Of All the Ships…


Of all the ships I ever sailed

“Friend ships”

have brought me

to the safest harbors

As we begin our 3rd annual Nantucket Romp with three amazing couples and their equally as precious children, I can’t help but think how fortunate we are.  It is 9:00 in the morning on our first full day in Nantucket and I’m sitting on the expansive patio watching the newest of parents in our circle dote lovingly on their 7 month old son.  Simultaneously, one dad is playing whiffle ball with three of the boys while the others jump, splash, and laugh in the pool and hot tub.  (Which we realize is not intended for young children so is set for a low temperature and they’re only in for short intervals).  The dads and several of the children were up and out for a 6:00 trip to the beach for some surf casting, I managed to sneak in a shower, and two pots of coffee have been brewed and more was brought home by our fisherman along with fresh, warm donuts from town.  A little bit of work is getting done, it is a beautiful 73 degree day and life is good.  When I say that we’re fortunate it is not because we are able to be at this beautiful home on this beautiful island….it is because we have been able to foster, continue, and treasure these amazing friendships that have spanned decades and have been passed to their spouses who have been welcomed from towns other than Rockport….and now onto the children who are becoming faster friends with each passing year.  Our children, giggling as I type, range in age from the little guy at 7 months to the leader of the pack who is unbelievably a whopping eleven now.  One couple has been together since high school and the newest grew up together and were married just three years ago.  One couple met in college and my husband and I met, fittingly at the Rhumb Line back in 1998.  All of the husbands have been friends forever.  Friendships like what these men have (along with countless other kind, generous, and phenomenal friends who did not make this trip) are what life is all about.  Sure, being here on Nantucket, in a home that is nothing short of dreamlike, helps create the warm fuzzies…but it was the story telling, laughing, and the camaraderie that we enjoyed until the wee hours of the morning and will continue to be what drives these friendships for years to come.  I feel beyond fortunate to have landed amongst this group of merry men and their wives…and to have my children growing up in their midst.

At home, on Cape Ann, many families just like ours are settling in to enjoy a fabulous St. Peter’s Fiesta Celebration and others are simply heading to the beach or having barbecues with dear friends and families.  Some friends are sneaking out for a quick beer or glass of wine, friends are getting together to go shopping, or play a round of golf.  Whatever it is, and whomever’s company you are enjoying…I hope that you feel as fortunate as I do.

We have all wrestled with the fact that life can be far too short in the recent years and as we continue to grow up….it is even more invaluable to know that we are truly treasuring every moment.  As this group likes to say after a enjoying a fishing trip to Costa Rica…Pura Vida my friends.


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3 thoughts on “Of All the Ships…

  1. Excellent post and and the children will be carrying if forward in the future! Weather looks real nice also beautiful blue sky and folks having fun:-) Dave & Kim:-)


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