Native Shrimp

If you don’t already know, the native shrimp are in!

For New Year’s Eve, I tried something new and made Ceviche with native shrimp and scallops. It was delicious! While  I was cleaning the shrimp for the ceviche, I noticed how beautiful the eggs were.  I had to take a pic to share with GMG readers.

They are ice blue, like the color of glaciers!

And here is the final Ceviche:

9 thoughts on “Native Shrimp

    1. Hey, I washed my hands before preparing! That ceviche has enough vitamin C to neutralize anything. 2 out of 4 were sick, so I also served cough syrup, which paired nicely. 🙂


    1. I used the below recipe as a base and put my own spin on it. I didn’t use as many tomatoes, added scallops and I used shallots instead of onions. Definitely add the avocado. It makes a lot, so you should plan to have a few people over. I don’t measure, so I don’t know how much shrimp I bought, but there is a half pound of scallops in there.
      It goes well with light sesame rice crackers.


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