Is it always bumper to bumper at 11:51am on 128?

5 thoughts on “Is it always bumper to bumper at 11:51am on 128?

  1. Yes…sigh…unfortunately, it usually is…story of my life…it seems no matter what time of the day or night on 128 there is bumper to bumper traffic, mainly due to road construction and just plain old congestion.


  2. Pretty much…it has gotten worse in the last year. I started a job in Newton(!) last fall and set a flexible schedule so I could miss the worst of the traffic by coming in/leaving late. It worked for a while, but now I find 128 just as backed up at 9:30am as it is at 7:30am. Traffic used to also get lighter in the summer, but I’m still waiting for that to happen this year. I do telecommute one day a week so I can reclaim those 3-4 hours a day I would otherwise lose sitting in the car and that helps.

    I also started listening to audiobooks while I commute, so at least I can now catch up on my “reading” and I found it also reduces my impatience/road rage tendencies.


  3. We were in it coming home from a quick two day vacation. Let me just say that my two kids throwing up out the window in that traffic made it all that much more frustrating. THEN we got to the place where it goes down to one lane, and guess what, there is nobody there doing ANY work. Couldn’t they have opened it up during the lunch hour rush?


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