Harbor Cove

10 thoughts on “Harbor Cove

  1. What’s curious about this photo to me is that the water looks like a hard surface. A bit like frosted glass. Interesting.


    1. this should be entered into a contest!!!!!!! An award winner…thank you for how you took this stunning very Gloucester photo 🙂


  2. Linda that was because the image smooths out because of the long exposure.

    What I’m curious about Marty is how you captured those colors. My loing exposure shots fromm this space always look yellowish.


    1. Thank you all for your comments.
      Then photo was shot with my Fuji x100. It was a 17 second exposure at f11 with ISO of 800. I didn’t have a tripod with me, so I securely held the camera on top of the dock railing.

      It was a misty night which diffused the light and gave the pic its soft appearance.Colors were judiciously enhanced using Topaz software. Some “noise” (digital artifacts) appeared in the sky at the top of the photo. I eliminated them with the healing brush tool in Photoshop.


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