Instagramming the Chocolate Tour

On Sunday afternoon, after baptizing five beautiful little babies, I ran out to do the Main Street chocolate tour! I Instagrammed my way from store to store, savoring the variety of chocolate offerings and getting heart stickers, signatures, and fancy checkmarks on my chocolate tour map. I didn’t win the gift certificate, but I had a great time!

Eco Boutique was giving cookies
Toodleloos had chocolate covered pretzels!
The Village Silversmith gave out little velvet bags with chocolate hearts!
The G33K store had “healthy” chocolates (no high fructose corn syrup, etc.)!
Chocolate chip cookies at Local Colors
Harbor Gifts had bags of dark chocolate
Island Art and Hobby had pretzels dipped in chocolate and coconut!
Little cookies at Mark Adrian Shoes
Cookies at Palazola’s!
Hot chocolate with peppermint Schnapps at Fred Bodin’s Historic Photo and Fine Art – scrumptious!

Don’t miss the next one!

Fr. Matthew Green

First Ever!!! Gloucester Downtown Chocolate Tour February 9th from 5-9PM

You gotta recognize!  Downtown Gloucester is not your father’s downtown Gloucester.  These merchants are pulling together to come up with some pretty cool happenings for our community.  Now is up to us to support them and have some fun while we’re at it.  see you on the 9th, where else but Downtown Gloucester!


Mark Your Calendar! Inaugural Downtown Gloucester Chocolate Tour February 9th 5 pm-9 pm



Chocolate Tour for Downtown Gloucester

February 9, 2013

5 pm -9 pm

Something SWEET is in the works for Downtown Gloucester on the evening of February 9 – it’s the inaugural CHOCOLATE TOUR.  Look for the BIG RED HEARTS on the doors of participating retailers on Main Street and mark your calendars.   You may pick up your tour map at Toodeloos!, Harbor Goods/Life is good® or Premier Imprints anytime after February 1. 
On the 9th you’ll visit each store on the map to pick up your chocolate treat and have your map checked off.  You may even discover a new place to shop in your travels.    Bring your completed map to Island Art & Hobby to be entered in a raffle for a Cape Ann Gift Certificate.  
Make an evening of it – dine at any of Gloucester’s great restaurants and plan on hitting the Chocolate Tour before or after.     It’s going to be SWEET!