On Like Donkey Kong! The 2012 Bikini & Speedo Dodgeball Tournament. Open Bar and Killer T’s For the Participants

All Profits to Cancer Research. Get a team together, have a ton of fun and do some good. Wins all the way around.

I will be sponsoring a team from GMG. Any other restaurant or business who sponsors a team you can bet I will see to it that your business gets way more publicity than that $100 sponsorship fee will cost from the crazy amount of coverage I’ll be giving this awesome event!

Like this- Jeremy Goldberg from Cape Ann Brewing already donated a keg to the beer tent for the participants! Boom! Jeremy Goldberg and Cape Ann Brewing is getting a mention in every press release leading up to the event. How bout that?
So Crossfit Cape Ann how bout you guys? You gonna get a team together? All you yogi and holistic joints that want some play here on GMG, you want to get your name out there to the 25-35,000 people a day we reach? Here’s your chance.

Think about it this way, 5 team members each kick in $20 each, each get killer TShirts and open bar throughout the tourney in the players area -no brainer baby! I’d get a team together just for the open bar FFS!

You don’t need to be sponsored by a business you can get a team together yourself. Funny team names are encouraged!

So get in on the fun, drum up some awareness for your organization and help with the fight against the suck that is cancer.

Three Way Family Interview

The Bean, Snoop Maddie Mad and I conduct three different Interviews…simultaneously…with each other.

It’s all part of their training to be the next generation of media moguls in their father’s footsteps, Ha! 🙂

Here you go, three different perspectives of the same interview.


Best Friends’ Sunset

Filmed at Oakes Cove, Rocky Neck, November 7, 2011. “Count on Me” by Bruno Mars, from the album Doo-Wops and Hooligans.

Oakes Cove is a small, protected cove located on the southwestern side of Rocky Neck within Gloucester’s Inner Harbor. The “best friends” were unaware they were being filmed. I loved that they were so familiar with the ledge that they knew the exact location of the perfect perch for watching the setting sun together.

Total length 6 minutes, 20 seconds.

Generous Donations for Gloucester Dog Park

A Dog Park Update from Mary Lou Maraganis:


“Gloucester Dog Park is one paw closer to becoming a reality thanks to the generous donations of $12,500 by Christopher and Anne Lewis for The Cat Doctor of Gloucester and an anonymous donation of $10,000 by a Rockport resident.

We still have a way to go but these donations along with the Dusky Foundation’s matching gift was certainly a wonderful way to end 2011.  Remember the allocation of the land for the dog park was only approved by city council in March.  We’ve come a long way in 9 months.  This is due in part to a great crew of volunteers comprising the Friends of Gloucester Dog Park.  We are actively recruiting additional volunteers to help with PR, community development, events planning, web design, arts committee members, volunteer coordinator -simply anyone that wants to be an active part in making this dog park a valuable part of this community.”

To find out more information on donating and/or volunteering, please visit www.gloucesterdogpark.org or call 978-283-5723.


The Virtues Of The Trough

At this fantastic beach club here in Playa del Carmen the “Hombres” room has a good old fashioned trough just like they used to have at Topsfield Fair and Fenway.

What a brilliant use of space.

Never a line to unload the many cervecas you’ve consumed because even though the bathroom isn’t all that big the use of space when you don’t have to have a bunch of individual stalls allows like 6 dudes to pee in the same space that you’d only be able to get three stalls.


Did You Know? (Rock Envy)

In bedroom communities around America people experience lawn envy, and are always trying to make their lawns look as nice or better than the Jones’.  Not so on Cape Ann.  Here I think people are more inclined to experience rock envy, and how much more effectively the Jones’ have beautified their property with the rocks they had available to them.  I think that Annisquam has been blessed with some of the largest, most beautiful and abundant rocks I have seen on Cape Ann, and is therefore probably the target of much rock envy.

