1/2 Price Menu at The Rudder & The Studio… Again!

Cape Ann Dining News-


Get 1/2 off the menu at The Rudder today through Sunday and 1/2 off the menu at The Studio now through Wednesday (a little longer!). This deal won’t last forever so come in while you can! *Excludes Sushi


The Studio is now open every day at 11:30am and The Rudder will be open full time starting Memorial Day Weekend (Thursday, May 21st).

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#RockportMA Sunset Live From The Lobster Pool 7:30 Check It!

Get the Periscope App Here-

Periscope by Twitter, Inc.

They go live at 7:30 and will have a Q&A session using the free Periscope App.
This is a first I believe!

Frankie Gwynne writes-

Tonight starting at about 7:30 pm, friend of the Losbter Pool Frankie Gwynne will be trying some new tech using the Periscope app to broadcast their famous sunset. He will also be joined by a special guest from The Lobster Pool ownership group, so if you have any questions about this summer at the pool this would be a great time to “ask an owner” live! Download the Periscope app then follow @frankruptcy to be notified when the broadcast starts. Here’s the link to download it on an iPhone:
Periscope by Twitter, Inc.

Wild, Wacky and Wonderful…Gloucester!

Story by Terry Weber

My husband and I were hiking in the Ravenswood Park area and saw this:
photo 1 first bone
Yes, it appears to be part of a human skeleton, nailed to a tree. It was about 15 to 20 feet off the ground–too high for us to touch or get a closer look.
We discussed it, saying it was creepy, and hoped it was not real. We considered all the “rational” reasons part of a skeleton could be nailed to a tree: It was fake and just a prank from someone who wanted to cause a stir and obviously needs attention. Or, it was a leftover “decoration” that no one took down from a Halloween Haunted Woods event. Or, real or fake, it was a symbol, warning, or trail marker left by an unusual religious group. And last, we thought it might be part of a crime scene. Okay, maybe we have watched too many crime or zombie-apocalypse TV shows. But, we felt that there was a 1% chance it could be real.

With the 1% chance of it being real, I decided to tell the Gloucester Police. Even though I felt silly, I emailed Chief Campanello with a picture of the skeleton so he could decide if, or how, to proceed. The Chief was in Washington DC when I made the report, and he referred the situation to two of his officers. He said based on my picture it was worth looking at, but agreed it was probably just a prank.

Next thing I knew, I was meeting Lt. Joe Fitzgerald and Officer Troy Simoes at the entrance to Ravenswood Park. After looking at the map, we entered the woods from an entrance I was not familiar with, resulting in a navigation challenge while I tried to figure out where the bone was located from a new direction. We took two ATV’s that handled the wider parts of the trail well, but the trail soon became smaller and rockier. I may have screamed and cursed a few times when Lt. Fitzgerald apparently thought he was a NASCAR driver, plowing over rocks and plunging down hills at breakneck speeds. J Okay, that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but I hardly cried at all.

After about 15 minutes of searching for the right spot on the trail, we had to get off the ATV’s and start walking. I told the officers that the skeleton would be nailed to a tree on our right. A few minutes later, Officer Simoes said “I see it!” and he pointed to the left. I looked up, confused, as I thought the skeleton would be on the right. It was a different skeleton, on a completely different tree! But, like the other one, it appeared to be the foot and lower leg of a human.

photo 2 2nd boneUpon closer inspection (this bone was lower than the one my husband and I found), both officers concluded it was a fake. They could see little seams, and said that a nail would not cause such a neat indentation in the bone. I was relieved there was no crime victim, as were the officers. We also agreed even though the skeletons were fake, they were unsightly and not a great thing for small children to see.
I apologized and thanked both officers for their time, but they said it’s always better to check something out than to ignore it. Plus, there are certainly worse ways to spend your time, riding on an ATV ride through the woods on a beautiful spring day!
After discussing my story with a few people, I heard through the grapevine that other hikers who have lived here longer than me knew about the bones.  There may be many more nailed to trees, but no one had ever notified the police (at least not in recent history).
The experience left me with a few questions: Real or fake, why are the bones nailed to trees?  How long have they been there? Who put them there? Have you ever noticed them? And, should they come down?  Share your thoughts and stories!
Special thanks to Chief Campanello, Lt. Fitzgerald and Officer Simoes. And yes, Officer Simoes is related to GMG’s own Manny Simoes.

The Uncommonly Common Yellowthroat

Common Yellowthroat Warbler ©Gloucester MA -2 ©Kim Smith 2015

Male Common Yellowthroat fluffing and drying feathers after his many baths.

Splashing, and then dashing to a nearby tree, splashing and dashing again, and then returning for yet a third bath, this little male Common Yellowthroat seemed to relish in the fresh water at our birdbath. His more subduedly colored mate stayed well hidden and close to the ground and I was thrilled to see them both. This sweet pair of warblers have been in our garden for several days now and perhaps they’ll build their nest here!

Common Yellowthroat Warbler ©Gloucester MA -1 ©Kim Smith 2015Common Yellowthroats were at one time common however, their numbers have been steadily decreasing since the 1960s. Throughout the yellowthroat’s range they are suffering from habitat degradation and loss. Because they live in wetlands and eat primarily insects they, like countless wild creatures, are adversely affected by pesticides and poor water quality.Common Yellowthroat Warbler ©Gloucester MA ©Kim Smith 2015

Don’t Miss Backyard Growers Summer Seedling Sale Tuesday May 19th and Thursday May 21st

Come down to Backyard Growers HQ (269 Main St.) on TUESDAY 5/19 OR THURSDAY 5/21 from 3-6 PM to pickup $1 seedlings.

