Community Photos 2/15/13

Hi Joey –

Hope you are well and fared well during the storm!  I wanted to share a few photos I took the day after the storm at Good Harbor Beach.  It was so sad to see the bridge in ruins and I was astounded to see how high the tide was.  Despite the damage that had been done, Good Harbor Beach was still as beautiful as ever…

Many thanks!


Melissa Nicastro

Hi Joey! I am forwarding four pictures that I took on my hike at Ravenswood with my dog this morning at sunrise. I am not very good at this so you might have to turn a couple around if you think they are worthy of sharing. Have a great day! Carol Morello





One thought on “Community Photos 2/15/13

  1. It seems like the Good Harbor Beach bridge is wrecked every time there is a Big storm.
    Should it be moved further up the creek for more protection from the waves?
    Or made of steel or concrete? Just wondering…..


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