Time To Protect Your Cat

Dr. Anne Lewis, the Cat Doctor of Gloucester at 276 Main Street, wants to remind all cat owners that it’s time to protect your cats against fleas and heartworms.  Heartworms are transmitted by mosquito bites and can cause very serious heart and lung disease. Even indoor cats can be at risk.  Prevention is very easy with a topical medication applied to the back of your cat’s neck once a month.

  Dr. Anne is offering a special promotion until May 31st.  If you purchase a year’s supply, you will receive four additional doses free (a $60. value) and a $50. rebate coupon for a total savings of $115.  Please call the office today at 978-283-4949.

cat doctor sign 009

Hey Doc, you got anything that can prevent Fishercat feedings?

Awesome New Posters are HERE!!!!

The beautiful new Motif No. 1 posters have arrived featuring a block print from Folly Cove Designer Sarah Elizabeth Holloran. This image of Motif no. 1 was used courtesy of Isabel Natti. Remember the interview Joey did with Isabel a while ago? Check the first video in the series out by clicking this link to learn about the Folly Cove Designers and Isabel’s shop, the Sarah Elizabeth shop. It’s a great story, and a few of Sarah Elizabeth’s designs are available along with Ms. Natti’s own block prints, one of which is of a herring plant that follows the whole production cycle, circa 1970s.

The Motif No. 1 Day posters were produced in a limited run, and can be purchased at www.rockportartfestivals.com for $20 each, with all proceeds going to support Motif No. 1 Day itself.

Ponies of Chincoteague

One reason I wanted to visit Chincoteague was to see the ponies on the beach. On Assateague Island there are 150 ponies that run wild in the marshes and along the beach. They are managed by the Volunteer Fire Company with vaccines and annual auctions to thin the herd. The legend is that the ponies of Chincoteague are descedents  of horses that washed ashore from a wrecked Spanish galleon off the coast of Assateague Island 300-400 years ago.  The book and movie, Misty of Chincoteague, made the Island famous and a tourist destination. The book was written in 1947 by Marguerite Henry based on a real family of Chincoteague.

Here are the ponies we saw from the road into Assateague Island

and by Boat on Assateague Island

Did You Know? (Cape Ann Tool Company)

Cape Ann Tool Company at Pigeon Cove in Rockport
Photos by E.J. Lefavour

That Edith (Johnson) Dean of Rockport was president of Cape Ann Tool Company for its final quarter century of operation?  She died at the age of 80 on March 7, 1989 at Oakwood Nursing Home in Manchester. In 1956, Edith J. Dean established the LINDLEY I. DEAN SCHOLARSHIP at Norwich University in memory of her husband, Lindley I. Dean, Class of 1911. The scholarship is awarded annually to freshmen or sophomore students from Massachusetts, with preference to students in the Corps of Cadets from Essex County, who demonstrate financial need, promise of success, scholarship, and character.  Also, in the 1960’s and 70’s the Rockport Art Association presented a Lindley Dean Memorial Award, which presumably was funded by Edith Dean in memory of her husband.  Painter Carl Peters won the award in 1967 and 1971.  In 1942 Lindley Dean was the Vice President of Rockport National Bank and President of Cape Ann Tool Company (Polk’s Rockport City Directory 1942), that is the only mention I could find of him, other than the memorials established by Edith.

The Cape Ann Tool Company, whose 100-ton drop forges had produced made-to-order parts for everything from autos to spaceships, was liquidated in 1987 after years of being undercut by foreign competitors, chiefly Japanese and German. It was established in the 1880s in Rockport’s Pigeon Cove section.  I have loved this building since I first saw it, and although many people probably think it is an eyesore, I love the colors and textures of the rusted section, and the old West ghost town look of the main part.

E.J. Lefavour


Ed Collard is taking up a new challenge. Not food this time. Ed will be in a kayak at the starting line of the 25th running of the BlackBurn Challenge on Saturday, July 23rd. I told him there was beer and pulled pork at the greasy pole finish line and he said he would think about it. I mentioned cupcakes and he is all in.

Ed will be paddling in my last year’s craft the green one in this photo. I am making a slight upgrade to the white one.

We have 85 days left to get in shape as noted here on my timer. I use Lattof Farm Monkey Bread for my training regimen and I believe Ed just inhales everything.

Anyone else want to do a quick paddle around Cape Ann with a few hundred other boats in July? We should be able to find you something to sit in. It’s the Silver Jubilee running. Once in a lifetime.

