
The minute I noticedEn Vogue Salon announce their re-opening date, I contacted my favorite hair stylist Josie. She slotted me in for noon yesterday (Tuesday) and it turns out I was her first client in the reopening phase. I was so happy to see her! And it looked like she was happy to see me too, even if my hair wasn’t showing off her best skills by then…..

In case you are wondering, staff is making extra efforts to sanitize, distance and be safe. I waited outside until Josie was ready for me. My temperature was taken at the door and I used the hand sanitizer. I was asked for contact information which was recorded in case needed in the future. I was also asked a couple of screening questions about my current health.  Those introductory measures only took a very few minutes.

Josie washed my hair and sent me to her chair while she santitized the shampoo chair. We each wore our masks throughout. I will advise you to think about your mask choice carefully. The “gaiter” style makes the hair cutting more difficult. Anything that ties behind your head would do the same so you want one that is secured by your ears instead of around your head. All her cutting equipment was going into its own container for sanitization. Then off I went with my new, refreshed, Phase 1 in Reopening hair!





Headshot for Lisa

I know it might not look very different to you, but I am feeling pretty snazzy. Thank you Josie and En Vogue staff!  978-281-8870


Gloucesteropoly Game Boards Have Arrived!

Gloucesteropoly boards have FINALLY arrived. Thank you for your patience! The GHS class of 2020 has worked tirelessly for the second, and final, edition of Gloucesteropoly! As with everything else over the past few months, production delays, extenuating circumstances, and shipping issues all played a factor in the late arrival of the boards.

BUT – GREAT NEWS!!  THEY ARE HERE!  The Gloucester High School Administration is currently trying to plan proper procedures that will allow the safe distribution of the boards.  PLEASE stay tuned for updates!  As SOON as the distribution date is approved, count on Good Morning Gloucester to share the dates and times!

If you have specific questions, please feel free to contact Tracy Lowthers or Carol Finacey (GHS Class of 2020 advisors).  Their staff emails are listed below.   We look forward to getting these boards to you and we appreciate your support!
