aaaand The 2012 GMG Gloucester Earth Day Live Blog Starts…NOW!

Just In- Alicia Cox from Mamie’s Kitchen just informed me that she will be supplying the peeps that come down the dock with a sheetpan full of the WORLD’S GREATEST COFFEE ROLLS!


Boom!  That just happened.  I suggest if you plan on coming down and volunteering with us that you get here right at 8 or Ed Collard is liable to pound down half the sheetpan and you might go without Winking smile

95 East Main St Captain Joe and Sons


We will be having coffee and donuts, giving away GMG Stickas and drawing names from our Earth Day Volunteers for some long sleeve GMG embroidered T Shirts and an embroidered GMG cap (donated by Paulie Walnuts) There will be an Art Rock hidden.  For our waterfront dockside cleanup.

Send in your volunteer pictures from around the city I’ll be live blogging it all day long and we want to give recognition to all those folks that are making a difference today!



Melissa Cox is picking up the goodies and yellow bags along with the ones that Rose LoPiccolo dropped off.  Melissa is also bringing disposable gloves in case you don’t have any.

7:10AM Melissa and Bill Cox show up with first round of goodies for our volunteers-


7:20 Art Rock Is Hidden


Alice Gardner Shows Up


Alicia’s Cox’ Coffee rolls-


Karen Ristuben writes-

Hi Joey,
Here’s evidence that every day should be Earth Day.


We got 30 Bags, Pictured left to right Joey C, Melissa Cox, Bill Cox,Ed Collard, Alice Gardner and Kim Smith.

Alice Gardner did a fantastic job and picked up Cripple Cove Landing


Pictured- Bill Cox Who Found His First Art Rock


We are bringing the leftover coffee rolls, donuts and coffee to the Visitor’s Center at Stage Fort.  Great work team!  Thanks to Donna Ardizzoni and The One Hour at a Time Gang and Donna for dropping off water for the volunteers.  Thanks to our volunteers, thanks to Paulie Walnuts for donating the swag, thanks to Alicia Cox at Mamie’s Kitchen for the discounted coffee rolls, thanks to Rose LoPiccolo for her coordinating and Patti Amaral and the rest of the people all over the city and world who are pitching in to make this place we live a better place.

Alice Gardner’s Earth Day Photos from The Dock

Alice writes-


What a fun time we had! Thank you and Happy Anniversary!  Love that limited edition sticker.  The last pictures are of my Earth Day Flag.

Rose LoPiccolo and Patti Amaral With their Earth Day Clean Up Crew At Stage Fort Park


Earth Day Educational Material at Stage Fort Park


Earth Day Volunteer List


Fruits and Veggies Collected for The Open Door Food Pantry


Rose LoPiccolo Reports-

Hi Joey!

Glad to hear it was a success down on the dock!  I don’t have as many photos of different locations as I would like to have had.  I checked in at Stage Fort Park – and there was a group hard at work spreading mulch, not sure but i think it was the Rotary Club – I’ll double check that for you.  Then I got a call  from Laurel Tarantino asking if anyone was looking for a spot to clean – she was at the lower end of Essex Avenue  – the marsh stretch to Dunkin Donuts… so I decided to head down there to give her a had for a bit before I bounced around to check in with everyone,  I ended up staying there all morning and never went anywhere else!  While we were cleaning – A Hiltz truck stopped and took about 8 bags for us – we ended up picking up about 20 bags just from that little stretch!!!!

Thank you so much for all your help and I really love my cool GMG metalic sticker!!!!


A couple of late additions from Rose LoPiccolo

This just in from Bob Scola – he raked all of Pavilion Beach!!!


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