So I Hated Windows 8 So Much That I Just Ordered Up and Paid For Windows 7 Software To Install On My New Windows 8 Laptop



I know of no man woman or child that went out of their way to defend Windows 7 to Apple fanboys like buddies Paul Morrison and Kim Smith than yours truly.

This guy’s idea of a work computer is not just a consumption device.  It’s a device used to edit and create content for CBS Boston’s Most Valuable Blog and North Shore Magazine’s Best Blog,

As big of a dope as I am, when it comes to creating content I’d say my opinion on this matters.

Windows 8 is a HUGE STEP BACKWARDS if you are a creator.   If you are a person that only uses their computer to casually browse the internet then you probably wouldn’t have a problem with it.

In my opinion WINDOWS 8 SUCKS ASS.  They dumbed down the interface so the windows 8 PC will be universally synced through the cloud to windows tablets and windows phones.  While the Windows phone version might be great because it brings up the level of usability on a phone, by the same measure they dumbed the interface down on the desktop of the PC.

So disappointing.

I’m paying money to go back a generation of an operating system.  Congrats Microsoft, one of your biggest fans is disgusted.

Wintry Harbor Walk at Dawn

The Harbor Walk was beautiful this chilly dawn after the first significant snowfall, with a deceptively warm-appearing orange sherbet sunrise. Despite frozen fingers and toes, I couldn’t help but feel blessed by the beauty that surrounds.

Harbor Walk Dawn Winter ©Kim Smith 2012

Harbor Walk Dawn Winter-2 ©Kim Smith 2012

Harbor Walk Dawn Winter-3 ©Kim Smith 2012

Harbor Walk Dawn Winter-4 ©Kim Smith 2012

Harbor Walk Dawn Winter -5©Kim Smith 2012Harbor Walk Dawn Winter -6©Kim Smith 2012Harbor Walk Dawn Winter-7 ©Kim Smith 2012Harbor Walk Dawn Winter -8©Kim Smith 2012Harbor Walk Dawn Winter -10©Kim Smith 2012Gloucester Harbor Walk December 30, 2012

Café Bishco from Fred Bodin

Fred Bodin writes-

Tonight I decided to order takeout from nearby Cafe Bischco, 51 Main Street (978) 283-8309. They served up a meatball marinara wrap for less than $8. I’ve had their wraps before, and they’re tasty, and enough for a whole dinner. The menu is varied, and very inexpensive. Here is my photo just before I took the meal home. Almost all the meat is below the layer of lettuce. You can judge the size by my gallery ruler. And you can almost smell it from the photo. Love this place – thanks Daria and Mark!

After The Rocky Neck Plunge Hot Coffee, Hot Chocolate and Fish Chowder At The Cultural Center on Rocky Neck

Brenda Malloy Forwards-

There will be a post swim get together open to all at The Cultural Center on Rocky Neck, 6 Wonson St. (site of former Christian Science Church), just down the street from where the swim will take place.  There will be hot coffee, hot chocolate and fish chowder served for everyone.  If you have not seen The Center yet, this is a wonderful opportunity to see what is going on there.   Hope to see you there!  If you’d like to bring some donuts or muffins, feel free!  PEACE!

Midnight Downtown Gloucester Snow Emergency Photo From Fred Bodin

Photo taken just now at 12 Midnight. As you can see, the Snow Emergency parking ban is working. Later, the streets will be scraped clean by our DPW. This will not be a big dumping of snow. I still have to drive home, but once I get to the Rockport line, the streets will be almost dry. That’s Rockport. 
On another topic, I just happen to have a CD playing of Jonathan Richmond and the Modern Lovers, which I talked about with Katy Downer and her friend at the bar at Seaport Grille October 15th, while shooting the transport of a section of the 460 feet tall wind turbine from barge to construction site, which is on on GMG. Kathy knew about this musician, which most folks do not. Here’s a link to get you started:
Truth is, I liked this guy’s music two decades ago and still do. "If you’re in love with Massachusetts, if you’re in love with Modern Music, turn your radio on." Only this guy could talk about riding on 128 and being in love with a shopping center.