Gloucester Ma Represented By Jimmy Dalpiaz For @SteveHartmanCBS #TapsAcrossAmerica #CBSTaps

Memorial Day celebrations across the U.S. will look a bit different this year, with most picnics, parades, and services canceled due to the coronavirus outbreak. That’s why CBS News “On the Road” correspondent Steve Hartman is teaming up with retired Air Force bugler Jari Villanueva to keep the spirit of the holiday alive.

Hartman and Villanueva are asking veterans, musicians, teachers, and students of all abilities and ages to sound Taps on their front lawns, porches, and driveways at 3 p.m. local time this Monday, May 25th.

Taps is instantly recognizable as the somber 24-note bugle call played at American military funerals and ceremonies. Hartman and Villanueva hope that the nationwide event will offer an opportunity to pause for a moment to pay tribute to fallen service members and victims of the coronavirus pandemic while maintaining social distancing guidelines.

Hartman was inspired by a story he did in 2012 on Don Brittain, who sounded Taps on his balcony at sunset. Hartman thought other trumpet players could do the same.

Independently, Villanueva had virtually the same idea for a Memorial Day tribute. Villanueva retired from the United States Air Force at the rank of Master Sergeant, after 23 years playing with the United States Air Force Band at Arlington National Cemetery. His organization Taps for Veterans helps match live buglers and trumpet players with military families for funerals and ceremonies.

If you’d like to dust off your trumpet or bugle and sound the call, here’s what you need to know:

Who can participate?

Anyone who can sound Taps on a trumpet, bugle, or similar instrument.

When should I sound Taps?

Monday, May 25 (Memorial Day) at 3 p.m. in your time zone.


Should I record myself sounding Taps?

Yes – we plan to show some of your videos on the CBS Evening News on Tuesday. See below for tips on filming and how to submit your video.

How do I sound Taps?

Find the sheet music here. Villanueva recommends playing in the key of B flat, if possible.

Where should I play?

Your front yard, porch, balcony, driveway, etc. – anywhere you can be socially distant from neighbors and passerby. Feel free to alert your neighbors so they can come listen from a safe distance.

What should I do if I hear Taps?

If you hear Taps being sounded, you should respond as you do for the national anthem: Stand, face the music and place your hand over your heart.

TFV bulgers at Arlington National Cemetary

On Tuesday’s “CBS Evening News,” we’ll share videos of some of the participants. Here are some tips to help you record your video:

What should I use to record a video of myself?

Any phone with a video camera works – you don’t need any fancy equipment. Just place your phone somewhere stable, or have someone with steady hands hold it in one place. Hold the phone horizontally, not vertically, so your video is wider than it is tall. Record the whole performance. If neighbors or friends come to listen, get a shot of them too!

How do I share my video with CBS?

Tag us in your video on social media with the hashtag #CBSTaps, or upload it to this folder. Please include your full name and location in the file name, if possible.

Tonno’s Last Weekend for Takeout Announced

From the Tonno Gloucester Facebook page, we read with regret that Tonno has decided to forgo takeout after this upcoming weekend (wed-Sat May 27-30)

It was great to see everyone as we tried takeout over the past few weeks. It was pretty fun to come up with some out of the box ideas like virtual wine dinners and market items to sell. Unfortunately takeout was not as busy as we hoped and at this time just does not make sense for us to continue. Next week will be our last week doing takeout as we have decided to close down and reopen when the time is right. Next week we will continue with our menu and Market items (produce boxes as well). As always we promise to try as hard as we can and always serve you right. We felt obligated to extend these services to our community for another week because we truly believe it is a safe convenient way for people to access great food in tough times. Check back soon for updates. Love you all, be safe Cape Ann.


We look forward to their return!

