Hello everyone ~ What a crazy winter!  Like so many other events this year, my Saturday show at Cafe Shalom will be rescheduled due to the impending storm.  It’s really all about being practical and making sure everyone is safe.  So sorry.  I’ll keep you posted!  Thanks ~ Fly Amero

Eric Hoffer Quote of the Week From Greg Bover

In times of change, learners inherit the Earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.

Eric Hoffer (1902 – 1983)

Known as the “Longshoreman Philosopher,” Hoffer’s first book, The True Believer, (1951) was a new perspective on the power and danger of fanaticism and mass movements, both political and religious. His background as a migrant farmhand, hobo, and ultimately a dock worker gave him an authority to speak of the working class as few academics could. His ideas on the power of meaningful labor to enhance self-esteem and therefore positive societal change are still controversial today. Hoffer won the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1983.

Greg Bover

Ginormous Snow Man Challenge From Rockport

Hey Joey.

We just heard about a great snow man on School street in Rockport….also heard the snowman’s neighbor created an alligator in snow….perhaps this is happening everywhere and we’re just clueless.

Just did a drive by and the snowman is about 12-14 feet tall -it’s wonderful….amazing….

So…what about a contest in Rockport/Gloucester for the best snowman or snow sculpture? It’s the perfect winter for this – we all need a diversion! Or a snow festival? Perhaps we should take baby steps…with a snowman contest. Maybe a restaurant or two want to get involved and throw in a humble incentive?

Who knows? All I know is anyone who builds a 12  or 14 foot snowman should get some sort of recognition…OK – thinking of a name for this…the 2011 SNOW-DOWN….????

JoAnn S.


Enjoy your blog…

Thomas Philbrook sent in a pic of said Snowman-


Pigeon Cove Breakfast Rescheduled

Breakfast rescheduled

Due to the anticipated snow for tomorrow, the Pigeon Cove Circe has rescheduled the fried dough breakfast fund-raiser until Saturday, February 12 from 9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. at Six Breakwater Avenue.

Admission is $4. for adults
and $2.00 for children. Take-outs available

Cape Ann Crewhands Program Looks To Teen Volunteers At Ravenswood

Hey Joe,

Ravenswood Park’s Cape Ann Crewhands program is looking for teen volunteers aged 14-16 during February Break.  This is a great opportunity for teens to give back to the community and discover one of Gloucester’s special natural settings.  It runs for an entire week and each session is only three hours, so sign up for one or all of the seesions! Here’s the link:

~Bill O’Connor
North Shore Kid

Give back to the community through this volunteer opportnity at Ravenswood Park

Fort Square Cafe – Open Again

Menu Pictures Tomorrow

After a fire which had the Fort Square Café closed for months it is now open under new management.  Heidi is in charge and opens with a new menu.  Home made muffins and interesting breakfast choices with reasonable prices is the name of the game here.




Eastern Point PSA and Happenings From Dani Lubbers

Hi Joey!

Keeping you updated with the happenings down at Eastern Point Lighthouse. With all of this ridiculous snow, we decided that we should do something constructive with it. So naturally we built this huge ass igloo. We aren’t skilled enough to put a roof on it, but we did our best. We’d like to invite you to an igloo party sometime….I’m sure this beast will be standing until June. -Dani Lubbers


I’d like to give anyone and everyone a heads up about the parking lot at the end of Eastern Point. THERE IS SNOW – IT HAS NOT BEEN PLOWED – STOP THINKING YOUR FORD FOCUS HAS 4WD. Thanks. 🙂




Igloo Party!!!!  I Want In!!!!!!