Are there more rabbits around than usual?

Donna Ardizzoni took this picture yesterday

Little Cotton Tail at Magnolia Beach

It seems everywhere I go there are rabbits hopping about lately?  Is it mating season?  Have the rabbits been getting extra busy if you know what I mean Winking smile ?

All those foodies who have been salivating over thoughts of dead bunny stew must be thrilled with such an abundance of livestock to choose from.

8 thoughts on “Are there more rabbits around than usual?

  1. I’d like to make some nice mittens out of the little furball who’s been eating my baby pumpkins. Lots of rabbits and chipmunks. But in the past few weeks I’ve seen a pair of fisher cats and a fox. The favorite food of the fisher is tender bunny.


  2. Oh, he is so cute. No rabbit stew. I had a pet rabbit once that was litterbox trained. And would actually play tag with me. He died of old age. His name was Pea-Two. I just couldn’t imagine making rabit stew out of him. Yet I love lobster. Hum, maybe I should rethink my thinking.


  3. I’ve seen alot of bunnies around too! You would think the coyotes would be feasting on them, therefore decreasing the population. I catch them eating my plants at night – they love those fresh flower buds. Those dirty rascals!!!!!!!


  4. I understand coyotes, though opportunistic killers, manage and “Harvest” their food supply. They will hunt the harder prey (Deer) in packs first, then when hungry they individually will go for the easier (Wabbits!). Fishercats hunt for sport, hungry or not. It seems must kill every night. And it ain’t pretty. If there is one in the area you will hear the screeching kill about midnight, each night.This is an encapulation, but it is what I’ve been told. Given time the population will balance. Mr. Forest Ranger will tell you there is actually more forested area today then any time in the last 150 years in the Northeast U.S..So room for more critters, so more space needed for expanded population, and the circle continues. That is why the coyotes are here.Bears will show up soon. How is Ipswich doing with their deer population this year? Did they expand thier kill permits? Do they need more coyotes?


  5. capture some and send them here!!! We have lost all of ours because we have been inundated by red fox.,,,,So, if you need to get rid of some????



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