GMG Inside The Numbers For Monday January 23, 2012- 36,159 Views

GMG Inside The Numbers For Monday January 23, 2012- 36,159 Views

If we are getting these kinds of numbers now in the dead of winter I project ridiculous numbers for when things heat up around here in June.

For comparison’s sake last year January 25th 2011 we had 15,374 our growth has more than doubled!

January 29th, 2010 6,233

January 16,2009 2,041

Like I said, you either embrace this fun thing we have going or get run over by it’s momentum.   You can’t stop the fun positive GMG momentum baby, we’re comin’ straight up in your grillmix.


Here were the top 20 posts from yesterday-


Total views from inception-


Total views 14,532,848.  I remember back in January of 2008 when we hit our first 100 viewers and I was ecstatic, lol.  then I remember thinking 10,000 would be incredible if we could get to a total of 10,000 people seeing GMG, then 100,000 and then a million and so on, now we do about a million views a month.  That doesn’t suck my friends.

Reach?  You Wanna Talk About Reach?  There are under 29,000 residents of Gloucester MA.  Then when you account for those residents that are children that don’t use computers or old folks that don’t use computers, there’s no denying the reach is far greater than just a local readership.

These stars represent the locations where we got hits from around the world today January 24th up until 11:06AM.


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