Jimmy T Wants To Save my Soul

Jimmy writes-

Dear Joey,

I feel like I owe you a favor for all the coverage you’ve given the International Dory Race Committee, so I’m offering you the chance to save your soul. You’ve always claimed to love Gloucester so much, how can you use your blog as a tool to further your own financial interests, knowing it will destroy the Working Waterfront that your father helped build???  Have you no conscience???

Please take a step back and re-evaluate your position before it’s too late. Your invited to the “Annie” next Monday night for a Public Forum. Will you stand with Jim Davis, Sheree DeLorenzo, Mac Bell and Sam Parisi or will you stand for the working people of Gloucester and help save our waterfront!

Still your friend!

Jimmy T.

P.S: Feel free to post this, I am in my documentation of this very important time in Gloucester history.

I will first state that I respect Jimmy T just as I respect Damon Cummings and consider them both quality individuals, great family men and great Gloucester citizens.

However I can not disagree more with them on their stance on Gloucester Harbor.

My response.

My interest in seeing Birdseye prosper is the same as it is for I4-C2, the Paint Factory and the way it was when I supported Gloucester Crossing which had nothing to do with the waterfront but so many of the same people opposed.

I am for jobs for our City.  I am for economic development and more taxes being paid to our City to support strong schools, better roads and better sewer systems along with all the benefits all Gloucester residents will receive when there is money to support our public financial responsibilities.

I am not one of these people who would like to erect a gate at the bridge and only allow people that were born here the right to come here and buy a piece of property and raise a family.  I do not equate people that make money as being the devil.  Are there rich people that are true jerks?  Absolutely, but there are plenty of rich people who are some of the nicest people you would meet just as there are some poor jerks and poor sweethearts.

It isn’t a class war for me 24/7.

If we kept to the way of thinking that we don’t want any other people coming to Gloucester  we wouldn’t have these people-

Carolyn Kirk –Mayor That Balanced our Budget and Raised Our Bond Rating

Dawn Gadow- Director of Art Haven

Ken and Nicole Duckworth- Proprietors of the #1 Zagat Rated Restaurant in The Northeast

Donna Ardizzoni- Founder of The One Hour at a Time Gang

Maggie Rosa- Gloucester Education Foundation and Save City Hall

Marty Luster- GMG Contributor and Photog Extraordinaire

Vickie and Peter Van Ness- Creators of Celebrate Gloucester Music Festival and people who organized The Joe Garland Tribute

Ed Collard- Major Builder of The Lobster Trap Tree and One Hour at A Time gang Member and anywhere there is a community need you see Ed helping out.

Melissa Cox- Ward Councillor and One Hour at a Time Gang Member

John McElhenny- A member of Gloucester’s Open Space and Recreation Committee, board of directors of the Sawyer Free Librar and PR for Gloucester

Frieda Grotjahn- owner Again and Again Sailbags in East Gloucester Square.

and so many more people that came here because they loved it.

You won’t stop these types of people from coming here and quite frankly I hope they don’t stop coming.  Communities change and not all change is bad.

Speaking about Sheree deLorenzo and Jim Davis as if they were the devil is absurd to me.  It baffles me how you could poo poo the generous donation of $500,000 to rebuild Newell Stadium by Jim Davis saying that he should somehow give more???  That sure isn’t chump change to anyone.  Really?  Sheree DeLorenzo at Cruiseport took a derelict property, turned it into hundreds of jobs and supports hundreds of vendors all while maintaining the waterfront at her and Jim Davis’ property for Marine Industrial use. Not one fishing boat was ever asked to leave.  But the rhetoric from the anti folks would have you believe that she is displacing fishing boats or marine industrial activity.  Lies and slander.

Instead of demonizing her I’d think that she and Cruiseport should be celebrated as a model of how marine industrial can coexist alongside and even on the same property.  Cruiseport is living proof.

Want more proof?  Look at the Giacalone’s Fisherman’s Wharf which is directly next to Latitude 43’s outdoor restaurant deck and the Gloucester House.    By your way of thinking you would be reading about police reports on a daily basis because they can’t coexist.  But THEY DO AND HAVE!

More?  Brown’s Yacht Yard next to International Lobster.  OMG how do they do it?  I’m surprised they don’t have daily riots over there because they simply can’t coexist!  Guess what?  They have.  For decades.

The people that would have nothing happen here would have told Sam Park to screw and every family of Gloucester would be paying at least $2500 a year more in grocery bills because we were at the mercy of Stop and Shop and Shaws who were RAPING US.

I4-C2 did not have a single bidder for that property after it went out for bid from the City.   Not one.    That speaks volumes.  As they say, put up…

I’d like to see one example where Sheree or Mac Bell twisted someone’s arm to sell their property.  I hear people use the words “Forced to sell”  When???  Show me when.

Talking about selling my soul?

I’d say you have a chance Jimmy to not sell your soul because change is going to happen and we can have a say in it instead of blocking it and blocking it and blocking it and coming up with places like I4-C2 vacant instead of providing jobs and taxes.  Every year that goes by is a year that taxes could have been collected to pay for better schools or to keep our Fire Stations Open.  The Paint Factory, still vacant unless a magical 10 million drops into the laps of Ocean Alliance.

I’m not sure how people could not want money to pay for better schools and take care of the City Infrastructure and how the disconnect between responsible economic development with the increase in taxes and jobs pays for these needs to support our City.

I’d say selling your soul would be to not embrace change by recognizing that you don’t have to displace fishing boats to allow uses that create jobs on the upland parts of these properties.  Selling your soul would be to accept anything less.

I think that as long as we don’t displace fishing boats from their berths that there is plenty of waterfront to offload the incredibly consolidated fishing fleet and to not recognize that the fleet has been radically consolidated is to misrepresent the situation.

If you don’t want these people from out of town to come here any more you should rail against The Downtown Block Parties, Rail Against our Beautiful Beaches, Rail against all of the Awesome Community Events we have, Rail against the Art Scene, Rail against the Farmer’s Market.  These are the fantastic things that are bringing people here.   People love it here and aren’t going to stop coming.  Communities change, communities evolve.

