Some things that make Gloucester such a unique place

gloucester harbor collage copy

You could go on and on, but it was getting a little crowded.

E.J. Lefavour

20 thoughts on “Some things that make Gloucester such a unique place

    1. Thanks Fred. It was fun and did take some time, but there’s so much more that could be added, so I’ll probably do a couple more. I printed it out as a 12×16 print and it looks really cool.


  1. EJ – when you have a chance, swing down to the ice co and help me paint that cod fish on the side of our building ! I missed the chance to have Jeff Weaver do it, when we had scaffolding up 16 years ago…
    Thanks, Scott


    1. Glad you like it Scott. But I think you’d have a better shot getting Jeff to do it than getting me to climb up on scaffolding on that little piece of dock over deep cold water in the dead of winter.


  2. Love your collection of Glosta sights! I think there is a tiny bit of room in the top left corner for a wind turbine. (Kidding) Truly, your pictures are just wonderful!


    1. Thanks Skip. I think I’ve found my niche, at least for this year’s body of work. It is perfect for a compulsive anal-retentive task oriented perfectionist like myself


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