Origami class at The Hive tonight!

As previously announced, I will be teaching an origami class at the Hive tonight. I can tailor the content to the interests and needs of those present. We can do some nautically themed origami, including a variety of boats, and maybe a sea serpent (as in the photo above).

Or, have you bought an origami book or kit for yourself or a family member, only to have it get dusty on the shelf because no one can figure it out?  You are not alone! Bring it to the class, and I can teach the group how to read the diagrams and fold some models from the book!  It doesn’t matter how simple or complex the model is – I can help you understand what’s going on.  Sometimes, the problem is that the diagrams are  poorly done, or just plain wrong. I can help you over those obstacles!

As a final option, if there’s something you’d like to learn how to make, sign up for the course and let me know what you want to learn (and what your skill level is), by commenting on this post or by some other means. I will do my best to find something to suit your interest! I have over 100 origami publications in my personal library, and can also find a variety of instructions on the internet.

I hope to see you there!

Fr. Matthew Green

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