A Few Snapshots of LIV AND MATT’S WEDDING WEEKEND! #lobstercovewedding

With family visiting through the end of this week, and Liv and Matt here until Tuesday, I haven’t had a spare moment to look through the few photos I managed to take. I’ll post those within the next day or so. And the fabulously talented Esther Mathieu was our wedding photographer–I cannot wait to see her photos!! When things settle down I plan to make a list of all the local businesses who helped make Matt and Liv’s wedding simply magical. If you are on Instagram type in the hashtag #lobstercovewedding to see lots more snapshots.


Craig Kimberley Photo



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11 thoughts on “A Few Snapshots of LIV AND MATT’S WEDDING WEEKEND! #lobstercovewedding

    1. The limo is a 1965 panel bus that I found on eBay in 2002. It was originally used as a TV sales and service vehicle in eastern North Dakota from 1965-1969. I think I am the 14th owner, and the first owner outside of North Dakota,

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