GMG Open Topic Of Discussion Of The Week- Wood Stoves vs Pellet Burning Stoves vs BioBricks

So before you start reading please consider contributing to the deiscussion on this topic by clicking where it says “Leave a comment” below the post.  If you get the email at the end of the night you can add to the discussion by clicking on the title of this post and adding your comment where it says “Leave a comment” below the post.  Thanks.  I’m really obsessed with the topic right now and I’m excited to read what you all have to say.

The idea of the new “GMG Open Topic Of Discussion Of The Week” Is To Talk about an interesting topic and beat it to death in the comment section.  Hope you like it and feel free to subit other topics for upcoming weeks.

A friend of mine has a killer pellet stove.  You go into the room where the pellet stove is roaring and no matter how frigid it is outside you are warm and comfortable in his house.

I hate the cold.  Despise it actually.  Winter is for the birds as far as I’m concerned. I want to be comfortable and being cold does not equate to being comfortable in my book.

Pellet Stove


This will be my first shortened post using the new format so to view the entire post click here to expand it-

Continue reading “GMG Open Topic Of Discussion Of The Week- Wood Stoves vs Pellet Burning Stoves vs BioBricks”

What We Can Do to Help the Monarchs

Everywhere we turn this past month, there is a report in a major newspaper about the declining Monarch butterfly population. This forwarded from one of our GMG readers: “Monarch butterflies keep disappearing. Here’s why,” was published in the Washington Post on January 29th, 2014.

The author, Brad Plumer, interviewed Dr. Lincoln Brower, a professor of biology at Sweet Briar College and one of the nation’s leading authorities on the subject. I will be meeting Dr. Brower and interviewing him for my film while at the biosphere this month.

One of Dr. Brower’s suggestions on how we can help the Monarchs is along the millions of miles of roadsides in the eastern United States, if we cold get highway departments to plant for pollinators rather than cutting everything down and spraying herbicides. This would be of great help to the Monarchs, insects in general, and many species of birds.

I’ve thought a great deal about this and it is my foremost reason for creating butterfly and habitat gardens, such as the butterfly gardens at the Gloucester HarborWalk. I think too, of the many patches of unused city-owned land dotted about our community and how we could turn these little patches into habitats for all our winged friends. For several years I have wanted very much to organize this project however, I have my hands full with launching the film. Once the film is complete, my hope and plan is that it will become an inspirational and positive educational tool to help generate interest in community projects such as these.

In the meantime, as many of you may be aware, since 2007, I have been creating exhibits and giving lectures about the life story of the Monarch, on the state of butterflies migration, and how we can help the Monarchs, both as individuals and collectively. I purposefully do not publish a price on any of my lecture  listings because the cost of my programs are rated based on the size of your group or organization. No group is too small and I don’t want budget constraints to prohibit making the information available to all who are interested.

Here is a link to my Monarch program. If you and your organization would like to learn more about the Monarch Butterfly and how you can help, please contact me at

Monarch Butterflies Gloucester Massachusetts ©Kim Smith 2006Spangled Dawn Eastern Point Gloucester Massachusetts

Recent Posts on GMG about the Monarch Butterfly:

September 2013

Where Are All the Monarchs?

November 2013

The Year the Monarch Didn’t Appear

January 2014

Monarch Butterflies in Crisis

Request for Help from GMG Community and Monarch Film Update

March 2013

How Exactly is Monsanto’s Roundup Ravaging the Monarch Butterfly Population?

To read more about the life story of the Monarch Butterfly type in Monarch in the GMG search box.


Join Az One Trio & Lise Breen in a Special event Commemorating African-American History

The Az One Trio returns in a festive service at Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church, on Sunday, February 9th,  Commemorating African-American History in Gloucester with special speaker Lise Breen. Continue reading “Join Az One Trio & Lise Breen in a Special event Commemorating African-American History”

Marc Berger and RIDE at Old Sloop Coffeehouse on Saturday February 8th

The music is western-themed, and it will be performed by a five-piece band. The drummer is a photographer by day, and he’s taken some beautiful pictures of dramatic scenes in the west. Photos are going to be projected as a sort of backdrop for the band.

Check out their video:


Gloucester House Showcases North Shore Artists

St Valentine art sale

Participating artists include: Charles Francis, Annie Ziergiebel, JP Ware, Deb Shradieck, Susie Fiels, EJ Lefavour, Camilla Macfayden, Beth Williams, Donna Ardizzoni, Phil Cusumano, Marty Morgan, Thi Linh Wenau, Kathy Roberts, Elynn Kroger, Nina Goodick, Mary Ann DeLouise, Conrad Roeske, Catherine McGeary, Karen Tibbets, Tory and Ally Voner, Eileen Oliver, Amanda Cook, Mary McCarl, Theresa Testaverde, and the folks from Cape Ann Giclee.

