring on the phosphorescent swell; the predictions are for Kingfisher weather!


Kingfisher weather, with a light fair breeze,
Full canvas, and the eight sails drawing well
We beat around the cape and laid our course
From the Dry Salvages to the eastern banks.
A porpoise snored upon the phosphorescent swell,
A triton rang the final warning bell
Astern, and the sea rolled, asleep.

T.S. Eliot draft written in reference to Cape Ann.


Committee for the Arts (CFTA) announces that 15 semifinalists have been selected for the first ever 2013 Gloucester MA HarborWalk Public Art Challenge

Catherine Ryan Submits-

Hi Joey-

On behalf of the City of Gloucester , the Committee for the Arts (CFTA) announces that 15 semifinalists have been selected for the first ever 2013 Gloucester MA HarborWalk Public Art Challenge. Congratulations all!

  • James Calderwood
  • Tiffany Carbonneau
  • Anna Chirico & Dave Blakney
  • Justin Desilva
  • Andrew Thurlow & Andrew Doyle
  • Gary Duehr
  • Bartek Konieczny
  • Angelina Marino-Heidel & Joel Heidel
  • Michael McNabney & Troy Zaushny
  • Frank Morbillo
  • Laura Piraino & Lise Breen
  • James Sardonis
  • Kim Smith
  • Robert Trumbour, Anthony Sanchez, Jared Steinmark, & Alex Cabral
  • Juni Van Dyke

This national call to artists received an overwhelming response, with over 150 project ideas submitted from artists here and across the country. Judging for round 1 was done anonymously. With only 3 awards available and so many thoughtful submissions, it was necessary that round 1 require further essential review time. Competition was very strong. The CFTA was impressed by the quality and effort of so many proposals. It’s exciting and a privilege to see so many ideas, and all with a focus on Gloucester. Sincere thanks are due to all of the artists who took the time to send in applications, and we appreciate their interest and support of this call.

What stage are we in the overall process?

The semi-finalists entries are in final review by the round 2 selection panel which is tasked with selecting the 3 finalists from the group of 15 semi-finalists. The distinguished 7 member jury panel covers a cross section of expertise and excellence and includes: John Bell, Business, Civic and Political Leader, Gloucester, MA; Andrée Bober, Landmarks Museum Director and Founder, The University of Texas at Austin, TX, ; Phil Cusumano, Artist and Licensed Captain, Gloucester, MA; Morgan Faulds Pike, Artist, Gloucester, MA,; Trevor Smith, Curator of Contemporary Art, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA,; Peter Sollogub/Chris Muskopf, Architects, Cambridge Seven Associates, Cambridge, MA; and Jeff Weaver, Artist, Gloucester, MA, We are grateful for the judges’ participation. We anticipate that the three winners will be announced May 2013. Soon thereafter, the Committee for the Arts will announce a special exhibition featuring all 15 semi-finalist entries and the panel’s selections (date, venue, & details are in the works). Stay tuned!