Ed Collard Wins Art Rocks! Lobster Buoy- Investigation To Ensue

Ed somehow managed to walk away from the Art Haven Lobster Buoy Auction with the Art Rocks! lobster buoy sketched by GMG’s Paul F. Frontiero Jr.  An investigation into allegations of malfeasance and skulldudgery ensue.


5 thoughts on “Ed Collard Wins Art Rocks! Lobster Buoy- Investigation To Ensue

  1. I would’ve done one free for the guy that does a lot for this town for no cost. other than his free time. I did’nt start this Art Rocks!” thing for money. But if in any way this silly idea can help a charity, That’s awesome. Maybe some day I’ll be up there instead of down there. 🙂 because of this silly thing!
    Enjoy ED!
    Thanks for the support.


  2. Thanks Paul but you contribute an untold amount of joy with the Art Rocks Project. The story behind how I wound up with the buoy is actually very touching for me but for the purpose of this blog I’ll just say that when Joey finishes his Kangaroo Investigation and Prosecution the buoy will look great in my CELL!!


  3. I think its great that Ed got Paul’s Art Rocks buoy. Ed is obviously a great fan of Paul’s work, and a great supporter of Gloucester and Art Haven, and just a good guy. It couldn’t have gone to a better person. I’m just sorry I am such a cowardly cold and don’t like driving in the dark wimp that I wasn’t there to see it. Great add to your collection, Ed.


  4. GMG will have to keep us posted on the Walking-the-Plank-Event as that is the obvious route for practitioners of skulldudgery … no cozy cell for Ed I’m afraid — alleged good guy or not!! Pehaps a Hot Wing Eating Contest can be tied in … get it?


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