E.J. Lefavour

Green is Great – Turning Spoils to Soils


Black Earth Hauler picks up compostable waste in Gloucester, Rockport, Essex, Ipswich, Manchester, Beverly, Salem, Hamilton, and Wenham and brings it to a farm in Hamilton where it is turned into rich, black compost. Food and other organic material naturally break down and decompose to form this nutrient rich substance essential to plant growth and soil health. Participating in food waste pick-up diverts organic waste from landfills and incinerators and returns it to the soil.

Would you like to have your food waste composted and returned to the soil?
Sign up for Curbside Compost.

Feel guilty tossing that banana peel into the trash or down the disposal? Don’t have enough space or time to have your own compost pile?

Black Earth offers two Curbside Compost pick-up services to residents of Cape Ann.
1) Weekly pick-up of your food waste in a five gallon bucket for $4 a week. We have buckets available with a carbon filter.
2) Yard and food waste picked up every two weeks in a tote for $8.

Sign on for a year of service for $200 and recieve a half yard of compost delivered to your house.

Recycling your organic waste is easy to implement because they accept all compostable material including meat, dairy, and paper.

In addition to picking up food waste, Black Earth Haulders also sells and delivers compost to your home.  They also do commercial pick up.  Visit their website at http://www.blackearthhauler.com/index.php for more info, or contact Conor Miller, (c) 262-227-1067

or Justin Sandler, Sales Manager
(c) 978-473-2502

Good Cause


The Sarah Lufkin Memorial Scholarship Fund will hold its 14th annual benefit fund-raiser February 7th from 6 to 10 p.m. at Periwinkles Restaurant in Essex.

The Lufkin family will host the event which will be filled with friends, food, music, raffles and a silent auction will be held to benefit the Sarah Lufkin Memorial Scholarship Fund.

The recipient of this year’s award will also be announced during the event. The scholarship was set up shortly after Sarah’s death in 1997 to award money to students who have attended Essex Elementary School and who will be studying in a field that has a direct effect on children.

“We want students who will be working with children to benefit from the scholarship, in essence, continuing what she was unable to do,” according to Sarah’s sister, Kim Lufkin. “Sarah returned to Salem State part time after finishing two years of chemotherapy and made the dean’s list that semester.”

All food for the evening will be donated by local restaurants and caterers while the staff at Periwinkles will donate their time and energy. Live music will be performed by Joe Militello and there will be a raffle, a silent auction, and a 50/50 raffle. Tickets are $25 each and will be available at the door.

For ticket information or information about how to donate an item please contact Sue Lufkin (978) 768-7122 or Laurie Lufkin (978) 985-6532.  You can also contact Tim Burton at 978-283-1601 at the Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce

Ina May Wool may live in NYC, but has a Gloucester Connection


This week’s gimmesound Artist of the Week is Wool & Grant .  And you may remember Ina May’s band in the mid 1970s featuring Gloucester music legend David Brown — and you can see him with KBMG tonight at Jalapenos.

You can see Wool & Grant tomorrow night at 6:30 on Local Music Seen with Allen Estes (Cape Ann TV channel 12).

The Mermaid Sessions ~ Host Brian King with special guest Chelsea Berry ~ A Bike For Savannah.

Tomorrow night- I’ll be featured at Brian King’s The Mermaid Sessions! We will be helping to raise money to buy my friend Len Pal’s little girl Savannah a bicycle. Please come out and show your support for Savannah! 7:30pm. Musicians- come on out too! Room for all to play tomorrow night. Open mic format.




Rest In Peace My Brother

They’ll never take the memories.


One of my brothers from my youth is gone. One of about 7 that I’d considered a brother and had gone through the trenches of my twenties with.

Miss those days when we were all together. Now scattered across the country I’m sure every one of us can look back to the many times we were all together and remember just how great it was to have such close bonds. Although we’re all in different places and you all know who you are, let’s remember what it meant to have each other through thick and thin, girls coming and going but always having each others backs, laughing and playing-always.

Here’s to you my brothers, never forget the good times we shared.