An Open Apology To My Neighbors

Dear Neighbors,

I am sorry for “being that GUY” who leaves up his Christmas lights way too long. Especially, incredibly cheesy candy cane lights on a tree that was barely alive before the 25 snowstorms. I was always the guy who said it’s February dang it – get your bleeping lights off your house! In my only defense, I have tried to pull them off but there is 7 feet of snow there. Its been snowing right before Christmas and has it stopped? Our Cape Ann Weather guy (Twitter @capeannguy) reports we have had 63 inches this year – Do You think I get a pass this year or am I the neighbor you don’t want to live next to?

Sincerely – Patrick


5 thoughts on “An Open Apology To My Neighbors

  1. Maybe it’s my country-lass upbringing, but what a neighbor does or how a neighbor decorates or cares for their vegetation is their own business. Light up those candy-canes with pride!


  2. I’m having the same problem. Ever time some of the snow melts… we get hit again! At this rate they’ll be up til spring… oh well.


  3. Patrick, Yes, you are definitely the neighbor I don’t want to live next to but it’s because of those loud Sunny D and rum raps you keep layin’ down every Friday night that wake up the whole neighborhood. The candy canes have nothing to do with it.


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