The biggest crime against our community IMO is not supporting initiatives for jobs and to better our schools and public safety through an increased tax base.  That my friend would be selling out by not wanting opportunities for the best schools and public safety for our community.

So saying I’m a sell out and don’t want what is best for our community is not the way I see it at all.   I say that the people that are living with the best views in the city on the Fort and not paying what normal waterfront residential taxpayers pay makes it harder to support our school system.  It makes it harder to fill in the potholes and it makes it more difficult to pay to keep the outlaying fire stations open.  So you’re calling me selfish?  Allowing for responsible development would provide the jobs and provide the tax base so that the tax burden on residents around the entire city wouldn’t have to bear the brunt of it.  Yeah, I won’t be at the witch hunt at The Annie.  I can only imagine what kind of shit show that’s going to be.  You know how I feel as I’ve never waivered.

Jim I know you are passionate about your feelings and I know you are a quality person through and through, I just completely disagree with you just like most of the fishermen that I speak to on a daily basis tell me.  That they don’t see a problem with it as long as their boats are not being displaced.

Jim, Gloucester isn’t just filled with Tarantinos, Ciaramitaros, Favazzas, Palazolas, Frontieros, Aeillos and Novellos any more.

It’s Filled with Tarantinos, Kirks, Favazzas, Duckworths, Frontieros, Cox’, Aiellos, Rosas, Novellos, Van Ness’, Ciaramitaros, Collards, Interrantes, Gadows, Palazolas, Grotjahns and more and to be honest I like the new Gloucester and all of it’s diversity and energy.

Oh and BTW Clarence Birdseye- Born In Brooklyn NY.  God bless yet another out of towner.

94 thoughts on “Jimmy T Wants To Save my Soul

  1. You nailed it, Joey. How sad that we’re challenged to be “with or against”, with no gray- just black or white. Truly good people who, for their own reasons, with a narrower field of vision than others.


    1. Congratulations Joey in your wise and appropriate response to old time and anti progress Jimmy….Education is the even playing field of our society and to deny evolution of Gloucester to improve its Schools and infrastructure is being selfish and ignorant in how our town progresses and
      give decent paying jobs to our citizens
      I salute you for being such a strong voice in our community


    1. Yep a Hamilton resident who moved there to build a house so he could take care of his brother in law who lost his legs and motor skills to memengitis the day after he graduated from high school and wanted to be close to his parents that live in Hamilton. That’s exactly right, a resident of Hamilton that grew up in East Gloucester, gets to Gloucester at 4:45AM 7 days a week and usually leaves well after dark every single day spending more waking hours here than most.


      1. AMEN JOEY!!! You are a good man, good husband and A SUPERB DAD AND SON… I AM VERY PROUD TO KNOW YOU AND AGREE 100%. You prove on a daily basis, not only are you a upstanding man but you also show that “CHANGE” is a good thing in this town and without it we would ALL be belly up!! I thank you!


  2. Well said Joey, I totally agree with you. As Linn stated it is a challenge. I again thank you for your insight. We all love this city. My husband and I moved here for the love of this place. We have been here almost eight years but my soul has been here for 59 years.


  3. Thank you Joey for taking the time to write eloquently and passionately about a topic so vitally important to Gloucester’s future. Thanks, too, for not politicising and for treating all parties respectfully. I am excited for Gloucester’s future; it’s infectious! I hope you’ll make this a sticky for the next few days–so important.


  4. It’s refreshing to hear more voices weighing in on the future of The Fort — both for and against change. In past debates over the last couple years, only one side was heard. So nothing changed.

    Nobody cares more about Gloucester than Joey C. Gloucester — and we who live here — are lucky to call him our own.


  5. Joey, I couldn’t agree with you more. I came here in 1979 and have seen many changes since then, but have never understood the I4-C2 wasteland. People come here from all over the country and want to be on the waterfront. We should be making the most of all these opportunities. A hotel on the Birdseye property sounds like a great idea.


  6. I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention EJ,Father Green, Beth Swan,and our other contributors to GMG who obviously got their roster spot because of their love of this place and their community spirit.


  7. I have never met anyone on Cape Ann that displays, everyday, a true and deep passion for Gloucester, its residents and visitors alike. Right on Joey!


  8. Joey nobody could have said it better. I am in total agreement with you. Maybe you should attend the meeting at the Annie and give them a reasonable and sane perspective.


    1. I’ve been at meetings with these folks. It’s going to be a witch hunt. Ask Jeremy Goldberg from Cape Ann Brewing how they treated him at his liquor licensing meetings. It was s circus.

      No thanks, I’ve said what I wanted to way. Hopefully the politicians will lead and do what is so obviously right.


      1. Mayor Kirk is a savvy business woman, I’m sure she’ll do what’s right. The Fort does not have it’s own zip code. Jeremy Goldberg thankfully prevailed.


  9. Jimmy t is passionate about his cause and why not it is a beautiful one..he loves his city, as I do, joey c does and all of GMG ..but if we do not welcome investors into our beauport, we call the Fort, we are hurting our community, not “preserving our community”. I know very few like Mac bell, but he has single-handedly, transformed this city…for the better. Unfortunately, Mac was compelled to sell to Mr. Davis because of the resistance met from residents. Hopefully Mr. Davis can continue Mac’s progress and keep it a beauport? p.s I never really cared for Mac myself, but appreciated his vision and if he turned a profit…GOD BLESS AMERICA.


  10. If you want an example of an “outsider” who fell in love with Gloucester, moved here, and made a real impact in the community, look no further than Coach Jim Munn. He not only made a difference in the lives of every athlete he coached but taught you to love and appreciate this place. People make communities, plain and simple. Hats off to ya Joey.


  11. “Allowing for responsible development would provide the jobs and provide the tax base so that the tax burden on residents around the entire city wouldn’t have to bear the brunt of it.”

