Do Yourself A Favor And Buy This Cheap Knife Sharpener Instead Of Cursing At Your Dull Knives All Day Long Like An Idiot

We have some expensive knives that are dull as hell. It is aggravating knowing how much they cost and that when they’re dull they might as well be tossed in the shitcan because they’re virtually useless.

Bring them to a knife sharpener and besides being a pain in the ass, it’s fairly costly.

Enter the cheap and easy to use and super effective “Sharp N Easy” knife sharpener. Under $10. Four passes on the coarse side and four passes on the fine side and your dull-ass knife is razor sharp. Check out the demonstration where I go with the before and after cutting the paper. Before sharpening it would bounce off the paper. After eight total passes it sliced right through.

You are literally an idiot not to buy one and keep it in your knife drawer

Eric Lorden from Passports told me about this about six years ago and I didn’t act. So now I’m pissed off at myself for going all these years with expensive dull knives when I could have always had sharp knives for hardly money.

Here’s the link to purchase




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GloucesterCast 415 With O’Maley Science Teachers Amy Donnelly and Dave Brown, Jimmy Dalpiaz and Joey C Taped 5/8/20

GloucesterCast 415 With O’Maley Science Teachers Amy Donnelly and Dave Brown, Jimmy Dalpiaz and Joey C Taped 5/8/20

Press play to listen-

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Topics Include:
GloucesterCast 415 With O’Maley Science Teachers Amy Donnelly and Dave Brown, Jimmy Dalpiaz and Joey C Taped 5/8/20

Thank you to the people on the front lines of the crisis that are sacrificing being away from their families- First Responders, Health Care Workers, Grocery Store People, Truckers and anyone else sacrificing to keep things moving.

GloucesterCast Virgins Death Row Meal/Sub Picks

Both science teachers at O’Maley innovation middle school. Created a go fund me to help cover supplies so that the teachers can keep making shields if you want to include the link anywhere:
How did this project get started?
How many facilities have you been able to help so far?
How many shields do you envision producing?
Who are the volunteers for the project?
Where does the funding come from?
How does Gloucester have so much amazing equipment?
How can the community/others help this initiative?
Have you ever done anything like this on this scale before?



Updated Death Row Subs and Meals

Here are the updates from this past week’s podcasts. These first time Gloucestercasters (“virgin podcasters”) are asked what sub they would order if on death row. They are also asked what would their last restaurant meal be. Here are this week’s answers to those searing, thought-provoking questions……. thanks to everyone for participating!

updated death row

Here’s the previous week’s list for reference, because who doesn’t want to reference last week’s answers?

Original Death Row

Relaxing Waves at Pebble Beach

We stopped briefly at Pebble Beach recently to soak in some of the relaxing sights and sounds of the waves and the gulls. Except to take these pictures, we stayed in the car to ensure social distancing. We had been out and about looking for potential blog material and we stayed just a short time. But it was long enough for a driver passing by to shout a suggestion that we “go back to f***ing New York”. So much for humanity and understanding on this person’s part. For myself, I hope I always remember how isolation has felt. I hope I always remember to reserve judgement as we don’t know the other person’s story. And I hope I’m never heard shouting the F word in public………

So  here’s some actual relaxation I do hope to remember and repeat.

Celebrating Nurses Week: Supporting Nurses with Sessions for Relaxation and Stress Relief

Cape Ann Wellness

Your expertise, care, compassion, courage and dedication are much appreciated!

Be sure to make time for self-care, in the process!

We are offering FREE 20-minute Consultation Sessions and Webinar Meditations for Nurses and Other Front-line Healthcare Workers; Breathing Relaxation and Guided Imagery. (Offered throughout the MA ‘stay at home’ directive. One per person) Contact Us to Schedule: Email:

Karen Pischke BSN, RN, Alumnus CCRN, Nurse Researcher, Integrative Nurse Consultant, Author, Speaker, Photographer. Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Tobacco Treatment Specialist, Usui Reiki Teacher/Komyo Shihan. Owner/Founder of Dreamtime Wellness LLC. Your Bridge to Health: Promoting Optimal Wellness for Mind, Body and Spirit. Karen is a registered nurse with a background in critical care nursing, cardiac rehabilitation, cardiac risk factor reduction, wellness and integrative healthcare. Incorporating a collaborative, integrative approach, Karen strives to educate, advocate for, and empower you in your healthcare goals. Providing evidence-based integrative healthcare services and self-care tools that are

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