Getting My Bhudda On At Red Rock Canyon With The Rabbit


You would think I might have been relaxed by looking at the first picture but due to my extreme fear of heights my heart was beating about a million beats per second.

Take a good look at that mellon on the Rabbit would you?  It’s like Elvis went gay and had sex with bhudda and somehow this was the offspring that resulted.  And not the young Elvis that all the young girls wet their panties over, the coked out peanut butter twinkie eating Elvis just before he croaked on the crapper.

I love you man.




6 thoughts on “Getting My Bhudda On At Red Rock Canyon With The Rabbit

  1. I dodged the left, the right was of it’s mark, and slam hit with a swift uppercut. The story of my life this week……Love how he picks my best picture ever taken….LOLOLOL 🙂


  2. Joey, if you’re afraid of heights, and even if you weren’t, what the hell are you doing hanging over that cliff like that and how did you get up there?!


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