    There are other ways generate tax revenue. Building a hotel is not the only option. But we all know that inevitably, theres going to be a hotel built in that spot. Thats what happens when we’re spoon fed headlines about the fishing industry being dead and what not. I don’t know about anyone else here, but in the summer, I shouldn’t have to worry about beating out a tourist for a spot in the parking lot at my own beach. Its apparent everyone wants Gloucester to become a tourist trap; just be careful what you wish for.


  12. Mr/Mrs.Anonymous, fighting for a parking spot should be way down on your list of priorities……..how bout fighting for an improved school system or better roads. Think long term for our kids futures……………Thanks, a fort resident


  13. Point well made, Joe…sorry that Anon is really a “cheap shot artist” and can’t reveal their real self…what they also forget is that you and your cousin are “fully vested” by your ownership of 95 East Main…who cares where you rest your head at night…please keep up the good fight!


  14. You have become quite the spinmaster! McElhenney, a real Gloucesterman, is proud of you!
    Quite a wordy response, are you trying to convince yourself of all that bull???
    I’m not against people from out of town that settle here. Joe Garland said it all in his final words, “We are in a crucial time in our history, faced with urgent challenges. We can get it together and pick up the challenge and regain our togetherness and our pride or be overrun by interests that want to exploit this magical place for their own benefit?”

    I tried. St. Peter will see you at the Gate.


    1. It’s difficult to believe Jimmy T. when he says that “I’m not against people from out of town that settle here” when two sentences before he ridicules someone from out of town that settled here.


      1. I’m not ridiculing you, Mr. McElhenny, I’m simply exposing you. Don’t you think readers have a right to know your a Public Relations man who works for Gloucester, specializing in the manipulation of Social Media, before they evaluate your position on the future of Gloucester? Please don’t try to spin me as some troll who wants to “erect a gate” against visitors.Thousand of residents see me taking visitors for dory rides all summer long!
        The tide of awareness is rising.
        Jimmy T.


    2. Responsible development can benefit all and that is not exploitation.
      Obstructionism does nothing to keep a place “magical”; it can make a place “backward”.
      Snap out of it. there is room for all at the pearly gates.


    3. Its hard to take Jimmy T serious after he incessantly begged the city to vote for him to be cast on a tv gameshow. Never have I met a bigger self promoter, if he had won the money what are the chances he’d still be living in the fort. He’s cried pony-tailed wolf too many times. “St. Peter will see you at the gate”, get a grip.


      1. You know I bet he still would be living there. Although his results weren’t all that stellar on Survivor if you know him he really is nothing like the way they edited that show. He’s one of the funniest people I know.
        I wasn’t happy with what he wrote me but hey what can you do the man is passionate.

        I still don’t agree with him on the issue but I respect a lot about him.

        Sometimes I say things when I’m passionate that can get away from me. Not saying he would say it any differently and not saying I’m happy with what he wrote me but I know him and his family to be good people.

        That line about St Peter meeting me at the gate? Believe me, I have a pretty clear conscience about my convictions and it isn’t about me, it’s about Downtown Gloucester and it’s for the good of the entire Gloucester community and our future.


        1. I’m glad that you wrote that last post, Joey. Thank you. Your words raised this dialogue up several notches. As men and women who love Gloucester, we belong to each other; sometimes we need to help each other to remember that.
          Jimmy is a good, good man. He works hard, is an incredible family man, neighbor and friend and loves this city. He is intelligent and kind and knows so much about our natural environment! His passion for life is extraordinary and he is, indeed, very funny. Sound familiar?
          Besides, he likes me and I’m from Vermont! I have never been more warmly welcomed and included anywhere, than down The Fort. For that, I am truly thankful.


  15. Reading what you wrote made me want to cry (but I’m pregnant, so maybe that’s what my constant waterworks are really about). When I moved here I was shocked at how deep this outsider-vs-insider thing, the Rockport-vs-Gloucester thing, the rich-vs-working class thing runs. It’s intimidating to constantly be surrounded by people who tell you that you have no right to weigh in on what sort of future your community should have because you’re not a native. Then I read an account of the history of Gloucester and realized the Sicilians only came here just over one hundred years ago, the Portuguese just half a century before, the Yankees a century before that — when they displaced the only real natives who have ever lived here…on and on it goes. The only constant is change, either deterioration of improvement. Appropriate development is tricky, but refusing to move forward out of fear is just a death spiral for any community. We’ve seen the same thing in Rockport over the decade I’ve lived here, when trying to get a 325-seat world class performance center built in a dying downtown was about as much fun as trying to get permission to build a brothel in terms of the level of “native” support. Actually, prostitutes might have had an easier time of it than a few cellists and violinists playing tunes for a few hundred retirees.
    I love Rockport (and Gloucester, and the rest of Cape Ann) as much as the next slob around here and now when anyone tries to pull the native card with me I just point out that I’m glad they told me they were born here, because now I know who to blame for the state of things. Anyway, thanks for having the guts to refuse to play the us-vs-them game. It’s what makes GMG so amazing – you truly support all the good stuff around here, no matter who is putting it together. And keep having the discussion about the right kind of development for the waterfront, where every voice is heard, from Jimmy T. to Jim Davis.


  16. Joey, That was extremely well written. I’am a born and rasied Bostonian who has been living in Vermont for the last 20 years. I’am currently in the process of moving to Gloucester. Love Vermont but can no longer stay and be so far away from the ocean and specifically Cape Ann. I cant wait to meet You ! I read GMG everyday, and love it ! Gloustaman67.


