Cape Ann Motor Inn new stairs and spring flower baskets Long Beach Gloucester Mass.

Cape Ann Motor Inn, Long Beach, Gloucester, Mass. is closed because of Covid-19. They’ve used the time to spruce up: new deck, stairs and ramp in process at the entrance. Their signature hanging flower baskets went right up despite the closure. They’re wonderful neighbors.

Alicia Unleashed- To The Class of 2020


We collected Voicemails for any graduate of 2020 and compiled them here in this quick episode (that fully deserves Alicia’s graduating year ’99’ as the episode number).

**B-Side snuck my daughter, sister and dear friend Hannah without my knowing**

Featured Graduates in this episode:
Alicia Cox, Rebecca Paul, Sedona Gilard, Maddie Machado, Jake Enos, Ben Renales, Alycianna Guerrero, Trinity Glace and Tianna Nolasco.

Thank you to all the families, Coaches and Staff that helped with this episode.

-Alicia & BSide

Parenting During a Pandemic Panel FREE

Last Thursday Gloucester Education Foundation hosted a parenting panel via Zoom and will host the second panel, this Thursday at 7:00 pm. We are hoping you couldΒ help us spread the word for this week’s panel by sharing this eventbrite linkΒ Parenting During a PandemicΒ 

During the panel our experts answer questions and provide ideas and solutions for how parents can maintain a sense of calm for their kids during an uncertain and anxiety-producing time.

Topics include:

-How do we keep our kids mentally healthy during this time of uncertainty?

-Dealing with disappointment and grief- how to help kids mourn the losses that they are experiencing.

-How to safely fulfill our kids needs to be social.

-Spotting the warning signs of anxiety and depression.

Also, If you’d like to view last week’s discussion, please view here!
Thanks so much for considering and pleaseΒ don’t hesitate to email me with any questions

Fish Tales: REDO Real Stories Told Live* (*well, recorded live) at Gloucester Stage

casey breton jpeg
Streaming on Vimeo May 22nd to 31stΒ  |Β  Tickets: $9

Fish Tales: REDO

Real Stories Told Live* (*well, recorded live) at Gloucester Stage

A local storytelling program developed by the Gloucester Writers Center (GWC), because at heart every writer is a storyteller. In fact, we are all storytellers. Each day we tell stories about where we’ve been, what we’ve seen, and who we’ve talked to – all with additional color and flare, seriousness and humor, love and affection.

Fish Tales has grown from a cozy storytelling evening at the GWC to a happening weekend night event every other month, showcasing real people, telling true stories from the heart. Our storytellers are vulnerable, ready to share, funny and honest, and our enthusiastic audience reminds us that it is a joy and privilege to sit and listen to someone else’s life for a while.

FishtalesΒ is an evening where our community comes together to share real life funny and heartwarming stories. Although we can’t be together, we can still enjoy a night of storytelling.

The storyteller line-up includes Eric Baumeister, Casey Breton, Peggy Lyman, Mari Martin, Brian Orr and many more!!!

Streaming Tickets are $9 at www.gloucesterstage.comRedo Poster jpeg

Updated Lists from Cape Ann Chamber for Restaurants, Groceries, Banks etc

The Cape Ann Chamber’s list of restaurants updated as of May 22 :

Click to access Cape-Ann-Take-Out-Delivery-List-5.22.20.pdf


Cape Ann Retailers updated May 19:

Click to access Cape-Ann-Retailers-5.19.20.pdf


Pharmacies, Grocery Stores, Markets, Farm Stands and Convenience Stores updated May 22:

Click to access 5.22.20-Cape-Ann-Markets-Grocery-Stores-Pharmacies.pdf


Banks and USPS updated May 21:

Click to access Cape-Ann-List-of-Financial-and-USPS-Services-5.21.20.pdf