Do nice guys finish last?

Let’s face it, not all gals like a “bad boy” and not all gals like “wicked super nice guy”. I like guys that are a little bit of both. (well my husband is at least) This concept is so easy for us gals to understand but guys just don’t get it.

Obviously ladies love compliments from their guy but can it ever be too much? Nothing wrong with a guy saying in front of a group of friends “look how HOT my lady is today” Thats cute but when does it become over kill? Some guys think it’s never too much.

I for one, think at certain point it will no longer sound genuine.

Guys and Gals…. thoughts?





11 thoughts on “Do nice guys finish last?

  1. Depends on the woman. I know of some very nice gals who would never tire of sweet compliments or gentlemanly gestures. But if you’re like me, and you’re kind of a jerk sometimes, you need someone who can take that day after day (sometimes by giving it right back). And that means more to me than saying my hair looks nice. πŸ™‚


  2. You know what the best is? When you go out of your way to praise someone publicly and then they shit on you publicly for it. THAT’S THE BEST. Makes you want to compliment them all the time.


    1. you know what’s the best about this comment? I can actually hear your tone as if we were speaking.

      yea but do u do it ALL the time? or just sometimes?


      1. I do it all the time and I don’t give a shit what anybody thinks. I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it. You play games and shit on girls when you’re an insecure adolescent. Grown Ass men should worship their women not tear them down in the name of being a bad boy or making a woman feel less than what they are

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        1. I didn’t mean bad boy in that sense. I like tattoos and someone that will challenge me and still hold their own against me. not be a coward and just do everything I say.


  3. I like compliments in public from “my guy” but not about how I look ,( WTF?) .. but what I am doing or what I have done that is actually interesting or cool.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Both “Subjective and Objective” all about finding balance and respect has always been a two-way street! πŸ™‚ Dave

    “The miracle is the this: “The more we share…the more we have.” Leonard Nimoy (West Boston).


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