Thanks to the Gloucester House Restaurant for sponsoring this art event for the community and North Shore artists!  Hope to see all of you there.

E.J. Lefavour

Central Street Gallery – This Saturday at 5:00 PM!

Central Street Gallery
currently on display at the gallery
 Touch the heart with art: A new show @ central
Please join us for chocolates, prosecco and wonderful artwork. 

Reception: Sat., February 8, 5-8pm 
Show starts Friday, February 7. 

Show runs through April 6. 

An exhibition of artwork by talented Manchester High School students will be featured at the gallery mid February. Click here for information. 

Alison Rowell | Gallery Director
Central Street Gallery
11 Central Street,Manchester-by-the-Sea
tel: 978 526-7650

What would you like when it’s all over?

Personally This creeps me out. But I think it would be fun to see what our contributors would want if they choose something like this man did.

At the moment mine would be easy.  Toast me and toss me over the State Fish Pier so I can float around Joey’s Dock for a few years.


From ABC News,
By Liz Fields;

An Ohio motorcycle enthusiast’s family has carried out their father’s long-laid and elaborate funeral plans, that were 18 years in the making.

Billy Standley, 82, of Mechanicsburg, Ohio, was buried Friday, embalmed atop his 1967 Harley Davidson and encased in a giant plexiglass casket.

A couple of hundred people turned up at the funeral which was held outside so all of Standley’s biker friends could attend, two even arriving riding their own motorcyles.

Standley, who died of lung cancer on Sunday, began his own funeral arrangements 18 years ago when he approached David Vernon of Vernon Funeral Homes with his quirky idea.

“At that time I didn’t know to take him seriously or not,” said Vernon, who realized as conversations progressed over several years that this was something “very important” to Standley.


The Gift That Keeps On Giving…


This Weeks GMG Cook is Dee Noble.  AKA my BFF & the wife of Steve Noble from Noble Electric.  Last week Dee and I happened to be shopping at Market Basket at the same time. She asked me to give her a quick easy one dish dinner suggestion that she could prep while the kids were in school without any hesitation I  immediately recommended Pasta Bolognese dinner.   It’s hearty meat sauce can be prepared ahead and quickly warmed while the pasta boils, making it a perfect meal for mothers like Dee who’s afterschool hours are spent driving and picking up kids from their afternoon activities, while worrying about how their going to pull off getting dinner on the table at a reasonable hour.  Dee followed my Pasta Bolognese recipe featured on page 216 of my Cookbook “Gifts Of Gold In A Sicilian Kitchen With Sista Felicia, Harvest” 

Dee Noble Writes~ Ha!!!! Felicia Ciaramitaro Mohan WHO????? You would be so proud of me. I even used a KNIFE to coarsely chop my onions. Instead of my usual scissor action….

dee noble Bolognese sauce

There was one very special hilarious moment during a Christmas Eve open house at my home that  Dee and I became BFF’s…click see more for a peek of that moment … Continue reading “The Gift That Keeps On Giving…”

How much could I charge for a seminar to teach people how to look for things on the internet using a search engine?


You may think I’m kidding but I’m dead serious.

Or maybe the President of the United States could pay me to do a national public service announcement campaign explaining how to do it. 

What would I need like a 30 second spot on all the major networks on how to point your computer to Google and type the words of the subject that you are looking for and then hit the enter button.

Is that even 30 seconds?  Maybe I could speed talk my way through it in 15 seconds and we could buy double the air space.


This is but one question of about the 20 emails I get a day asking me to find things that had been on the blog a previous day or last week-

Recently you posted sista felicias recipe for haddock chowder.  I failed to keep it.  Can you please send it to me?


My response-

Good Morning 🙂

Try this

go to this site-

then go to the top right corner where the search box is.

once you locate the search box type in “Haddock Chowder”

I bet you find the recipe.

Alternatively you could go to

Once there you could find the search box and type in goodmorninggloucester haddock chowder

I bet that would do the trick as well.

have an awesome day

Now if I took my time to respond this calmly to every person that asks me on a daily basis to find something that had been on the blog before I’d never have time to actually produce any content.

What I wanted to do was tear what little bit of hair that I have left out of my scalp and scream because I just can’t understand how hard it is to perform an internet search or what the disconnect is that people are unwilling to perform one.  Is it possible in this day and age when Google is one of the largest companies in the world and part of the Fortune 500 that people don’t know it exists or what it is for?  It is clearly obvious that that disconnect exists for a huge number of the population.  Otherwise I wouldn’t get 20-30 emails a day asking me to find previous posts for people.

This is why the Government giving me a ginormous grant to do a PSA on how to perform internet searches would be probably the best money they ever spent.  Think about the productivity gains you would get from educating what my conservative estimate is 20% of the population who do not know how to search the internet for what they are interested in.

