Living in a Whistler Painting

Smith's Cove Gloucester ©Kim Smith 2013

Smith's Cove Gloucester Massachusetts ©Kim Smith 2013Smith’s Cove in the fog last night reminded me of Whistler’s Nocturne series. Although British-based, Whistler was born in Lowell, Massachusetts.

Smiths Cove Gloucester MA ©Kim Smith 2013

13 thoughts on “Living in a Whistler Painting

    1. We are so blessed! After a six hour traffic day–three on the way and three on return–I just love coming to my home sited up from Smiths Cove, and never get tired of the view.


  1. Gorgeous photos. I love to see the fog (and hear fog-horns, although I didn’t last night.) Fog has a certain peaceful quality about it if you’re in a safe place to watch it come and go even though I know how dangerous it can be.


  2. Wasn’t that spectacular! The light kept changing. For a few minutes there was a clear spot of light way back, glimmering on the water, creating a beautiful silhouette. Blessed indeed!


    1. Yes–I was hoping for some sunset colors mixed with the fog too, but then the fog became very, very dense and i cold barely see across to the Neck.


    1. Thank you Anne. Great to hear from you. How was the Monarch migration last fall through your region? The northeast had a spectacular migration, but I have read it was not good through the central corridor.


  3. It wasn’t a normal Michigan summer. It was too hot & too dry. Even the spring was strange. It came too early, and all the fruit trees blossomed and froze. We had to come to Gloucester to pick apples!


    1. Thanks Anne for the information. We had an usually warm spring and summer, which actually made for butterflies in record numbers. This year we are having a much more typical New England spring–chilly and unpredictable!


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