  17. Joey
    Perhaps your best article to date. Good to see a reasoned responce to all the noise being generated. Keep up the good work.
    Dangerous Dick


  18. You fired the clarion shot heard ’round the world, at least on Cape Ann! Common sense and a fired up, motivated citizenry will prevail. You have clearly defined the issues. Ron Gilson


  19. Joey,
    We have to move forward! I totally agree with you and so many others. We can never bring back what fishing once was to the city,


  20. Bravo Joey, your retort to Mr. Tarantino’s simplistic “keep it stagnant, the rest of you keep out” position was well thought out and well written. Gloucester is a special place yes, but we have more problems than we can count (although you mentioned many). It could be so much better here, but I fear some, who have probably neither traveled nor lived anywhere else, are simply ignorant with respect to the city’s true potential. No man is an island, no city should be either. And lastly, as far as the “save the working waterfront” comments from Jimmy T., last I read in the paper, there’s less of such work every year, hence our steady decline. And with the Obama Administration’s NOAA goal of killing off our fishing industry entirely, it will continue to dwindle, count on it. Should we not then have a Plan B? I guess some would rather just sit around and talk about how “good the old days were” from what will become their derelict city.


  21. Interesting, Joey, how a couple of the people that disagree with you are “anonymous” commenters. Also interesting how the people that want “no change” are willing to let 2 of the most visible properties in Gloucester, from the harbor as well as from the street, simply sit there and rot. When was the last time you heard someone say “Let’s go to the beach and sit in front of the abandoned building”. Or “Let’s take a walk by the water near that trashy empty lot.” Change can be painful but eventually the pain goes away. Neglect causes suffering and goes on and on. I’m glad a lot of Gloucester folk are tired of suffering. Keep up the good work.


  22. Joseph, you are a gentleman and a scholar. You could not of said it better. I so so agree with you, and I thank you for your strength and ability to stand up for what you believe, and most importantly your ability to put it into words in a forum as wonderful as GMG.

    My Family has been firmly here in Gloucester for 5 Generations, it is a beatutiful place with so much to offer, but one thing for sure about Gloucester, it has evolved over the centuries and will continue to do so for centuries to come.

    I would also like to thank Jim and Sheree for their strength and ability to push onwards despite the loud nay-sayers May the normally Silent Majority prevail on this one. Hope the Mayor and Planning Board Members are readers of GMG.

    Joseph E. McKechnie


    1. I don’t want to be the voice on this.

      It’s time for leaders to lead and do what’s best for Gloucester- jobs and responsible development to pay for the best educations we can afford for our children, the best public safety and keeping our infrastructure needs solvent.

      After all many campaigned on change.


  23. Dear Jimmy T,
    Like Joey I also respect you but shame on you. I was particularly offended by your offer to ‘save Joey’s soul’ and the attack on his morals. I found this extremely pompous and uncalled for because as you know, even if he has a different opinion than you on this issue Joey’s heart bleeds Gloucester. That being said I want to thank you for bringing attention to the ‘Public Forum’ being held at the Annie where I will proudly stand next to Jim Davis, Mac Bell, Sheree DeLorenzo and Sam Parisi and the hard working people of Gloucester who are sick and tired of the grand standing obstructionist who have cost my city millions in lost revenue over the past 30 years or so. Put me down as one who wants to hear intelligent discussion about the much needed development and improvement of our waterfront properties and not just more obstructionist rhetoric. Ed Collard


  24. You Go Joey!!! I’m right behind you all the way. I remember when they were fighting about Burger King and McDonald’s!! Small minds. God bless Gloucester Crossing. We are so lucky for Sam Park’s vision. And the best of luck to Jim Davis and Mac Bell. I could use a Job.


  25. Great, well thought-out response, Joey. I completely agree with you. I first visited Gloucester in 1993 and then spent the next several years figuring out how to move here, finally accomplishing that in 2000. Funny how many of us who CHOSE to live here are more expansive in our outlook for the future and our praise for our City; so many native-born grumble and grouch about G-town and have only learned to say “no.” You truly hit a nerve today, Joey.


  26. Joey,
    Very well put, and thanks for always making this outsider feel welcome. I love this community and so happy to be a part of GMG.


  27. As a visitor to Gloucester just once a year for the past 35, I am always anxious to see what has changed from one year to the next. Changes I have observed have been positive, good for the community, good for the economy and good for visitors…and they have represented opportunity for becoming a better place for everyone. Would love to see Gloucester united over the good to come!


  28. To attack Joey is to show how naive and isolationis people can be around here. Rediculous how those opposed to growth cite the possibilities for personal gain in GMG as an evil, while simeltaneously drawing lines and hoarding resources without renewing them.

    I’ve been in Gloucester for about 12 years, not much compared to some. An “import” who supports local business, raises family, and serves others is far more deserving of a voice than any native who sits on it while their local resources dwindle.

    No industry can survive on its own. No one is an island. Fishing needs tourism, as well as an infrastructure and diversity of community services (like shops in the Crossing). Notariety is only bad when we let it become so (i.e. scandals, disasters, etc.)

    The GMG blog is one of the best example of a grass-roots public relation improvement on whole of the North Shore in over two decades.

    Of course Joey will look like a…personality…from time to time. I personally respect how the Duckworths do this with less pizzaz, but they play a different role, and it takes all kinds to make a world. Besides, it makes me want to buy fresh fish and have a local fishmonger, when I know something about the process. Without exposure, all industries become highly commoditized.

    Joey has taken the image of the guy on the dock and elevated it, polished and placed on the mantle for people to admire. That’s another role he plays.

    You play a role too, Jimmy, did you know? You’re just playing it all wrong with this one.


  29. Bravo, Joey. Your eloquence moved me to tears. As the daughter of a Rockport native and an artist who moved to Cape Ann from Pennsylvania, I embody the model “mixed-breed” Cape Ann-er. Not only that, my family moved away when I was 1 1/2 and I returned as an adult to live in Pigeon Cove 1988. I have seen changes in Gloucester and Rockport, both good and bad. But I recognize the importance of moving forward and development is just part of that process. The point is to manage the way change happens and make it work for as many as possible. Change is what life is all about and thanks to people like you, we can have a voice in the change that affects our lives. Your journalism deserves very high marks. Thanks for what you do and please don’t ever stop speaking your mind. You rock, Joey!


