Streaming Nia and Restorative Yoga Classes via Zoom with Linda All Free! Week of June 1st Nia Routine: Country Bluesy Fun More Nia on 1623 Project TV

Cape Ann Wellness

nia blues country swing title graphic


Git yer hat and boots and come join me on the dance floor as we sashay about to the fun country bluesy tunes by The Bumper Jacksons, The Quebe Sisters and Hot Club of Cowtown. Don’t know these bands?  Well get ready for some earworms cause you will be humming and singing these tunes all week.  My personal favorite, Give Me a Pigfoot and a Bottle of Beer.  Check out the song here

If you are new to Nia with Linda, these streaming classes are free.  Share with anyone who you feel needs a little movement and fun in their lives during this period of social isolation.

So here is how it works.  It will be easier for you if you download the Zoom client for meetings for a desktop or laptop, or the app for phones and tablets.

Click here for the link to download the client or…

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