2nd Annual Maritime Summit at Cruiseport

Hi Joey,

We are getting a few participants and a couple of exhibitors for the 2nd Annual Maritime Summit at Cruiseport on Feb 7th. The sign up details and links for maritime summit posted on Gloucester Marine Terminal Blog (blog in early stages of development) http://www.gloucestermarineterminal.blogspot.com/2013/01/2nd-annual-maritime-summit-registration.html . I have also attached the City Press release and a working overview of the Speakers which include quite a few local waterfront luminaries.

I have a few exhibitors but still nailing down the details but they include Ocean Genome (tracks ocean dna and does bar coding for seafood industry), Sea Sciences (ocean robotics), Ocean Alliance (ocean robotics), Neracoos (green chemistry), Endicott College, Interactive Oceangraphics (mapping and software), and Ocean Wave Energy. I am looking for more exhibitors who might have something cool to show and tell for the group so if you know of anyone or anything in your line of business that would be cool, let me know.



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