  30. Good job of responding to Jimmy T with common sense and bringing the issue to the table were opinions should be execised.Now my two cents ,Fiirst I lived during the the days before Urban Renewal tried to clean up some of the blight that had exsisted in Gloucester. Many building, wharfs streets and homes were take ,torn down to open up the views and transform a degrading waterfront with an eye to a new waterfront for the 20 and 21 centuries and further.It wasn’t perfect where is it but in God, so people make mistakes ,WE LEARN from they and try to do better. Now I know the Fort area well My mother and father ‘s families moved from the bustle of Boston to bring their families to a beautiful city compared to Boston of the 20’s. My mother and father married and first lved in a home on one of the courts that is now the Birds Eye parking lot then bought a house on Mansfield St .My grandamother on my mothers side lived on Beach Court, were I first lived and raise three of five children there and family members still own that house. Now to issues; the fort was an Indusrial complex with homes built in this complex, families worked,sweated and lived along side trucks in and out of tiny streets,loud compressors runing the heart of this complex, with some grumbling but survived here.Many moved out and spread out,which is a good sign of a healthy city.i have no problem with a hotel today on the old Birds Eye property; Will it cause issues ,Hell yes it will,but compromises by responsible people has to happen. Stay involved and we can help mold a good outcome. Some problems I have will be public acess to Pavilon Beach, Noise, parkiing and traffic . these and other corcerns will have to be aired and ironed out.


    1. Thanks Joe Testaverde. Your comments as one of the pillars of Gloucesters fishing community aboard the Midnight Sun speaks volumes.
      The Midnight Sun

      Joe was on the Waterways Commision and on the first Waterways Board , long time Director/ President of Fisherman’s wharf who build the new building, member and President of Fisheries Commision, long time member of Fisherman’s Loan Fund, State Fisheries boards and adviser to Federal Fisheries councile , 1985 N.F. Highlander of the year for the east coast and Ex Director of Gloucester Inshore Fisheries Association that got fisherman involved with the politics of fishing which evolved into the new fishing group of today.
      Joe wants people involved within the community.
      Thanks for the honesty and integrity you bring to the discussion Joe.


  31. Hmmmm…..Stand for the working people and save the waterfront. If I’m not mistaken doesn’t he “work” for NOAA the enemy of the fisherman that is trying to collapse the fishing industry?


    1. JImmy T does or did work as a Fish Insecpter for NOAA , NOAA and N.M.F.S. is a problem becaudse it is blotted and filled wih lots of ECO TERRORIST kinds but also many good people who can’t comment because of fear of firing or worst and have to signing a non disclousure form under penltley of law. OUR Government at work for themselves annd not WE the people.


      1. Well he expects Joey to give up his livelihood in the name of pride, maybe he should do the same since NOAA will ruin the waterfront as we konw it far faster than any hotel.


        1. I appreciate folks sticking up for me but let’s not attack Jimmy, especially anonymously. He and his family are really nice people.

          I will vouch for him in that he may work for whatever agency he works for but he isn’t maliciously out to hurt fishermen.

          We need to be able to disagree, lay out the arguments and discuss things civilly. I don’t want GMG to devolve into a cesspool of anonymous bashing.

          Thanks again for everyone understanding we are all in this together.


      2. I try to stay off these spin blogs, but sometimes the comments are so far from the truth I can’t stand by and listen any more.
        I am a Seafood Inspector for NOAA. I make sure the fishsticks your kids eat are safe and wholesome. To persecute me for my job is similar to attacking weathermen, who also work for NOAA, for the acts of the Fisheries branch.
        Would you beat up a black man because a black man raped a woman in Alabama???
        Joe T., your a good man, but if you think this re-zoning issue is ONLY about one piece of property down the Fort, you may as well believe Joey C. that I want to erect a gate on the bridge and “don’t want change”, the Profiteers favorite spin line!
        Jimmy T.


        1. See, this is what I would consider spin or lies whatever you want to call it-

          This is spin-
          When folks say that Sheree DeLorenzo intends to not let people use the beach.

          Here is spin-
          That Sheree DeLorenzo is forcing to people sell their homes.

          Here is spin-
          That Hotels can exist near Marine activity- Hook Lobster next to Rowe’s wharf in Boston a Prime example.

          Here is spin-
          That Sheree DeLorenzo intends to somehow jeopardize the Fiesta when in fact she is excited to fill her hotel with residents and guests for the Fiesta.

          Here is spin-
          That hotels can’t exist on the water in Gloucester when during the largest landings of fish and with the most number of fishing boats in our harbor there were far greater hotels that existed here.

          Here is spin-
          That only one person stands to gain from a hotel there when the hundreds of restaurants, whale watches, downtown museums, cafe’s, and downtown merchants would benefit from it as well as caterers, florists, linen people, managers, houskeepers, electricians, salespeople, ect, ect, ect.

          Here is spin-
          That I wouldn’t welcome a hotel in my neighborhood instead of a giant empty building that employs NO ONE.

          Here is spin-
          That there are biotech companies beating down our doors to come open up shop here when there have been and are vacant parcels along the waterfront that do not get bid and operational.

          Here is spin-
          That people who are hard working and would like to invest money in our community and pay more taxes to our city coffers are somehow evil.

          I’ve got more but I’m hungry and I’m gonna go eat a sammich.

          Joey C
          Again, I’d like to not have to get involved with all this and I’d prefer to let the leaders lead but keep getting called out.


        2. Not exactly sure where I wrote Jimmy T said this. Pretty sure it says “folks”. But whatever, you know this is the silly spin blog where I guess I’m the only one that can be called out with accusations and I continue to try to stay civil.


        3. Spin Blog? How dare you! Just because you and Joey are on different sides, you shouldn’t insult this “Spin Blog” as you say, That got you into That TV Show SURVIVOR.
          Joey has done more good for this city than any of the obstructionist’s have ever done for Gloucester.
          I vote to keep Joey on this Island!