Mother of 4 carrying service flag with 2 gold 2 blue stars, Boston parade 1919 [National Archives]

memorial day 2020. Remembering those who sacrificed their lives to keep us safe, veterans who have passed, and the families who loved them. Thank you.

photo: Mother of four soldiers who marched in a parade in Boston Ma., carrying service flag with 4 stars, 2 gold & 2 blue, ca. 1919 [National Archives, unidentified photographer, rec’d 1919 Jan. 21]

GloucesterCast 422 Livestream With Julie Borge, Troy Petrillo, Chris McCarthy, Scottie Mac, Jim and Pat Dalpiaz and Joey C Taped 5/25/20

GloucesterCast 422 Livestream 8:30AM Monday With Julie Borge, Troy Petrillo, Chris McCarthy,Scottie Mac Jim and Pat Dalpiaz and Joey C

Press play to listen-

When you subscribe you need to verify your email address so they know we’re not sending you spam and that you want to receive the podcast or GMG in your email.  So once you subscribe check your email for that verification. If you don’t see it, check your spam folder in your email acct so you can verify that you’d like to get them via email subscription.

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Topics Include:

Thank you to the people on the front lines of the crisis that are sacrificing being away from their families- First Responders, Health Care Workers, Grocery Store People, Truckers and anyone else sacrificing to keep things moving.


Julie Borge and Troy Petrillo From K-9 Kuts Opening tomorrow

Lobster Trap Gifts

Thoughts on attracting Baltimore Orioles to your yard……
Tonno closing for takeout after this week. Their takeout was among the best we had and we look forward to their return. Thank you Anthony for giving it a go!
General impressions of the first weekend of summer open under restrictions. Thanks to everyone who did a great job following the guidelines for the benefit of us all!
Jim will be playing Taps at 3 PM today as part of the CBS news “Taps Across America” initiative.

Memorial Day Tribute

Memorial Day is intended to honor those who died in service and this is just one of those stories. It reflects one Gloucester family’s sacrifice. These themes run through each and every military loss of life so our hearts are with all the families out there who have suffered such loss.

This is Jeffrey Gordon Tyne’s 1964 Gloucester Flicker yearbook entry.  He looks suitably “adult” here, though the listed interests and activities seem to reflect how young he really was even on the brink of high school graduation.


Less than 2 years after his graduation, he was killed in Vietnam on May 29 1966.  Here’s the account from the Boston Record American (obtained from June 3 1966:


The Gloucester Daily Times special series about the dozen military local area losses in the Vietnam War called “Cape Ann’s Fallen” is available at this link.

The Vietnam War Memorial Wall of Faces shares further remembrances of “Doc Tyne”, who, by all accounts had been home in Gloucester for Mother’s Day and dead in Vietnam by the end of the same month. This link includes this touching memory:

Jeff and I went through training together at Camp lajune NC. We landed in Viet Nam on 29 May 66 and took a jeep from the airport in Denang out to our company’s outpost. The chief that we met said that a corpsman was needed in the field right away so we flipped a coin to see who would go out to the field and Jeff wound up going out that night. The next morning the chief the chief woke me up informing me that Jeff had gotten killed and that I was needed in the field.

The City of Gloucester Veterans Memorial for Tyne Square at the corner of Cherry St and Stanwood Street can be found here.

His parents, Frank and Mary and his younger siblings were left with whatever memories they held in their hearts for the remainder of their lives. In fact, his father Frank (himself a World War II veteran) outlived another son, Frank “Billy” Tyne who was lost in the sinking of the Andrea Gail in 1991.  This family’s story seems to personify the history of Gloucester and should be shared on an occasion such as Memorial Day. God Bless the Tyne family and all other affected families for their sacrifices.


Let’s Go Gloucester!!! @hiddenboston reports “News: The City Of Boston has approved of an emergency measure to allow restaurants to add outdoor seating. “




Read the article

Boston restaurants can get emergency approval to add outdoor seating once they’re allowed to re-open for diners

The Boston Licensing Board this morning approved an emergency measure under which restaurants can put seating outside once the city lifts the ban on in-restaurant dining, to deal with new Covid-19 restrictions that will shrink their indoor seating capacity.

The board unanimously approved a pandemic-related regulation under which restaurants can apply for new outdoor seating once the city lifts the ban on in-restaurant dining. Unlike with other major seating modifications, the owners will not have to first meet with neighborhood groups and schedule a public hearing, a process which can often take weeks to arrange, but instead simply file an application that the board will act on at its regular weekly meetings.

Read entire article from Adam Gaffin here