More Fun City- Roll Out The Barrel- Captain Joe and Sons 3:45AM

What were you doing this morning at 3:45AM? I mean where would you rather be than down the stinky wharf rolling out the stinky barrels to the stinky trailer of herring at 3:45AM.

I’m thinking of starting up a little side business for adventure travelers that would want to come visit Gloucester from all over the country.  I’ll charge them a nominal fee to help lug the barrels out and offload the bait trailer.  It’s a whole experience thing.  Once in a lifetime opportunity.  Get up early and fill your nostils with that pungent aroma of salted herring.  Ahhhhh, just take it all in……

Music- “Bad Dream” By The Twees

Here we are preparing for a trailer load of barrels of herring. The empty barrels need to leave the building to go back to the herring plant For the next load’s filling which you see in the second video-

18 thoughts on “More Fun City- Roll Out The Barrel- Captain Joe and Sons 3:45AM

  1. Good idea, the tour. I’ve seen paying tourists in the wee hours at Tokyo’s Tsukiji fish market. Make it into a package deal with a 4:30 AM breakfast to follow at Zeke’s or another of Gloucester’s fantastic breakfast spots.


  2. Awesome videos. It almost looks like fun then you slow it down for the last few barrels tossed in the truck and you could tell you were busting a hump.

    People pay for early morning spin class over at MAC. I think you could get someone to fall for it, at least once. The trick is to charge a lot and get a fancy name. Herring Barrel Roll for tight abs!

    For the first video I would only suggest adding “Roll Out The Barrel”, maybe on an accordion and you add some Charlie Chaplin moves as you chase the errant barrels. (A bowler hat a la Chaplin too.)


  3. That doesn’t look like fun at all. I’m afraid you couldn’t pay me to do it, never mind get me to pay you to let me do it. It’s worth a try though. Some people might go for the 3:45 am beautiful Gloucester waterfront workout with Joey C. experience. I like Paul’s music choice.


  4. Amazing how hard you guys work. Start the paying guests out with these empties, then appeal to their macho: come back to unload the herring. Preferably without the fork lift.

    Joey, do you ever sleep?


  5. Great lesson in barrel rolling. The first legit job I had was at Mals Dept. Store in the ’60s and the final chore of the day was collecting carts from the far reaches of the parking lot in all kinds of weather. I knew enough to get a bunch at a time but math not being my strong suit (nor common sense) I never applied this to moving barrels. Of course I never had occasion to move a lot of barrels quickly either. I did move a small truck load of them to what I like to call Mafia Hedquarters in Lawrence (factories looked like England after the blitz for the most part) in the late ’60s maybe 1970 but that’s another story that I think I’ll keep what I remember of it to myself. They did come with a three or four bushel side order of escargot so I imagine what ever was in the 50 gal plastic barrels were legal as well. The people who I went with are all deceased now and I believe the buildings are gone so it must be safe.


  6. That looks like a cool CrossFit workout, just add some sit-ups and push ups in between the barrel rolls and we are talking fun time!


  7. Joey, are you ok? Joey? There is a word in Japanese, “karoshi” which means death from overwork. I hope you are taking your vitamins and getting enough sleep. If you join Timebanks, you could actually ask people to do some of the work for you in exchange for Time dollars, which would allow them to purchases services or help from any other member. Think about it!


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