  32. Bravo Joey – and all who understand the importance of “vision” for the future growth of the City. Growth for today and for thoes who will still arrive on the land and the shores with the same energy, joy and enthusiasm as it happened in 1623. Everytime I see yet another story on this stalemate I still harken back to my desire to see the building having multi-use…. A bright and thriving combined use of housing & retail space for ARTISTS – work-in, live-in, sell-in studio gallerys! After all – doesn’t this use embrace a bit of everything for just about everyone? I would be the first to sign up!!!


  33. Bravo! This is a wonderful thread to read. Thank you, Joey, for bringing so much to my family’s adopted hometown. I would point to GMG as the single most powerful driver of a more unified, and prosperous, Gloucester since its launch, and I can only see more positive growth in our future. So thank you, everyone, for everything you do to make Gloucester a truly magical place to live.


    1. Wow, well over 50 posts to this thread.
      I sure hope all of you who are local will be a the “Annie” next Monday night to back Joey’s stance at the Public Forum on this issue. I can’t be there but, if I couls I’d be holding the door open for you


      1. Bill.. I’ll be sure to be there and I’ll hold the door open. I also hope that every ward councilor and councilors at large feel that this is worthy of their time as well as the citizenry to be at this public forum. I haven’t had the time to check what is on the council docket on Monday yet but I will. This isn’t to back Joey’s stance but to let our elected officials know that there is another, less heard from voice in our lovely community about our future. Hoping to see you all there to help mold our future. Ed


  34. Very good Joey. You even opened my eyes to the working waterfront because I never wanted to see things like Cruiseport go in there & like you said as long as boats aren’t displaced & a little extra is left, in case, with the help from the Lord above, things get better & there is still room for some more new boats, then you just made me realize how right you are.


    1. Joey,
      Why do you allow anonymous posts? Sometimes they are just harmless ideas by someone too silly or embarassed to show their name. Other times they are just plain mean talk to others who don’t hide behind their anonimity


  35. Bravo, Joey. I spoke once to a beloved “lifer” (I moved to Gloucester seven years ago; he grew up here) about building the tax base to fix the potholes. His response? “Fix the potholes for WHO?” There was so much anger in that response — it seemed almost irrational. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your words. With your permission, I will link to them via my own blog.


  36. I live in Manchester and spend a lot of time in Gloucester. Thank you to Joey for stating so clearly what needed to be said and for responding to a lot of misinformation. Change is not always bad and change should not be used as code for tourist trap. This change will be good for Gloucester and all of Cape Ann.


  37. Dear Joey,
    I am so grateful for your blog and all you do to promote Gloucester. Your blog is inspiring and such an incredible asset to our community. Even as a native, I have learned so much about our breathtaking City through your contributors and fans. I wholeheartedly appreciate when you passionately promote Tiny Island Beach Glass, You know how inspired I am by the magic during Fiesta and the beauty of the ocean as well as the diverse, people who live here ~ be they natives or citizens who fell in love with this Beautiful Port and decided to ~ Wash Ashore. You share the same passion.
    ~ A passion as deep as the ocean we eat, breathe and sleep ~ on a daily basis.
    That said, I wanted to take some time to think before I responded to Jimmy’s letter as well as your response. We all know how passionate Jimmy gets when he believes in something. Jimmy knows how passionate he can get when he is touched by something so deep and close to his heart. We all can get like that. Growing up here we all share that same passion for Gloucester in one way or another. Those of us who know him, including you, who probably know him better than I do, know how to speak Jimmy T. What else can I say? But I am really glad he has opened up this discussion. You are both great personalities here.
    I am new to this rezoning debate. I barely keep up with what’s going on in the city. I had heard about the “Hold the Fort / Mac Bell Hotel” dispute, but I didn’t know enough and didn’t get involved ~ I am thankful for the people of The Fort who have brought this to my attention. Their neighborhood “Down the Fort” is a historic little gem in itself. It needs a bit of polishing and buffing and many would not disagree. If we didn’t have the rich history of The Fort and it’s fishing industry, we wouldn’t have some of the very traditions we continue to pass on to each new generation ~ traditions such as St. Peter’s Fiesta including the World Famous Greasy Pole Competition, Seine Boat Races, Blessing of the Fleet, parade, and the walk around St. Peter’s Square ~ the very traditions that were handed down from our parents and grandparents ~ the same traditions that we will pass on to our Children, and their children, whether or not they live in The Fort, or anywhere else in Gloucester.
    This is not a “Fort” problem. This is not a “keep tourists out” issue. In fact, my boyfriend Steve moved here from Albuquerque, New Mexico. He lives on the West End of Main Street and he loves the excitement and ethnicity of this part of town. Just a few months after moving here, he told me how he feels like he went from a desert guy to an ocean man and could see himself spending the rest of his life here. I am so happy that he’s here. Steve loves to listen to my stories of family and traditions and things I have taken for granted most of my life.
    I also want to point out that this is NOT a “we never want to change anything, anywhere in Gloucester” issue. This is an issue of preserving our heritage and “authenticity” of our collective “Beauport” home, Gloucester, Massachusetts. We should have some real city wide discussion before we change the rules in the name of rezoning. Apparently this group has been trying to raise awareness and stop rezoning for over 4 years?!
    The Fort Families are the keepers of our rich history. They are the ones who first realized this was going on and tried to get us to listen to what they had to say ~ We are listening now. The video ~ Gloucester Harbor: Insuring the Future ~ says a lot. I know I managed to think of a few things I’d like to see developed on the Birdseye site just by watching that.
    As I see it, Mr. Davis purchased the Birdseye property and he should be able to use it. I hope he uses it well and prospers. We all want to beautify the Fort Neighborhood ~ yes, including the residents there. I have spoken with them. What we should do, in my opinion is politely say to Mr. Davis that while we are excited to see him create something beautiful and useful on the Birdseye site, we need him to think of something that the zoning will allow. The zoning laws were created back in the day to protect our city from this very situation. The law allows us, as the Citizens of Gloucester to have a voice in the outcome of the rezoning issue.
    Again, I am new to this and I’m still learning about development and zoning, etc. ~ Not because I want to, but I feel I have to at this critical point in history. Gloucester is growing and changing and charged with so much positive energy. Why can’t we have a discussion so it will be a win- win for everybody? Like I said, we don’t mind if Mr. Davis develops it, but rezoning the Fort to do it should NOT be an option. He obviously had to know about the issues that have kept that area from being rezoned. My point is that Mr. Davis is a successful man and the odds are he has the finances to create something gorgeous that will fit in with and enhance Gloucester’s working waterfront without destroying the rich culture of The Fort. If he finds another space to build his hotel, preferably somewhere close to or in the heart of downtown, I would support that too. I will be ecstatic if Mr. Davis brings “MINDFULL” development to Gloucester which in turn creates the jobs we so desperately need here. I’m just asking that he re-think and choose another already-zoned-for-hotel-use location. Just think ~ while he’s focused on Gloucester, wouldn’t it be awesome if he built a sneaker factory in one of our industrial parks bringing even more jobs to Gloucester?
    Joey, you posted: I say that the people that are living with the best views in the city on the Fort and not paying what normal waterfront residential taxpayers pay makes it harder to support our school system. It makes it harder to fill in the potholes and it makes it more difficult to pay to keep the outlaying fire stations open. … Allowing for responsible development would provide the jobs and provide the tax base so that the tax burden on residents around the entire city wouldn’t have to bear the brunt of it.
    Joey, with all due respect, I don’t believe Mr. Davis’ current plan is going to save the soul of our city either. I certainly haven’t seen any changes in the schools nor fire stations reopen, that were promised when Downtown Crossing was ok’d.
    As you point out, we are a beautiful melting pot of diverse people ~ Portuguese, Italian, Finns, Brazilian, Irish, Scottish, white, black, gay, straight, Indian, Greek or Chinese and of different abilities ~ it doesn’t matter. We the People of this Beautiful City of Gloucester have to keep our eyes open. We are an extremely friendly, kind, loyal, talented, unique and artistic hard working group of people here in the 01930. We take care of each other. We come together when one of our own is in need. Gloucester’s Authenticity is in need. It doesn’t matter if you were born here or washed ashore yesterday. Look at how many bright and talented people live here!

