Green is Great – Turning Spoils to Soils

Black Earth Hauler picks up compostable waste in Gloucester, Rockport, Essex, Ipswich, Manchester, Beverly, Salem, Hamilton, and Wenham and brings it to a farm in Hamilton where it is turned into rich, black compost. Food and other organic material naturally break down and decompose to form this nutrient rich substance essential to plant growth and soil health. Participating in food waste pick-up diverts organic waste from landfills and incinerators and returns it to the soil.

Would you like to have your food waste composted and returned to the soil?
Sign up for Curbside Compost.

Feel guilty tossing that banana peel into the trash or down the disposal? Don’t have enough space or time to have your own compost pile?

Black Earth offers two Curbside Compost pick-up services to residents of Cape Ann.
1) Weekly pick-up of your food waste in a five gallon bucket for $4 a week. We have buckets available with a carbon filter.
2) Yard and food waste picked up every two weeks in a tote for $8.

Sign on for a year of service for $200 and recieve a half yard of compost delivered to your house.

Recycling your organic waste is easy to implement because they accept all compostable material including meat, dairy, and paper.

In addition to picking up food waste, Black Earth Haulders also sells and delivers compost to your home.  They also do commercial pick up.  Visit their website at for more info, or contact Conor Miller, (c) 262-227-1067

or Justin Sandler, Sales Manager
(c) 978-473-2502

5 thoughts on “Green is Great – Turning Spoils to Soils

  1. you can’t have my nice dark rich earth for my garden! those scraps are mine MINE I tell ya! 🙂 Great for those with squeemies or no earth patch though.


  2. What has 4 wheels and flies?
    Doesn’t anyone remember when Gloucester had there own garbage truck that would go around once a week pick it up and take it down to Nugents Farm to feed the pigs.


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