

Stacy Boulevard near the Fishermen’s Wives Memorial, Gloucester, MA Saturday, May 16th 2015 from 8am –noon

Plant Donations Accepted
— Friday, May 16th, from 6pm-7pm at the Fishermen’s Wives Memorial

· Veggie Seedlings and Lettuce plants grown by 6th graders at O’Maley

· 19 varieties of tomatoes

· 15 varieties of peppers

· Hardy Gloucester Grown Perennials

Arrive early on Saturday for great bargains – $1.00 seedlings $2.00-$3.00 perennial plants! Help Gloucester Education Foundation and beautify your gardens. If you have a garden, please think about what perennials you have that may need to be divided and donate plants to our cause. Plant identification is helpful but not required.

All usable gardening items, plants, trees, shrubs, annuals, perennials, herbs and vegetable donations are welcome or contact to arrange pick up or drop off at an earlier date. Since all of the proceeds benefit GEF, you will get a tax deduction for whatever we earn from your plants.

Please contact Susan Kelly or 978-282-3306 if you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help. Also, if you need pots for your plants, we will be happy to provide them 

Strawberry shortcake, plants, home-made preserves and pastries, antiques, and more!

Being sold this morning at St. Ann’s Church (70 Pleasant Street) as a fundraiser for Holy Family parish! Come get goodies for your garden and for your tastebuds!

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Plants, Preserves, Pastries and Strawberry Shortcake at St. Ann’s Today

Don’t let the nasty weather stop you from getting some! 9AM-2PM today, in the hall under St. Ann’s Church of Holy Family Parish, located on Pleasant Street, just north of Prospect Street. There are lots of good things just waiting for you! Here are some photos to tantalize all fans of gardening and of home-made pastries and preserves… and of home-made strawberry shortcake! Available while supplies last!

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I bought some “Olivi Scacciate”, some sort of eggplant preserves, and a crushed black olive spread… I’ll go back for some strawberry shortcake at lunch!

Fundraiser organized by the Women’s Guild of Holy Family Parish.

Don’t Overlook Me! I’m Pineapple Weed!

Pineapple Weed

Pineapple Weed Photo

You’ve probably walked over hardy pineapple-weed (Matricaria discoidea) often enough if you’ve walked at the boulevard, and never noticed it. An annual herb, this miniature plant with fern-like leaves thrives with full sun in roadside gravel or the disturbed, compacted earth along sidewalks.

When crushed the leaf or flower emits a scent of pineapple or chamomile, it’s cousin, though it’s funny green head lacks the pretty petals of chamomile.

It’s uses include:

  • When bruised, it can be rubbed on skin to repel insects.
  • Edible in salads, though it becomes somewhat bitter after blooming.
  • Herbal tea, similar to chamomile, serves as a gastrointestinal aid for stomach upsets, gas, vermifuge, and irregularity.
  • Seeds used as a salve for infected sores.
  • Decoction for fever.
  • Used to treat children’s colds and colic.
  • Medicinally for postpartum anemia and to promote lactation.
  • Can be used for muscle spasm and as a sleep aid.

Some caution is advisable as some individuals are allergic to this plant.

Native to northwestern North American but found in northeastern America, northeast Asia, and Europe. A ruderal species.