The GloucesterCast Podcast Episode 4 With Guest Bill O’Connor From NorthShoreKid

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Bonus Podcast- Host Joey Ciaramitaro Talks To Bill O’Connor About Things To Do With Children On the North Shore.  If you are one of the many parents looking for something to do with your child during February vacation Bill offers up dozens of suggestions in this podcast we did spur of the moment.  I’ll be taping our podcast Thursday with my regular co-host Kenny.

Click the Image to go to NorthShoreKid

no post from me this week

I’m in San Antonio and someone in my lab said I looked like a bum while I was taking a break to read GMG on my iPhone in front of the Alamo.

“I remember, the Alamo”, said Pee-Wee Herman. Tonight I get a GMG represents next to the steer on the rotisserie.

Hope to make it back for the Food Challenge as Ed is always amusing while he fertilizes the shrubbery.

Cleveland Street (dem) by Pete Lindberg & The Pending

Here’s a song from my favorite Gloucester Songwriter Pete Lindberg-


Thanks Sam Hartson for highlighting it on twitter for me.

Here is a link to download some free music from Pete on GimmeSound (legally)-


Did You Know (Dory)

painting of a yellow dory reflecting in the calm water
Painting by E.J. Lefavour

Is it a rowboat, a skiff, a dinghy, a dory?  There are a number of different names for small rowing boats, so I had to check to find out what this was rightly called.  It appears to be a dory. 

Strictly speaking, the only true defining characteristic of the dory is that it is planked up with wide boards, “It should be well understood, that it is the dory’s special mode of construction, not its hull shape, that sets it, and its related sub-types apart from other boats”.

More generally speaking, the dory can be defined as a small boat which has:

  • a flat bottom, with the bottom planks fastened lengthwise (bow to stern).
  • a hull shape defined by the natural curve of a sawn plank (never steam bent).
  • planks overlapping the stem at the front of the boat and an outer ‘false’ stem covering the hood ends of the planks.
  • (with some exceptions) a fairly narrow transom often referred to as the ‘tombstone’ due to its unique shape.

Despite their simplicity of design, dories are well known for their seaworthiness and rowing ease. Because of their narrow bottoms, they do not exhibit much initial stability and have often been called ‘tippy’. They exhibit high ultimate stability, however, tipping to a point and then stiffening up significantly and resisting further rolling tendencies. Dories by design are quite voluminous and can carry a heavy load for their size and will continue to retain their great ultimate stability even when heavily loaded.

In 1876, Danish immigrant and fisherman Alfred Johnson sailed a custom twenty foot Cape Ann Dory from Gloucester, Massachusetts to Liverpool in 66 days, proving the design built for fishing the rough Atlantic Ocean could handle nearly any weather.

E.J. Lefavour

"Curious Creatures" event at the Cape Ann Families space at 28 Emerson Ave February 23rd


Please join Pathways for Children for our "Curious Creatures" event at the Cape Ann Families space at 28 Emerson Ave. (across the street from Pathways) on Wednesday, February 23rd from 1:00 – 2:00PM. This is a FREE event and all community members are encouraged to attend. To register or for more information, please contact Amy Larsen at 978-281-2400 x 120. Drop-ins welcome!


Please join us at Pathways for Children, 29 Emerson Avenue, for a FREE Family Fun event, on Thursday, February 24th, from 5:30 – 7:00PM featuring free pizza, face-painting and the Parents’ Choice Award Winner Leeny & The Eeny Meenys! To register or for more information, please contact Amy Larsen at 978-281-2400 x 120. Drop-ins welcome!



Gloucester Stage Artistic Director Eric C. Engel recently announced Gloucester Stage’s 2011 Summer Play Pass season to begin on Thursday, June 9 with Living Together, the second installment of The Norman Conquests trilogy by Alan Ayckbourn. Living Together features the full cast from Gloucester Stage’s 2010 hit production of Table Manners, the trilogy’s first installment. The Gloucester Stage professional summer season also includes a powerful world premiere drama by an acclaimed stage, screen and television writer; a chamber version of one of the heartiest and heart warming musicals ever written; the return of last season’s moving Trying with the acclaimed 2010 cast and the return of Founding Artistic Director Israel Horovitz as he brings a re-envisioning of a play he first premiered at Gloucester Stage 17 years ago. According to Engel, “I’m hoping for and expecting to have our best season ever–the best of who we’ve been recently, who we’ve been historically as a champion of smart new plays, and, at the same time, venturing into new territory to present an intimate version of a really big musical. I’m thrilled with the roster of returning artists. How exciting to have the full casts from last season’s Table Manners and Trying committed to join us again in summer 2011!” Single tickets and play passes for the 2011 Season are available for purchase by calling the Gloucester Stage Box Office at 978-281-4433 or visiting



