Mayor Kirk Makes The Tamano City Newspaper In Japan!

Hi Joey, my visit to our sister city – Tamano City in Japan – made this newspaper ! Third story down. Photo of me admiring public art with the Mayor – beyond that, I have no idea what it says! So happy to be home in Gloucester. Thx for all you do.


Karen Pischke Represents! At the Cherry Blossom Festival In Japan

Hey Joey-
SAKURA is in full Bloom in Japan! A year ago my elderly mother wondered why
I had to go to Kyoto, Japan for Sakura (Cherry Blossom Festival,) since
‘D.C. has beautiful Cherry Blossoms.’ I told her, because D.C. does not have
my Reiki teacher, Inamoto Sensei. Despite the disaster      in Japan, we
felt it important to continue our trip as planned in support of the Japanese
people. And Hyakuten assured us- "Kyoto is safe. You should come." And so,
3/30/11 we flew. One year ago today was our first full day in Kyoto! It
felt(and still feels!) surreal to be there. While there I also represented
GMG! You can find photos from this journey on Facebook Pages- Dreamtime
Wellness, Komyo Reiki Kai/New England and Komyo Reiki Kai Boston. And now,
Hyakuten will be coming to Boston/New England for the 1st time this October!
Hope you get a chance to meet him! Enjoy the photos. Note: Before the trip
and upon my return, we have organized fund raisers for Japan for continued
support at our monthly Reiki Clinic and Meditation Events. The gentleman in
the picture at the food stand kept saying- "Sank you. Sank you vely much."
The Japanese people we met were most grateful we were there, and Japanese
people still need our support! Thanks Joe! For all that you do! It ‘ripples
out’ to many!!    Karen Pischke, Dreamtime Wellness
Peace, love, and light,  Karen