    I am going to be at the forum on tonight. The organizers are looking forward to having a peaceful discussion about why rezoning is a bad idea. This is not going to be a witch hunt of any sort. Whether we agree or just agree to disagree, let’s open our eyes, our hearts and our minds and talk about this.

    In the meantime, I hope your readers will check out these inspiring and thought provoking videos on preserving Gloucester’s Future. ~ (click or copy and paste in your browser to view) If the links don’t come through, I will repost the actual web address.
    Gloucester Harbor: Insuring the Future:

    Ocean Crest’s Point of view

    Astrid Af Klinteberg & Patti Paige

    Fort Community Rep. Ann Malloy

    ~ This one is very Interesting. After sleeping on this letter overnight, I just found this link this morning and it sounds like the same things awakened her the same way it affected me. The people of Gloucester are not stupid, just asleep, and maybe some just a little blinded by false promises from the City. It’s a little long but it’s basically an admission that the city spent over $50,000 for a plan to rebuild of the Fort Neighborhood without public hearings before they went ahead and spent OUR money on a plan from what I’ve heard, that they can’t even use.
    The Happiest people don’t have the best of everything ~ they make the best of everything they have.

    ~ Build Gloucester for Gloucester ~
    ♥ AUTHENTIC Beauport ♥
    Thank you for your time,


    1. I don’t want to be the spokesperson for the opposing view Schmoop.
      I simply disagree.

      The Fishing industry is not what it once was when the amount of fish that was being landed is what put us into an overfished state and allowing it to go back to that would be disastroius to the long term futures of teh few remaining fishermen we have left.

      I know the people from Cruiseport, namely Shertee delorenzo and when I see her there she has an apron on busting her ass 7 days a week making sure the place is being run properly. She’s not just some person pointing her fingers and telling others to do the work.

      At Cruiseport there is more Marine Industrial activity now than there was before she and Jim Davis Came there. She didn’t kick Fishermen out just like she isn’t going around kicking Fort residents out.
      The propaganda films might lead you o believe that but I don’t think anyone is having a gun held to their head and being told they must sell their property.

      I believe that you simply do not offload fisdhing boats on a beach. It just does not happen. You have a building that has been empty and someone that wants to make a huge investment in our community to provide jobs. How is that possibly considered a bad thing?

      Who said that they are going to do away with Fiesta? IMO this is all scare tactics. There has been no such talk of them putting an end to Fiesta.

      It’s rhetoric Schmoop but I think it’s slander to say or imply that that is what they intend to do and a scare tactic.

      I want our Downtown to prosper by the influx of patrons that wopuld drive down Washington street, park their cars and infiltrate the coffee shops, the restaurants, the whale watch boats, the Schooner Lannon and now pinky Schooner Ardelle. I want them spending money at Tiny Island Beach Glass, I want them visiting the Judith Sargent Murray Museum, The Heritage Center, The Cape Ann Museum and the merchants.

      All this with the ABSOLUTE BEST OF ALL SCENARIOS- by WALKING WITHOUT CARS! the best of all scenarios, people coming to support our businesses, restaurants and museums all by foot and without clogging up our streets becaus ethey parked off of Main Street and walked on up.

      I won’t be selling those folks lobsters over here in East Gloucester, they will be buying them from Intershell on their way out of town so it’s not as if it’s going to benefit me. It just seems like the most no-brainer of all no-brainers. I can’t even understand how there’s a debate about it.

      Where the Birdseye Building sits the State has no control over the zoning like it would at I4C2 which strictly prohibits it under the DPA. This parcel sits outside of the DPA.

      Three levels of taxes being paid to the city- Real estate Tax, Meals Tax AND Rooms Tax all on one parcel and this is something to say no to???? I mean it’s bananas to me.