Opus 139 Open House May 14th

Greg Bover Writes-

Dear Friends and Family,

I hope you can join us at the Fisk shop in Gloucester on Saturday, May 14th, from 2 to 6pm to see and hear the new instrument we are building for Memorial Church at Harvard University, shown in the attached photo of the design model. Please feel free to send this invitation on to anyone you think might be interested.

Warm regards, Greg


Cub Scout Pack 112 – Good Citizens Showing Their Red, White and Blue Through Operation Troop Support

Sarah Schultz Reports-

Hey Joey,

Thought you and your readers would like to hear how our Cub Scouts are “doing their best”!

During the month of March Cub Scout Pack 112 of Gloucester focused on achievements about Citizenship.  They worked on several aspects such as learning how to the respect the American flag, learned Massachusetts state facts and how they each affect their communities of home, school, Pack, the city and the world.  As a group community service project,  the boys wrote personal notes and gathered donations of needed items to back the efforts of the Gloucester Veteran’s office’s Operation Troop Support campaign.  On April 7th, Pack 112 brought all of their donations to the Veterans office where Lucia Amero explained the importance of their support, who would receive the items and where in the world the items would go.  Each scout received an American flag for their participation. Pack 112 Cub Scouts  will be given their Citizenship awards this month at a monthly meeting at the Mason Hall.

2011 Ap Veterans Office 0012011 Ap Veterans Office 0032011 Ap Veterans Office 020(l to r) Freddy Hart, Jack Fernandes, Ryan Cagney, Brett Cagney and Scott Trott.

Here are the Rest Of The Pictures From Today’s USA Today Article That I Took Updated: Gene Sloan Is a Classy Guy

workspace 985

Here is the story from USA Today-



OCTOBER 6th ,2007 at 7:21AM according to my EXIF data on the photos-

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Gene Sloan the travel editor from USA Today emailed and changed the credit as you can see in the picture below- classy,

Thanks Gene


NEWSFLASH! Audition Week at the Annie

Henry Allen TheatreWorks 2011 Season General Auditions!

Henry Allen TheatreWorks Open Auditions for 2011 Season
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday
May 3rd 4th & 5th

Henry Allen TheatreWorks, the resident history theatre at The Cape Ann (“The Annie”), at One Washington Street, Gloucester, is holding open auditions for their inaugural 2011 season.

We are bringing the pulse of Cape Ann to life with four original shows created from local folklore: Greasy Pole, The Musical!, The 1st Annual TRAGABIGZANDA Political Theatre Festival, Song of the Sea, and also a fabulous, jazzy Cape Ann holiday show. The season will run from mid June through December of this year. Musicians, singers and actors are needed, all ages (children and adults), all levels of expertise. HATW AuditionForm

Download the pdf audition form and bring it with you to the audition with a current photo attached. Please prepare a full song of any genre. No need to memorize a monologue. We want to see how you tell a story through singing. You do not need to be a great singer, though great singers are encouraged to audition. Wow us.

Henry Allen




We support The Brain Candy Project, a North Shore-based charitable foundation that provides a support system for parents living in hospitals with their critically ill children. www.braincandyproject.org

MS Maasdam Cruiseship Cancelled Today

Due to fog the cruiseship MS Maasdam has announced that it is cancelling the Gloucester port-of-call and heading directly to Maine, the next destination on the itinerary. The next ship visit is scheduled for July. We will keep you informed of upcoming port calls.

In other news, we are pleased to announce that USA Today just published an article on cruise ship visits to Gloucester this morning. You can read it here. More good work by our PR firm, Matter Communications. Thanks to Lauren Van Dam of Matter for her work on the piece.

Bob Hastings, Executive Director

Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce

MY RANT!!! I’m allowed


Let me start by saying, “I Love Joey” Not in a alternative lifestyle way. Which in my opinnion there is nothing alternative OR WRONG ABOUT THAT AT ALL. I’m a big fan of George Takei from Star Trek too. I’ve only been officially part of GMG for almost 1 1/2 years now. I thought this blog thing (GMG) would’ve died out by now. Now I feel obligated to post everyday or as often as my mind will allow. I’m not a socially active soul. I haven’t met many people who read GMG everyday. I don’t let too many people in on that I post for GMG. I don’t go to too many GMG social events. The Few that I have met all tell me what a great job we do for this Community. I usually respond by telling them it’s all Joey’s doing. I really don’t think to much about the “community” when I post. I just post Some Photos of the Area, a little art stuff and some wise ass stuff I hope will get Joey some Shit. So far I haven’t succeeded in taking this Blog down yet, But I’m still working on it. Joey, being one of the most outgoing guys I know can’t understand how I can be so socially introverted and I can’t understand how he can be so outgoing and out front. Maybe we make the perfect couple.

