An Update from: the steering committee for the proposed Downtown Gloucester Cultural District (DGCD)

Catherine Ryan forwards-

We are in the final steps of readying our application for the Massachusetts Cultural Council!


Meeting:       City Council November 13, 2012

ON THE AGENDA: the Proposed Downtown Gloucester Cultural District (DGCD)

Date:           November 13, 2012

Time:           7PM

Location:     Gloucester City Hall, Kyrouz Auditorium


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About the Downtown Gloucester Cultural District:

A volunteer- based steering committee, neighbors, stakeholders, property owners, business representatives, arts and culture representatives committed to the establishment of a downtown cultural district designation from the Massachusetts Cultural Council by 2013. The DGCD will foster links between economic development and the arts, and will support the downtown  Gloucester community.

Co-chairs: Judith Hoglander (Chair Committee for the Arts) and Robert Whitmarsh (Downtown Development and Historical Commissions)    Visit DGCD news:

Email: (add to contact list)  or subject line DGCD

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