      Can you imagine being a politician and five years from now you are running for office some where and your opponent says at a debate that you are not for jobs or business and you reply “why would you say that?”
      and his response is that you turned away an EIGHTY MILLION DOLLLAR INFUSION OF CAPITAL AND JOB CREATION. Who does that?

      It isn’t just to support one man- Jim Davis, it’s to support an entire community- the bread maker, the linen people the photographers, the restaurants up and down main street and Rogers Street, The Area attractions, our Museums, the hotel staff, the management, the list goes on and on. So no, I’m sorry I don’t agree with the same people that fought The Paint Factory, fought Gloucester Crossing, fought the Moose lodge coming down for the pocket park next to City Hall and fought the still empty I4C2.

      Ideally people stop asking me about it so I can stop talking about it. I’m tired of it and until the City Leadership steps up it’s futile for me to speak anyway. They haven’t listened to me in over 25 years of Harbor Planning meetings when we went to them with proposals to increase dockage inside the harbor for recreational boaters as well as fishermen. When they couldn’t see the benefit in that I stopped going and have tried to remove myself from the discussion although people continually want to pull me back in.


      1. Joey, I don’t think either of us really want to be in this kind of discussion to tell you the truth. Yes, we agree on most of what you said about bringing postive change and tourism to Gloucester. We can do this! But it has to be mindfull development. These are not scare tactics. If you really think about what rezoning The Fort will do to our life long traditions, you may catch a glimpse of what the future will hold. Even if it’s 20, 50 or 100 years later, Gloucester’s waterfront will simply become private. That is NOT acceptable.
        Tell me, if the zoning doesn’t happen and the zoning laws remain the same ~ IN fact, don’t tell me, let Sherree and Jim tell us all what plan B is. There’s always a plan B. Can’t you find a better use? Think marine research, observation, etc. I NEVER made any comments about either of them not being hard working people. Slander? Really? Give me a break.
        I didn’t write this letter to come after you or anybody else. I just want to set the facts straight. You took alot of space trying to shove the whole thing down our throats in response to Jimmy’s letter. You got alot of pats on the back for that. My conscious made me try to clear the smoke and let peole think for themselves. You have a great resource. If you are going to type your opinions ~ why can’t the oppostion have their say?


        1. I’m not saying it is you with the slander. I’m saying when people say that folks are being forced to sell that is not true. and when people say that these people are out to destroy the fishing industry that is not true. There are more fishing boats at her property now than there was before she bought it. Those are the facts, but I’m sure those are the facts you won’t hear tonight. You will hear about gentrification and people being forced to sell their homes and there will be propoganda films that will try to tell you that there are as many fishing boats and fish being landed here now as there were back when just about everyone you knew in this city had a family member in the fishing industry. That isn’t the way it is now. Fact. The Government is not going to allow it to be a free for all and the number of fishermen that once made this whole city hum with fish to fish like that again. That is what led us to become overfished and it would be disastrous. We can’t sustain the amount of fish that was landed in the 50’s and 70’s to be landed again in this port and that is why the entire port can not be saved for the fishing industry. The fish stocks would collapse again if you allowed that amount of fish to be landed. I’ll say it again just like my fishermen tell me. They want to make sure their boats don’t get displaced. They want to see responsible development on the upland parts of these properties. This port has had marine industry next to restaurants as long as we’ve been alive and there haven’t been problems.

          A hotel is not private, actually quite the opposite, it is for the PUBLIC use. A private business would be something else on that space where maybe the a marine industrial activity would take place and then they actually WOULD HAVE TO CLOSE OFF THE BEACH BEACAUSE IT WOULDN”T BE SAFE. Could you imagine fighting this proposal and then someone putting in a dehyde plant and then closing off the beach? Those people have been nothing but a positive for the city with the jobs and increased taxes and donating FREE to COUNTLESS NUMBERS of community organizations their function hall space for their fundraisers and more but you would think that by other people’s rhetoric that they were the devil.

          Where is the Biotech??? Where???? Did they put in a bid for I4C2??? It’s currently available you know. There are also open places at the State Fish Pier that aren’t rented. Have at it.


  38. As the founder of The Annie (and, Joey, another out-of-towner who was called here and is here to stay), I want to state that one of the things that I love and respect about Gloucester is the passion that lives in everyone who cares about the future of this city. I have worked tirelessly this last year to build bridges within this community. Agreeing to host tonight’s meeting was a no-brainer for me. To me, a theatre is a sacred space where heartfelt ideas are to be shared and received with respect, openness and love.

    I ask everyone tonight to honor the spirit of respect, openness and love that lives at The Annie, and perhaps we can strive to find compromise in a way that will lead Gloucester in a direction that will allow her to honor, maintain and fulfill her fullest potential as a maritime industry stronghold, an international draw for tourism, a national leader in the arts and a wonderful place to live and grow.

    I hear a lot of “black/white,” “either/or” in these posts & other conversations. Perhaps tonight we can explore a few ‘ands.’ Let’s come together as the unique and amazing community we already are and find a way to make this work in everyone’s favor. I believe it can happen. The Annie stands “at the crossroads of The Past, The Present, and The Future.” Let’s do the same as a community.

    Henry Allen


  39. Bravo Schmoopie! *applause* *standing ovation* *very, very loud whistle!*
    Thank you for your kindness and respect to all parties involved – and for speaking from the heart ❤


  40. I am proud to say that Gloucester is my hometown and even though I moved out of town 30 years ago, I get back as often as I can, for family/friend gatherings and most particularly for the St. Peter’s Fiesta … I have yet to miss this annual event and, now neither has my 20-year-old daughter … I am all for City improvements, but can someone please fill me in about these wonderful Fort improvements and answer me one question …Once the big Hotel is erected at the Birds Eye location and the surrounding residences and wharf areas are bulldozed, will the Fiesta cease to exist or perhaps it will be relocated to Stage Fort Park? Do tell!


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