June 9 – June 26 Living Together

by Alan Ayckbourn

Gloucester Stage’s 2011 season kicks off with Living Together, the second installment of Alan Ayckbourn’s The Norman Conquests trilogy. In 2010 Gloucester Stage presented the first play of the trilogy, Table Manners. This heartbreakingly hilarious reunion of adult siblings and their spouses enjoyed wide critical acclaim and sell out audiences. Taking place adjacent to the dining room and simultaneous with the chaos of Table Manners, Living Together features the anti-upping antics of the family living room and proudly. reunites the entire cast from last season’s hit production of Table Manners. The reunited cast includes Academy Award nominee and Gloucester resident Lindsay Crouse and an all star cast of Boston actors including Richard Snee, Barlow Adamson, Sarah Newhouse, Jennie Israel and Steven Barkhimer. The performance schedule for Living Together is Thursday, June 9 through Saturday, June 11 at 8 pm; Wednesday, June 15 through Saturday, June 18 at 8 pm; Wednesday, June 22 through Saturday, June 25 at 8 pm: Saturday matinees at 3 pm on June 11, June 18 & June 25 & Sunday performances at 4 pm on June 12, June 19 & June 26.

June 30 – July 17 The Most Happy Fella

Book, Music and Lyrics by Frank Loesser

Frank Loesser’s musical theatre triumph The Most Happy Fella is a touching love story featuring the toe tapping hit songs Standing on the Corner, Big “D” and Ooh, My Feet and the heartfelt ballads Somebody Somewhere, Joey, Joey, Joey and My Heart Is So Full of You; a big story about a special love told in a unique, intimate style at Gloucester Stage. The performance schedule for The Most Happy Fella is Thursday, June 30 through Saturday, July 2 at 8 pm; Wednesday, July 6 through Saturday, July 9 at 8 pm; Wednesday, July 13 through Saturday, July 16 at 8 pm, Saturday matinees on July 2, July 9 and July 16 at 3 pm & Sunday performances on July 3, July 10 and July 17 at 4 pm. Sunday, July 3 at 4:00 pm is An Evening of Theatre and Fireworks; the performance will be followed by a party and special viewing of the Gloucester fireworks.

July 21 – August 7 Last Day WORLD PREMIERE

by Richard Vetere

Gloucester Stage proudly presents Last Day, a world premiere from acclaimed stage, screen and television writer Richard Vetere. Vetere’s newest work is a dark, delicious and mysterious love story set in a Long Island cemetery where not all secrets are underground. Vetere is the author of past Gloucester Stage hits as the award winning Gangster Apparel and First Love. The performance schedule for Last Day is Thursday, July 21 through Saturday, July 23 at 8 pm; Wednesday, July 27 through Saturday, July 30 at 8 pm; Wednesday, August 3 through Saturday, August 6 at 8 pm; Saturday matinees on July 23, July 30 and August 6 at 3 pm and Sunday performances on July 24, July 31 and August 7 at 4 pm.

August 10 – August 21 Trying Limited Run: Two Weeks Only

by Joanna McClelland Glass


A cross-generational tour de force ensues when Sarah, a determined young secretary from the Canadian prairie, finds herself working for the aging Francis Biddle, Attorney General during World War II and the primary American Judge on the postwar Nuremberg Trials. This intimate and inspiring story, based on the playwright’s own experience, has been acclaimed by audiences and critics throughout the United States and Canada. The 2010 production of Trying met with unanimous popular and critical acclaim and the 2010 cast featuring Richard Mawe as Judge Frances Biddle and Becky Webber as Sarah return for a limited run of two weeks. The performance schedule for Trying is Wednesday, August 10 through Saturday, August 13 at 8 pm; Wednesday, August 17 through Saturday, August 20 at 8 pm; Saturday matinees on August 13 and August 20 at 3 pm and Sunday performances are August 14 and August 21 at 4 pm.

August 25 – September 11 Fighting Over Beverley

by Israel Horovitz

A romantic comedy set in Gloucester, Israel Horovitz’s Fighting Over Beverley is a love triangle among three 70+ year-olds: Beverley, who came to America from England as a war-bride; Zelly, her Gloucester fisherman-husband; and Archie, the Brit she jilted 53 years earlier. Elliot Norton Award winner Sandra Shipley is set to play Beverley, the English war bride.  For its 2011 return to Gloucester Stage Horovitz has re-envisioned the funny and poignant Fighting Over Beverley which first premiered at Gloucester Stage in 1993. Fighting Over Beverley is part of Horovitz’s popular series of North Shore Massachusetts-based plays that includes The Widow’s Blind Date, Park Your Car in Harvard Yard and Gloucester Stage’s 2009-season triumph Sins of the Mother. Performances of Fighting Over Beverley are Thursday, August 25 through Saturday, August 27; Wednesday, August 31 through Saturday, September 3 and Wednesday, September 7 through Saturday, September 10 at 8 pm; Saturday matinees on August 27, September 3 and September 10 at 3 pm and Sunday performances on August 28, September 4 and September 11 at 4 pm.

