1959 GloucesterLittle League Champs Photo From Sam Frontiero

Hi Joe, Might be fun for some of the guys in this picture looking back.Top row left to right:Jerry Cook, Paul Riley, Dave Deering,Laurie Kailanen Jr. Wayne Ojantakenen, Jim CainBottom row:Coach Red Deering (kinda cut out) Earl Worthly, Sam Frontiero (me) Joe Favazza, Ray Lane,Ricky Cusick, Mike Pistenma, Bobby Moore, Dave Frost, Assistant coach Laurie Kailanen Sr.The good ole days.


Hi,My name is Arjen Steegstra. I am a Gloucester resident looking for promotional support in developing a social media trend that I think is important for increasing morale in this troubling time. Public art is a reflection of its place and time. Public art activates the imagination and encourages people to pay attention and perceive more deeply the environment they occupy. It stimulates learning and thought about our society, about our interconnected lives, and about the social sphere as a whole. Chalk is a very accessible, legal, and non-permanent medium that everyone can use to show their support. It’s also fun! Originally my mission was to cheer up neighbors, walkers, joggers, the mail carrier and other essential workers with friendly messages and artworks on your block during quarantine. However, due to the recent tragedies, it has taken a turn to support the Black Lives Matter movement and help take a stance against police brutality. Using the instagram page @chalkuptheblock and the hashtag #chalkuptheblock I am able to share all of these messages on a single platform and bring attention to the supportive efforts in our community. I attached a link to the instagram page.
Thank you for your support,Arjen

Restaurants Reopening for Outdoor Seating Monday June 8

As you are probably aware, some of our restaurants will be allowed to reopen for outdoor seating starting Monday June 8.  Please remember that restaurants will likely have limited seating so reservations will be very important. New procedures will be in place which are new for all of us, so be patient with staff and other customers as we all work our way through these new times.

Some of the restaurants we are aware of that are making plans for outdoor dining starting Monday include the following (images borrowed from each Facebook page)

Oliver’s Harbor (978-559-7638) plans to use their outdoor patio as well as some of the parking area for seating. Prime view of Main Street!

Olivers Harbor

Captain Carlos is now accepting reservations at 978-283-6342. Their outside deck is awesome and we are looking forward visiting again.

Capt Carlos


We had takeout (wonderful) from Seaport Grille last night and they displayed a sign that they will also be offering outside seating starting Monday June 8 (978-282-9799). Looking forward to some key lime pie!!

Seaport Grille

Ayurveda ~

Cape Ann Wellness

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda, also known as Ayurvedic Medicine, is the traditional medicine of India, which originated there over 5,000 years ago. Ayurveda emphasizes re-establishing balance in the body through diet, lifestyle, exercise, and body cleansing, and on the health of the mind, body, and spirit.

In North America, Ayurveda is considered a form of alternative medicine. Like traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda is a whole medical system, meaning that it is based on theories of health and illness and on methods of preventing and treating health conditions.

Because of its growing popularity, Ayurvedic treatments, particularly at spas and salons, are increasingly being performed by people who have not received formal training in Ayurveda. That’s why if you are interested in consulting with an Ayurvedic practitioner, it is important to seek a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner and learn about their training.

Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC staff are all certified…

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