Congratulations Dean Salah On Your Tenth Year As Owner of George’s Coffee Shop! May There Be Many More To Come!!!!

Dean had no idea that his staff went in and decorated the joint in the middle of the night to surprise him as he thought that no one even knew it was his tenth year anniversary of when the keys were handed to him.

There’s a big time camaraderie in there with everyone who works, they obviously adore the leader of the pack, Dean and the way he runs the place with a warm smile and respect and a kind word for everyone.  One of Gloucester’s finest he is!

Dean is a guy that makes you proud of your community and brings people together to celebrate the positive.  A TRUE GLOUCESTERMAN!

Cheers Dean and to the rest of your wonderful crew at George’s!



6 thoughts on “Congratulations Dean Salah On Your Tenth Year As Owner of George’s Coffee Shop! May There Be Many More To Come!!!!

  1. Congratulation Dean! You worked long and hard to make Georges such a great place ! You are a special guy to us all ! love ya always. Lilly xo xo ps . Georges girls rock……


  2. Dean Congratz to you and all your staff! Wish you many more happy years serving Gloucester with a smile and great food!


  3. In my journey on the Sands of Time I go a long way back to the time my family was living at 124 Washington St. I came back from being a ward of the state in 1953. I had a shoe shine stand at the Gloucester Train Depot thanks to Roger Edwards. As years went by I got to big to shine shoes and I got work from Linsky Brothers Junk Yard. It was then I got to know George’s. I can vision it now as Morris, Rem, Joe , Ben. and their friend Sam the barrel man and I squezeed in the middle at the counter having coffee and pastries.
    The years have passed quickly and within the last ten years I and my wife got to know Dean & Lilly real well. It was in the last five years I was diagnosed with Lymphoma. I remember it well as \I made a hastened visit to see Dr. Mcintyre at the Gortons Cancer Clinic on the fourth floor. I was dissapointed that he was not in , but I did see Dr. Woo, whom just as she gave me the diagnosis my cell phone rang and it was Sean checking up on me. That is caring.
    It was also recently I was rushed to AGH for heart problems , again my cell phone rang it was somebody from George’s checking on my well being. Dean has been a true friend . This morning I wrote a poem and I submit to GMG a copy.

    Happy 10th.Anniversary
    By Peter A. Todd
    To George’s

    We celebrate with community pride and joy
    The ten years that we have been able to share
    Each day that we have been able to eat and enjoy
    The meals so expertly cooked and prepared
    In recognition of George’s dedicated cooks and crew
    Each with their own special talents and style
    For the laughter and friendships found and renewed
    The daily talks of wisdom of our City and our youth compiled
    Through the years there have been good times and sad
    With the loss of those of family and friends in Heaven above
    Through their spirit and the Faith that they had
    George’s continues to serve with its heritage of Hope and love
    In its first days George’s was a Coffee Shop to meet and greet
    Today it’s a place to enjoy and eat in true family style
    So just relax as the friendly staff guides you to your seat
    As you are gifted with the spirit of Friendship that will last a long while


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