From Here To There Video Zen

Trying out a sj4000 HD Action Cam. It’s a cheap GoPro Knock off. Good enough for me. Quality of video is good.

Same size as the GoPro. On this video I forgot to take the pre-mask off the lens. DOH! You can see it on the right side of the video in the side view mirror.

“From Here To There”

Just a trial video.

05/15/20,015 πŸ™‚

Filmed from my Driveway to Wheeler St. then to Washington St. and then to Lane’s Cove.

You can click on the settings cog wheel to speed it up.

At about the 12 minute 22 second mark IΒ  drop off the “Art Rock”

One thought on “From Here To There Video Zen

  1. Paul,

    What a great ride it was past the rock wall around lobster cove, then the corner Annisquam church, then past the Ames estate wall, past Kips old store – my Grandmother house next to it….Hodkins cove – plum cove (High tide or almost…then the curve into Lanesville, turn down Duly street past the haunted lane to cove then final stop for rock placement. What a ride I’m sharing this…with folks. The camera did a very good job and picked up the sound coming in window even can see it in your review mirror and truck following behind you with lights on so great contrast and picture & Sound.

    Thanks this started my week out great as I walked and bicycled the street called Washington for many years it was like being there!

    Dave πŸ™‚ & Kim πŸ™‚

    Just add another 9,500 miles and it will fit right in..

    Bobby Bare – 500 miles


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