
4.5 in Gloucester, anyone feel it..

45 thoughts on “Earthquake

  1. In Wayland. Sure did. A wiggle at 7:14 PM then 20 seconds later another wiggle. Epicenter is in Maine. G+ lit up with #earthquake.

    Sue has a lot of experience with California quakes. A soft wiggle, not hard like Cali.


  2. Oh yes and Amandacakes just called from school…she felt it too….imagine 26 screeming girls running down the halls to the dorm parents house…lucky him….


  3. YES! The news said it was 4.6 centered in Hollis Center, ME. We felt it in Gloucester on Wheeler’s Point big time and my sister felt it in Lanesville, too. It was loud!!! I thought it was a tornado coming through at first until I ran outside (safety first lol) but it was only slightly breezy. My sister thought it was the world’s most enormous truck flying by her house. For a second I honestly thought they were doing a test run of the new wind turbine. 🙂


  4. I sure felt it!!!!!! My couch kinda was like “ooomph” and my bookcase rattled some and was like a “rising upward” feeling very strange …..though I’ve felt a lot in San Diego past 14 years. biggest one for me was the big Easter Sunday 7.2 shaker whew… but this one tonight wow. I’m quake sensitive now I KNEW IT!!!!


  5. Felt in Middleton, whole house shook , glasses & plates rattled in the hutch. Afterwards we noticed the crack in the ceiling doubled in size, scary. I went to the National Geological Survey Site, very helpful.


  6. Felt it in east Gloucester, and I thought a car hit the house…..same feeling I had the morning the gas leak caused the explosion on Eastern avenue that leveled that house.


  7. Sitting on a couch, watching the evening news, I felt the cushions under me move up and then down again. Strange, I thought. We’re in a slab-on-grade condo’s first floor on Ocean Avenue in Magnolia. Maybe someone dropped something on the floor above and its vibration traveled down and … Nope. That couldn’t be it. ???Maybe it’s an earthquake??? Nah. We don’t get those here. Now I know that we certainly do get them here.


    1. yeeeeeeeeees ineed Chris… yup it was like a rising up feeling while I too was sitting on the couch getting ready to watch the pres. debate. was more of a roller then a rattler after on my bookcase


  8. I had just arrived at my cousin’s in Magnolia around 7:12pm and a minute later her boyfriend was like, what was that, the whole house just shook, we thought it was from the kids roughhousing and jumping around on the floor, it was definitely strange, we didn’t realize until hours later when we looked it up that it was indeed an earthquake. Wonder how Portland fared, will check news now.


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