Live Red Sox v Twins Update

Well, it’s my last Sox game of the trip, and it’s a night game!!! This weather has been perfect, and the boys are looking great.
It’s the top of the 3rd, and no score. But Pedroia just let one slip past. Rare. Stay tuned for some night photos.

Sitting just behind 1st, sweetness!

LIVE FROM FENWAY SOUTH: Twins @Sox – #gloucesterma, #fenwaysouth, #theherd

Game Time folks! And guess who wants my autograph first??
Colin Cowherd!

Then he has a moment. ( Most do when they finally meet me)

Hate the shirt, not the season.

Oh, and my sponsor and favorite Sox Fan, JOANY!!!

What a park!!

The retired folks waiting room to heaven.

Stay tuned for game time updates all week!!
#craigshoots to follow!

Live Spring Training!! Bon Voyage!! #gloucesterma

And I’m off to FENWAY South to report on the RedSox! JetBlue would like to remind everyone leaving Boston that your leaving Title Town. BOOOOM #


imagejetblue, #bestairline

It appears that only one is missing…

Stay tuned for live updates from the games!


The boys lost, but no worries. I ran into some nice folks that relocated from Belmont to Boca Raton. They still visit G-Town! Say hello to Cindi Bloom & Gil “Lucky” Dube.

Who brought me here you ask? My awesome Aunt Joany K!

How’s the view from the Monstah 2.0?… Wicked!

I also shared a beer w this guy!

Good hair unite!

Guess who’s got balls?

Sticker update you say? Still stuck!

I had to give my catch away. These solid Bo Sox fans came all the way from Mobile Alabama and earned it! Meet Win (L) & Pack (R)!

Stay tuned for more action from Fenway South!


Another stunning 80 degree sunny day in Ft. Myers! My weather app says it’s a touch colder back home. So sorry for that. Well, stay tuned for more sticka action at the Card’s game 2mrw night!

Yep, I had ya trim da beard!

Da boys of summa!


Step up ya sticka game folks! No more posing with the GMG stickas! STICK THEM WHERE IT COUNTS! I want to see folks leaving our mark, so stick em’ then pose or show us. Better yet, stick em’ and ask the FOB’s to guess where it’s at!

Game on.