Please for the love of god, help spread the word of this thing called Google– so that all of mankind will benefit and middle aged balding bloggers will be less inclined to tear what little hair they have left on their head out.

Please and Thank You.


Monday February 3RD 2014 Cape Ann Forecast..

Marine Forecast…
Mon: N winds around 10 kt. Seas around 2 ft.

Mon Night: N winds around 10 kt. Seas around 2 ft.

Monday storm system going underneath SNE will bring snow south of mass pike with possible flurries or light snow up to Cape Ann. Little or no accumulation expected . Highs 35-40 degrees with a northerly wind around 10 mph .. Monday clouds break becoming clear lows in the upper 20’s with a northerly wind around 5-10 mph.. Tuesday break highs in 30’s mostly sunny north to northeast winds 10-15 mph and becoming variable .. Now Tuesday night we see snow after midnight into Wednesday Afternoon , morning commute will be a nightmare ..

Position of Low just south of Long Island shows us in heavy snow Wednesday am…

Total Snow Fall Model Map for Wednesday .. Shows us in the pink area which to me would suggest 6-8″ of heavy wet snow …

GFS 12z shows mainly a heavy snow event for Wednesday .. So all in all looks like a good lock for Wednesday … Have a wonderful Monday … Thanks For Reading …
Peter J Lovasco



Community Stuff 2/3/14

Dear Joey:
I’m hoping you’ll post this on Good Morning Gloucester, so we can send along this information for all Gloucester (and surrounding towns) girls in 2nd grade thru 8th grade:
The Lady Fishermen basketball teams (Varsity, JV and Freshmen squads) are hosting a three-day hoop camp for younger basketball players.  Come learn all the skills needed to become a stronger and more confident ball player.  Work with the varsity girls coach Tara Driscoll to increase your endurance and achieve your own goals in basketball!
Download the attached flyer, and mail with your check for $80 made payable to GHS Hoop Camp.
Looking for more information?  Check out our facebook page “Girls Youth Basketball of Gloucester MA” or contact Coach Driscoll
Thanks – hope to see many of you there!




Hi Joey,

I hope this e-mail finds you well. I am not sure if you remember me but we worked together on a project for “Taste of the Times” with Jackson Cannon at my home. My Aunt Terri Gallo and Uncle Gianni Gallo had also worked on the piece. I am writing to you today in the hopes that you will take a few sentences from your blog to help us better reach this community. I am so lucky to be part of the All Star Foundation for UCD. The Urea cycle disorder is a genetic disorder caused by a mutation that results in a deficiency of one of the six enzymes in the urea cycle. These enzymes are responsible for removing ammonia from the blood stream. The urea cycle involves a series of biochemical steps in which nitrogen, a waste product of protein metabolism, is removed from the blood and converted to a compound called urea in the blood. Normally, the urea is transferred into the urine and removed from the body. In urea cycle disorders, the nitrogen accumulates in the form of ammonia, a highly toxic substance, resulting in hyperammonemia (elevated blood ammonia). Ammonia then reaches the brain through the blood, where it can cause irreversible brain damage, coma and/or death. We are on our 4th annual All Star Benefit and would love it if you could mention the event and help us spread awareness. I have attached the sponsor letter and a brief history of Mary Grace (Sanfilippo) Vestal and Michael Vestal. They are both amazing parents who fight every day for this cause and their children. Michael and Marisa both have UCD, older sister Mia is a spunky, healthy, loving big sister. Michael and Grace are both from Gloucester as well as their Families. They now live in wilmington. Grace takes care of Michael and Marisa full time so she can not work. They hold this benefit to help spread awareness, talk about new born screening, and hopefully someday have a cure! They worked in clinical trials for years and last year were able to have a new drug approved by the FDA. Lets help them make this bigger and better! 

Its March 1 at the Danversport 6-10 pm and they can call or go on the website for tickets. or email me at

For info check out the Facebook page hereimage




To let everybody remember the fundraiser is on Saturday who to see everyone there Thank You Robert Trott

Hi Joey,

Would you please publicize this service … the Sargent House inadvertently left off the part where the AzOne Gospel Trio were part of the February 9th service at 10 am at the Gloucester UU Church.  I have attached both a pdf and a jpg … don’t know which would work best for you.   Thanks for all you do for us:  community; churches; businesses  ….. etc.    Karen Rembert

AzOne and Lise Breen

Judy Beavers Has Some Nice Things To Say-

Hi Joey,

Just have to say it again:  Gloucester never disappoints.

Headed up with the family today, from Salem, to spend some time in Gloucester. 

Brunch at Alchemy was outstanding.  

Main St., shops – better than ever.

Turtle Alley chocolates – simply delicious.

Visit to Good Harbor Beach at sunset – priceless.

How lucky are we all! 

No place like it — anywhere.