Best Friends’ Sunset

Filmed at Oakes Cove, Rocky Neck, November 7, 2011. “Count on Me” by Bruno Mars, from the album Doo-Wops and Hooligans.

Oakes Cove is a small, protected cove located on the southwestern side of Rocky Neck within Gloucester’s Inner Harbor. The “best friends” were unaware they were being filmed. I loved that they were so familiar with the ledge that they knew the exact location of the perfect perch for watching the setting sun together.

Total length 6 minutes, 20 seconds.

8 thoughts on “Best Friends’ Sunset

  1. Sweet, beautiful and peaceful 6 minutes! Gorgeous natural land and seascape, uncomplicated childhood friendship, boats coming home safely, lighthearted music and the wonderful sunset–you caught it all — love it! I like the anonymity of the kids.


  2. Wow, Kim. Brought tears to my eyes.
    When I was that girls age, I spent a several summers at the now red carriage house up on the hill and sat on that rock with my best pal Paul Graham whose parents Dick and Kay owned the large house. Paul was my first male confidant and this video captured the essence of that innocent wonderful connection. He was a sweet soul.


    1. Hi Jane-
      My name is Alex Destino, we live in the large grey house next to the now red carriage house. My family has been in this house since 1967. I’m the yougest of six, perhaps you knew some of my siblings….
      Nice to see your note. By the way, my son is the litttle boy in the video….


  3. Great work, Kim.
    I hope we all had special places and relationships when we were kids. I know I did.
    Someone once said something like,”We experience life only once,-as a child. All the rest is memory.” I can’t locate the quote or author. Can anyone help?


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