For seedlings we will have slicing tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, sauce tomatoes, pepper varieties, eggplant, basil, parsley and more! We also have some High Mowing seed packets for sale.



Backyard Grower’s Photo


Mayor Sefatia Romeo Theken invites interested residents of Gloucester to join with her and the Committee for the Arts to begin a Public Conversation on the Arts on Thursday, May 14th, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm in the Kyrouz Auditorium at City Hall. The purpose of this facilitated discussion is to solicit ideas on what a public arts policy should look like. The meeting is not about individual projects, works of art, or location but about what should guide the City as it makes decisions on this important subject. “I am committed to carefully and thoughtfully considering issues related to the selection and siting of public art in the City of Gloucester and the upcoming Public Conversation on the Arts will be an invaluable tool,” said Mayor Romeo Theken.manat the wheel

Fisherman Memorial Painting by Paul Frontiero

To Welcome In the May-O! – the Second Annual Gloucester May Celebration


Sunday, May 17, 2015 ~ 2:00 until 3:00

On the green in front of the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church located at the corner of Church and Green Streets in Gloucester, MA.

After the long, cold winter, it is time to get outside and celebrate the spring!

Rose Sheehan of Folk Life Studio will present the Second Annual Gloucester May Celebration – complete with live music, a maypole and morris dancers – on Sunday, May 17 at 2:00 PM.

This family-friendly, participatory event will run for about one hour or so and will feature group singing from song sheets as well as instruction for simple dances including Maypole dances.

Attendees are encouraged to wear festive clothing and flowers.


#RockportMA Watch Tonight’s Live Sunset From The Lobster Pool On Periscope At 7:30

Cape Ann Dining News-


Get the Periscope App Here-

Periscope by Twitter, Inc.–

They go live at 7:30 and will have a Q&A session using the free Periscope App.
This is a first I believe!

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The Goddesses help host Monday Night Open Jam at the Rhumb Line 9:30pm 5.18.2015

sam tony 5.18.2015 rl


WHAT: The Goddesses help host Monday Night Open Jam at the Rhumb Line
WHEN: Monday, May 18th
TIME: 9:30pm first set with The Goddesses
WHERE: The Rhumb Line (40 Railroad Avenue, Gloucester, MA)




Stacy Boulevard near the Fishermen’s Wives Memorial, Gloucester, MA Saturday, May 16th 2015 from 8am –noon

Plant Donations Accepted
— Friday, May 16th, from 6pm-7pm at the Fishermen’s Wives Memorial

· Veggie Seedlings and Lettuce plants grown by 6th graders at O’Maley

· 19 varieties of tomatoes

· 15 varieties of peppers

· Hardy Gloucester Grown Perennials

Arrive early on Saturday for great bargains – $1.00 seedlings $2.00-$3.00 perennial plants! Help Gloucester Education Foundation and beautify your gardens. If you have a garden, please think about what perennials you have that may need to be divided and donate plants to our cause. Plant identification is helpful but not required.

All usable gardening items, plants, trees, shrubs, annuals, perennials, herbs and vegetable donations are welcome or contact Susan@GenerousGardeners.org to arrange pick up or drop off at an earlier date. Since all of the proceeds benefit GEF, you will get a tax deduction for whatever we earn from your plants.

Please contact Susan Kelly or 978-282-3306 if you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help. Also, if you need pots for your plants, we will be happy to provide them 

Gloucester Smiles ~ 04

An Atlanta smile now in Gloucester, a bright smile from a visitor from Beverly who I believe was featured in yesterday’s post by Marty Luster “Another Fine Day on The Boulevard”, a dog stealing a Kiss, and Buoni Amici (Good Friends)





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#RockportMA #lighthousechallenge

Rockport Middle/High School is proud to announce that The Lighthouse Project a group of students working with Ms. Amy Rose have designated Thursday, May 14th as a “go viral” Act of Kindness Day.

The Lighthouse Project is encouraging all RMHS students, families, faculty and staff to proudly post an act of kindness they have given or received over the course of the day using the hash tag #lighthousechallenge.

The movement is meant to prove that small, random acts of kindness can lead and inspire others to understand the power we all have to change the world. We are grateful to our new neighbors at The Institute for Savings for sponsoring this event! Look for t-shirts provided by The Institution for Savings. The blue t-shirts ask the question, “How Can We Change the World?” on the front and answer it with “One Random Act of Kindness at a Time” on the back!

In addition to t-shirts and bracelets to support the movement, middle school students are planning to put smiley face magnets with inspirational statements on every locker in the entire school! During the day students will be writing notes of appreciation for every staff member in the building including every teacher, cafeteria staff member, custodian, para-professional, nurse and office staff member. Students will be recognized for their efforts by receiving incentives and praise throughout the day.

At 2pm we have a photographer coming to take a picture of everyone who received t-shirts or bracelets for their efforts! Help us spread the movement and prove to our youth that kindness counts and that achieving big goals starts by small acts of helping others. Check out The Lighthouse project on twitter @arose_project and don’t forget to use the hashtag #lighthousechallenge to get involved!

Brilliant Sunrise Twin Lights from Good Harbor Beach

Electric Light Orchestra!

Twin Lights from Good Harbor Beach Sunrise ©Kim Smith 2015

Twin Lights from Good Harbor Beach Sunrise -2 ©Kim Smith 2015Twin Lights from Good Harbor Beach Sunrise 3 ©Kim Smith 2015Friend me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Vine. You can also subscribe to my design website at Kim Smith Designs, and film’s websites at Beauty on the Wing ~ Life Story of the Monarch Butterfly, Gloucester’s Feast of Saint Joseph Community Film Project, and Life Story of the Black Swallowtail Butterfly.