Kevin and Kellen On Connemara Bay Fishing Charters Looking For Shark ID Of Shark Caught In Gloucester Harbor

Hey Joe Attached are 2 pics of the shark we caught last week.


Last week onboard one of our inshore striped bass charters we stumbled across this shark while fishing with live mackerel for bait. The frightening part of the encounter was that we were up in Gloucester Harbor. We caught a second one that measured slightly over 5 feet long. Can anyone identify this thing? 

Kevin & Kellen



11 thoughts on “Kevin and Kellen On Connemara Bay Fishing Charters Looking For Shark ID Of Shark Caught In Gloucester Harbor

  1. it is a cousin of the great white shark Carcharodon carcharias. Despite its fearsome appearance and strong swimming ability, it is a relatively placid and slow-moving shark with no confirmed human fatalities. This species has a sharp, pointy head, and a bulky body. The sand tiger’s length can reach 3.0 m (9.8 ft). They are grey with reddish-brown spots on their backs. Shivers (groups) have been observed to hunt large schools of fish. Their diet consists of bony fish, crustaceans, squid, skates and other sharks. Unlike other sharks, the sand tiger can gulp air from the surface, allowing it to be suspended in the water column with minimal effort. During pregnancy, the most developed embryo will feed upon its siblings, a reproductive strategy known as intrauterine cannibalism i.e. “embryophagy” or, more colorfully,adelphophagy — literally “eating one’s brother.” The sand tiger is categorized as vulnerable on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List. It is the most widely kept large shark in public aquariums owing to its tolerance for captivity.



  2. Gee as kids we swimmed everywhere and never really worried about sharks knew there presence and knew enough to be extra careful – I believe it was Buddy Gentro (SP)? who used to walk around in lanes cove and a small dog fish following-him around like a puppy…I think when jaws came out some folks freaked out afte the movie…Donna – that was a good one still laughing:-) Dave & Kim:-)


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