But anyways, I get a call from him the other night. He tells me he wants me to be a part of a Big event coming up around May 20th. I told him to think again. So he trys to lay a guilt trip on me on how I never support him in this type of event. For Joey it’s an awesome thing, for me it’s a Gut and Mind Turning thought. I even find it hard just thinking about it now that I wanna Puke! So I told him to bring a carboard cut out of myself to the event and it would probably do a better job. But, Like any other couple Joey and I have had some disagreements. It usually ends up like the animated video in this post.

Now I’ll get to the reason for this long winded and bad grammar ridden post. Just because I can’t handle crowds or accept any kind of recgonition does’nt mean I don’t support the guy. I DO! I just do it in a different way than most. Like my favorite photoshop altered photos of Joey sitting on a toilet or posting whatever crap I can when he needs it while he’s on his 7th week of Vacation. That’s the way I support him. I love you Joey C. (Many people say it. but I truly mean it!) I would have never have gotten my Name out there as much as I have without GMG. Even if there are about ten Paul Frontieros in this town. Also, I will now also apologise to the other Paul Frontiero’s If you have ever been confused with me, Please forgive me. If you see Joey please tell him what a great job he’s doing! and leave me out of it! This GMG thing is probably the best thing that’s happened to me since returning to my Home Port about 6 years ago. But you will probably never meet me. I mean no disrespect. OK! End of Post, The Bruins are on! GO B’S!!!!


George Takei and his Husband Brad

Weekend Picks From Your Boy Joey,The Chamber, Rocky Neck and The North Shore Blogger Consortium Thursday April 28, 2011

Thursday April 28th, 2011

Sawyer Free Library Poetry Jam Thursday Night

Tourism Meeting At Cruiseport Open To All Tourism Related Business Owners

Sunday April 30th, 2011

Temple Ahavat Achim Moving Home Procession

Also Check Out The Weekly Catch From The Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce
T H E   N E W S   F R O M   R O C K Y   N E C K


North Shore Blogger Consortium Picks-


The wonderful Jane Ward has some great ideas, over at Food and Fiction.


Please welcome Kimmy Bingham and her picks  here


Media giant Seth gives up the best of Lynn at Lynn Happens.


Choices from all over New England at The Two Palaverers.


North Shore Dish spices things up with their weekend picks here North Shore Dish

Congratulations To Temple Ahavat Achim and Cape Ann’s Jewish Community

What a testament to faith and community to see the Temple erected so proudly and in such a short period of time after the devastating fire. 

Also thank you for staying in Downtown Gloucester and breathing such positive energy into our community!

Sunday, there will be a procession from the temporary building at 33 Commercial St. to our the new building at 86 Middle St celebrating the move back to Cape Ann’s Jewish Community’s home.

Here are some photos of the construction and videos-

Temple Ahavat Achim Construction Update From the Roof Sept 7, 2010

Click Here For The Slide Show

Black Crowned Night Heron At The Dock


I guess these guys reside in Taiwan as well-

From The Website Birding In Taiwan

The Black-crowned Night Heron is a medium-sized (60 cm), stocky heron with black crown and back, creamy white undersides and gray wings.  In breeding plumage it has two long, thin white plumes on its nape.  Its legs and feet are yellow, its bill black and its iris red.  Juvenile birds are brown overall, with white spotting on the back, a buffy breast with heavy brown streaking and a yellow iris.

The Black-crowned Night Heron uses a wide variety of wet habitats including fresh, brackish or salt water, particularly areas with aquatic vegetation on shallow rivers, lagoons, ponds, lakes, swamps and marshes. It also frequents human habitats such as pastures, rice fields, canals and fish ponds.  Its food is extremely varied, and it will use whatever is available, including fish, frogs, tadpoles, turtles, snakes, lizards, insects, crustaceans, molluscs, small rodents, eggs and chicks of other bird species.  It feeds mainly at dusk and at night, but is often seen in the daytime flying between locations or roosting in trees.  The Black-crowned Night Heron breeds in colonies and may reuse its nest of sticks, rushes and reeds in successive years.  Its nest is usually placed in trees or bushes, but may also be in reedbeds or on cliff edges.  The female usually lays 3-5 eggs, and does most of the incubating.

The Black-crowned Night Heron is a common resident of Taiwan at low elevations.