Gloucester Stage Company Adult $37.00 The ticket price for the first 3 pm
267 East Main Street Seniors $32.00 Saturday matinee of each pro-

Gloucester, MA Students $32.00 duction is Pay What You Can.


The Wednesday and Thursday 8 pm performances are $20 for residents of Gloucester, Rockport, Essex and Manchester. Proof of residency required. Limited amount of tickets available per performance.

For further information and to purchase tickets, call the Gloucester Stage Box Office at 978-281-4433 or visit


Oil Paintings by local artist Kathleen Miller

“Oil Paintings by local artist Kathleen Miller on display at Addison Gilbert Hospital through the end of March”
This is an image of one of Kathleen’s pieces to include (titled “Vibrancy”) and additional images can be seen at or at Kathleen Miller Art Gallery on

The SGT David Coullard Memorial Fund

From: Anita Coullard Dziedzic “A good friend of GMG”

 The SGT David Coullard Memorial Fund

My name is Anita Coullard Dziedzic.

Local 777 Training School Dedication … 9-19-09


 I am the President and Founder of the Sgt David Memorial Fund, 2010
I work in the Glastonbury, CT, Stop & Shop as a Prepared Foods Manager
     David was my son who died while serving his country in Iraq on August 1, 2005.
     David was a member of the Marine Corp’s Sniper Unit Weapons Division.  He joined the Marine Corp in 1994 at the age of 21.  While in the reserves, David was called to duty to serve in South Carolina, the Philippines and Okinawa, Japan.  He completed his commitment in 2003 and went on to earn a degree in Heating and Air Conditioning at Porter & Chester Institute then went on to be a member of the Local 777 J.A.T.C. and going to school.
     In 2004 David re-enlisted in the Marines out of the love of his country.   
In January 2005, David and his unit were deployed to Iraq.  He would call home often to keep in touch. He would tell me that everything was okay and he was safe. I would find out later that our men go without often. 
    While in Iraq, David graduated from the Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 777  Apprentice Training. I was there to accept his deploma.  .
    In the early morning of August 1, 2005, David’s unit had set up on a plateau at the Iraq-Syrian border to observe and gather information.  It was just after daybreak when a group of insurgents ambushed David’s unit with semi-automatic weapons and on that fateful morning, David earned his second Purple Heart as he died alongside five of his brothers. 
    The following morning, I was waiting for my sister to arrive for a visit when a car pulled into our driveway.   Two Marines exited the vehicle.   As they approached I saw the Marines logo on the folder he was carrying.  I uttered the words, “Oh no” to which he responded “Yes Ma’am” to which I replied “Oh no”. 
     I quickly composed myself as David would have wanted me to do.   It wasn’t supposed to end this way, my son who was so young, so full of life, had his life ended in an instant by terrorists whose sole purpose in life is to hate.
    My son chose to be in Iraq because he loved his country and I couldn’t be more proud of my son David and the choice that he made.
    David made the ultimate sacrifice for his country and I have made a promise to support the troops & to preserve his memory for as long as I live.
    The Sgt David Coullard Memorial Fund is a  501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization. We are registered with the Internal Revenue Services Charitable Organizations & Attorney General’s Office for Charitable Organizations.
Tax ID # 27-0686708

New Photo Blog-“Listening with My Eyes”

I have started a photography blog dedicated to local musicians. The subtleties of music and the passion felt by the players are captured through the lens of my Nikon. As Yogi Berra said “You can observe a lot by just watching.” Click on the photo below to check out “Listening with My Eyes” .

AnnMarie Shimanoski

Poll Results- Would You Pay If Your Local Online Newspaper Charged

I ran this post and poll back on February 2nd.  here are the results.

In light of the new iPad newspaper “The Daily” which just launched and is charging for it’s content I wonder how many of you would ever consider paying for your local newspaper’s online content if they decided to do away with free content and went to a subscription based website.

Local newspapers cover news such as tax issues, zoning, and political races and if they didn’t exist where you would get that information?

I can tell you that even though many people tell me they check out GMG before they check out the GDT, we don’t come close to covering the important stories that keep politicians honest and I have no intention to ever try to.

God bless the remaining newspaper people that still labor to bring us the important stories even though they have to endure pay cuts and layoffs. Newspapers are vital to our way of life. I hope they can figure out a way to keep on keepin on.

Here are the results-


What types of features in a daily online newspaper would make you be willing to pay or not?