Missing Fred Bodin. This photo was taken in downtown Gloucester. Where?

Cat Ryan Submits-


On the wall is an Alice Curtis Fred Bodin print of Dogtown Babson boulders. This one is hanging in a salon. There are others around town. He was on my mind and I’ve seen it there before. This time it was just after what would have been his 9AM GMG posting.

Fred Bodin had time to be companionable, none of this I’m so busy and rush about manner. If you didn’t meet Fred or have the chance to visit his gallery, you could sense it in his GMG posts and Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/BodinHistoricPhoto where he’d take time to research any newcomer to best introduce and welcome them into the fold. A dash of humor didn’t hurt nor asking questions. He wrote generous and respectful introductions on GMG, too.


Fred was thrilled to join the Good Morning Gloucester ranks as official GMG contributor in September 2013 and grateful that Joey pushed him into social media.

“Who knew what influence GMG would have on us all? I had no idea. Love you all, eager to post interesting and sometimes provocative content.” – Fred Bodin

“From the little that I know, Joey does his WP Good Morning Gloucester work around lobster boat deliveries and bait pickup slack times. I’ve never had a job as physically demanding as Joey’s. He works his ass off.” – Fred Bodin

Post production (pun intended) was an art for him. He liked his GMG and Facebook posts short and crafted them deliberately. He was proud of meeting his morning deadline. He experimented with ideas and topics.It’s tempting to describe his process akin to dark room developing. Magic in the end. 

Fred Bodin belonged ‘here’–Gloucester, Rockport, Cape Ann, Main Street, harbor, GMG, on line- and it was contagious. He knew the festival, restaurant, artist, merchant, and neighbor. He blended art, business, history, sense of place. And he helped.

“My criteria for selection is this: You have only to ask me.” – Fred Bodin

He helped local merchants


He was an essential and proud contributor for the HarborWalk


“Thanks Jenn. The marker was cured and done when I got to work this morning. The signage looks great, and will even be helpful to those without smartphones (like me), and much more so to those who can scan the QR. I believe the new technology makes the old much more available to us.” – Fred Bodin

and the block parties.

He was the early and key partner for the downtown cultural district.


He knew how to say thanks.

Every inch of his gallery was filled with works of variety and originality like his approach to life.

The Spirit is Unstoppable

Fred Bodin writes-

his is the fire scene at 91 Washington Street the day after. The Gloucester Fire Department did a textbook-perfect job knocking this fire down. There was damage to the top two floors, and only water damage to our Happy Dumpling restaurant. We were all Blessed!

Their enlarged menu was in the front window. The glass is clean and they’re mopping up. Neighbors and family were coming and going. Thankfully, they’ll open next week. The Happy Dumpling will be fine.

Yes, there was a fire, but this woman’s spirit is fireproof. I only knew her from Joey’s video, and she seemed very nice. When I barged into her water-damaged restaurant this afternoon, I noticed something very special: Twinkle in the eyes, playful demeanor (she stuck her tongue out at me), and is forever moving forward. Go there and you’ll see.

Happy Dumpling Fire Report From Deputy Fire Miles Schlicte


A man inside of the just opened Happy Dumpling restaurant noticed a haze of smoke accumulating inside the restaurant and called the fire department. After calling the FD the man saw flames showing along the peak of the roof. At this point the man ran to the stairs of the apartment on the right side of the building and alerted the residents that the building was on fire. A young woman grabbed her infant from the crib and exited the building unharmed. At the same time the owner of the restaurant directed her employee to run up the stairs to the apartment on the left side of the building to alert the single female who lived there. That resident was not home at the time.
The fire department arrived on scene to heavy smoke and fire showing at the front of the building along the roof soffit.  The first officer on scene announced a working fire. HQ Engine 1 and Rescue 1 stretched two hose lines into the building to attack the fire from the inside and drive it back out through the soffit. The crews were greatly delayed in getting to the seat of the fire by obstructions within the building and limited access to the section of the roof on fire.  Due to this delay and rapidly spreading fire a second alarm was struck by the IC who had taken command upon arrival shortly after the HQ crews. While these hose lines were being stretched the L1 crew raised the ladder to the roof and cut a large hole in the roof above the visible flames to allow heat and fire to escape to the outside and prevent fire from spreading under the roof to the rest of the building.
Once the hose lines were in place inside the building and the vent hole in place in the roof the order was given to break out the rest of the third floor windows for additional ventilation. This allowed the smoke inside to lift and the crews were able to drive the flames back to the outside of the building while preventing further spread under the roof. This additional oxygen initially fed and expanded the visible fire which was seen rolling over the ceilings in the third floor windows until the crews inside could control it and drive the flames out the windows and the roof vent hole. 
Gloucester crews were greatly assisted at the scene by Rockport and Essex Engines and the Manchester ladder truck. Downtown Gloucester was protected by Beverly and Hamilton Engines and an Ipswich Ladder truck. These out of town companies responded on several other calls while the fire was being fought.
Local inspectors from the building, electrical, and health department were called to the scene along with the State Fire Marshalls office. Perishable foods from the restaurant were removed from the restaurant and taken to the convenience store next door where the owner provided refrigerator space.
A joint investigation between the GFD, GPD, the building and electrical inspectors along with the State Fire Marshalls office determined that the fire started in the soffit on the exterior of the building. The material that caught fire initially before spreading to the building is believed to have been nesting material from either birds or squirrels. It is unknown what the source of the ignition was. Further investigation is ongoing.
Electricity to the building was cut and the building secured by a board up company prior to the FD clearing the scene and turning the building over to its owners.
All four residents of the building are staying with family.
One firefighter suffered a twisted knee inside the building but remained on duty for the rest of the night.
No other injuries were reported.
While damage is estimated to be between 25 and 50, 000 dollars, the value of the property saved is estimated to be between 350 and 400,000 dollars. Prompt notification, a short response time and very aggressive firefighting prevented this fire from being much worse.
Deputy Schlichte-Incident Commander